Hey everyone! Those that I am in games with knew that I was going backpacking over the past week. Well, I've returned with an announcement. I'm stepping away from GamersPlane (and PbP in general). Prior to the trip I was having a hard time working up the motivation and inspiration for my posts, and I didn't think about my games at all while I was out and about. Now that I'm back, the difficulty has returned. And so I'm stepping away. I may return in the future, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Play-by-post has been a pretty wonderful thing that I discovered during the pandemic when I had just moved and was very alone. But now I have live games and an active social life, and this just isn't scratching the same itch anymore. In addition, I'm trying to focus on my professional pursuits both at work and in my hobbies. I appreciate everyone I've met here, and all the games I've participated in! And a special shout out to @Keleth for making such a great community!
[ +- ] My GMs and Players
@ForeverDED @GeneralET @Harrigan @KCC @dominion451 @Kaneda_Shepard @Adrasthea @Darkstar8 @Jomsviking @Robago @BedzoneII