D&D 5e

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Aug 21, 2015 4:58 pm
Right now, invites show up via email and on the home page. Still working on that feature...
Sep 23, 2015 12:16 pm
There has been a lot of interest in 5e games lately, I noticed a few people getting stuck on standby. Well, I might have another drop out (or, at least, a player that's faded away temporarily - that's always the hope). It's part of the life of a PbF game.

Anyway, I'm looking for a 6th player to possibly fill the gap if one opens up, and if my absentee player reappears then we'll just carry on as a game of 6 (and I'll be able to be a bit more lenient about the ebb and flow of player activity, as with 6p it would be fine if one person vanished for a couple weeks and their character was just assumed to 'follow along'; like what you do in a face to face game and someone misses a session).

The group is level 2, and we're playing The Red Hand of Doom (so if you played it back in 3.5, or read the book, probably not a good game to jump into. Half the fun is in the mystery of the adventure!). The game is pretty active, with most players posting at least once a day (often more) and hardly anyone posting on weekends. I like to keep up that pace, as it keeps everyone in the game. If you are interested post here and I'll open the game up and send and invite to you (first post, first invite!).
Sep 23, 2015 6:03 pm
I'm interested. I'll have to create a character as soon as the bug is addressed (already submitted a report).
Sep 24, 2015 6:45 am
Invite sent.

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