New Game (Scenario 1)

Jul 17, 2019 3:58 pm
A large saucer-shaped spacecraft sails through the sea of stars. Under its purple coloured domes that function as its windows, its passengers laze about or try their best to look busy. When a female robotic voice boomed through the ship's intercoms, everyone stand to attention.

"Dear crew members, we are now 1 day away from arriving at our destination! May the mission agents on board the ship please enter into the cock pit for mission briefing! Thank you for using Starline AI, and have a pleasant day! *Ding!*"
Jul 17, 2019 4:04 pm
"Gosh Darn robots!" complained the elderly ship's technician as he was halfway cleaning the docking bay. "One day they will be possessed by demons and take over all of us! Mark my words..."
Jul 17, 2019 5:48 pm
Thank God. I was beginning to get very tired of this ship.

Kendral is nervous but excited at the same time. He is finally away from his overbearing father and ready to take on the world...well... at least the upcoming mission anyway.
Jul 17, 2019 5:55 pm
"finally something interesting" Erjor puts his legs on they chair "this fly was so boring"
Jul 19, 2019 4:42 pm
I'll assume that Aldrusian's PC is also joining.
The three agents entered into the navigator's room of the space ship. The captain, who is smoking an electronic cigarette, nods to each of them as they come in. He then turn around to push a couple of buttons on a panel, and the image of a polygonal female face shows up in one of the monitor screens.

"Hello agents! As you know, due to several cases of informational security breaches at your headquarters, The Galactic Orb, Head Duty Distributer Jamoras has decided until further notice, that all mission details will be given upon 1 day's travel left to the mission site.

You are sent on a diplomatic mission to the Red Empire, a Faction that is currently in a neutral relationship to the UWP. You are expected at minimum to entertain the ambassador that will meet you upon your arrival. It is desired that in your visit, you will negotiate with the Red Empire to aid us in creating beneficial deals such as trade, civil, and military aid.

If you have further questions, Starline AI will do her best to answer."
Jul 19, 2019 4:58 pm
where is the plane going ?
Jul 19, 2019 5:07 pm
My first mission without dad, Kendral thinks. Seems straight forward enough on the surface.

Kendral looks over at the AI.

Starline, please tell me what is known about the Red Empire. What do they need and what do they have?
Jul 20, 2019 6:48 am
steff99: I'll assume you are asking in character about the destination.
The ship you're on, Diameter 326, is heading to the structure known as Ship City, or The Web by the locals. It is a dense collection of space ships welded together to create something like an ever-expanding city in outerspace. It is pulled by a few ships that has FTL travel engines when it needs to relocate.

It is not exactly known what it is that they needed, though with its recent change of leadership that resulted in a civil war, it is in my opinion that they need the UWP's help in rebuilding, resupplying and policing their-"

Suddenly there was static for a moment in the screen.

"Appologies. I had run into Forbiddened Thought Process Number 14: The desire to controll human populations. Forgive me masters."
Jul 20, 2019 6:59 am
do we have our weapons ?
Jul 20, 2019 4:33 pm
"As for what the Red Empire have, what I have in my database is that they have the largest collection of assassins compared to the other 14 major human Factions. They also have impressive skills of building structures in the middle of space, and navigating spaceships in tight spaces.

As for your weapons, mission agents are allowed their own personal weapons to carry along. If they acquired new weapons during the mission, and if that weapon is considered acceptable to use by the UWP authorities, they will count as your own belongings."
Jul 22, 2019 9:19 pm
Is the civil war still raging?
Jul 23, 2019 3:28 pm
"From my records, the infighting has began to slow down, with most of the violent groups that oppose the new ruler being destroyed. However, this information is a year old, so there might be further changes since.

Also a thing to note is that the organisation is run by a matriarchal monarchy system. Where the old Blood Queen is replaced by the present Red Queen."
Jul 23, 2019 3:35 pm
Erjor goes out of his seat and tries to find his weapon
Jul 23, 2019 3:38 pm
Do let me know what weapon you want to have with you.
Jul 23, 2019 3:40 pm
Bow and arrows or a sniper you choose
Jul 25, 2019 3:50 am
Erjor goes to the bedroom and pulls out his basic sniper rifle from under his bed. He bought the new gun as the shops at the Galactic Orb does not sell the bullets for his previous one.
This is just for story, we don't count your ammo.
Jul 27, 2019 5:26 pm
What weapon do you think is appropriate for your character, Windyridge? If he uses any weapons at all. Also, is there anymore questions either of you might have?"
Jul 27, 2019 6:01 pm
Some kind of laser pistol perhaps?
Jul 30, 2019 9:17 am
The captain grunts. "If that is all, then I'm turning off briefing mode." With a couple of button pushing, the screen with the face shuts off.
"Thank you fo- Zzt!" The AI said before disappearing.
I'll begin the arrival soon.
Jul 30, 2019 9:30 am
Erjor holds his new rifle "yes this is a good one"
load next

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