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Aug 7, 2024 6:55 pm
I have been offline for a week or so but back now. :)
Aug 8, 2024 4:59 pm
GeneCortess says:
I have been offline for a week or so but back now. :)
Aug 12, 2024 10:57 pm
I'm sorry everyone, but I'm currently in the process of leaving an abusive roommate. I have to get out of my house ASAP before the situation degenerates further. So, in the coming weeks, maybe months, I'll be aggressively looking for a new place to stay. I'm afraid this will monopolize a lot of my time. I am already mentally and emotionally exhausted, and I'm probably soon boing to be physically exhausted as well.

As such, I'm afraid I can no longer continu playing in any games for the time being. If you play in one of my games, I am sorry. They game will have to be put on hiatus for an indeterminate amount of time. If you want to leave, I'll understand. In games where I am the player, I'm not sure of any good solutions. I guess you can always NPC my characters until I come back, but since apartment hunting is a bit tricky, I might be gone for a long while so perhaps the best solution is to remove me from your game to make room for new players. Again, I'll totally understand.

I am so sorry that I'm dumping this all on you. It seems I have horrible luck when dealing with people IRL. Anyways, I don't want vent or air my dirty laundry in public, so this is all I'll have to say on the matter. Again, I am terribly sorry if this inconvenience any of you, I wish there was a better solution here.
Aug 12, 2024 11:48 pm
Please be well, Kalajel, and best of luck in your search.
Aug 13, 2024 1:39 am
Be safe, and I wish you success in your apartment search, kalajel! And for your luck with people to get better!
Aug 13, 2024 3:24 am
Good luck with everything, kalajel. We'll hold down the fort and keep the fires lit until you get into a better situation and come back!
Aug 17, 2024 10:51 am
Going to be away until the 23rd, apologies to anyone I'm in a game with!
Aug 19, 2024 7:59 pm
Good luck @kalajel.

I also was away for a week, my pc broke down and had not noted my password to the site. Sorry about that. Everything is ok now.
Aug 19, 2024 8:12 pm
Welcome back, @Alepous! Glad it was technical, and not like an illness or anything. (Not to say technical issues aren’t problems…)
Last edited August 19, 2024 8:13 pm


Aug 26, 2024 2:52 am
I may disappear this week. My grandmother seems to be on her death bed, and I might have to fly from South Korea back to Ireland to attend the funeral. It’s been 9 years since I’ve been home, too. Not a great situation to be in, to be honest. I’ll try stay going anyway, but just in case!
Aug 26, 2024 3:41 am
I'll be praying for your grandmother. This must be hard on many if not all of you.
Last edited August 26, 2024 3:41 am
Aug 26, 2024 4:06 am
My condolences, KCC.
Aug 26, 2024 1:08 pm
Condolences to you and your family KCC.
Sep 3, 2024 1:49 pm
Back again. Was off a day or so. My keyboard didn't like my brand of coffee. And we had a holiday.
Sep 3, 2024 2:09 pm
GeneCortess says:
Back again. Was off a day or so. My keyboard didn't like my brand of coffee. And we had a holiday.
Welcome back :)
Sep 3, 2024 2:19 pm
Will have to travel to another branch and teach the computer system to a couple of new employees, so won't have as many opportunities to sneak in posts during the day and will be travelling before and after so won't have the chance to post much before or after either.
Sep 3, 2024 7:28 pm
Good to know. I'll keep that in mind if Edgar doesn't say much the next few days.
Sep 11, 2024 2:00 pm
I will be going on vacation tomorrow, 9/12/2024 and will be returning late at night 9/16/2024. I cannot commit to a lot of posting in that time frame, so things will probably slow down.
Sep 11, 2024 8:09 pm
Have fun
Sep 12, 2024 7:36 am
Ì have a huge presentation tomorrow, so expect me to be a bit off till Saturday morning.

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