New Game (Scenario 1)

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Aug 6, 2019 9:11 am
"hey calm down please i'm just wanna know that people that i work with"

"jeez she is angry"

Erjor said under his breath
Aug 6, 2019 9:13 am
Melima turns to Erjor "say another thing about me and i will kill believe me i will do it"
Aug 6, 2019 12:19 pm
"I disadvise killing each other. It will make my performance evaluation go down if there are causualties." says the AI.
Aug 6, 2019 3:34 pm
"tell her not me"
Aug 10, 2019 10:08 am
After being shot at for half an hour as the ship attempts to flee at 80% of its max speed, the attacking ship begins to stop shooting and quickly turns around.

Suddenly, the entire ship begins to vibrate, and a new spaceship in a similar style to the previous ship can be seen suddenly appearing outside the windows.

The AI speaks again. "I have detected a new ship that have used its jump drive to teleport in front of us. It looks to be much bigger. What should I do?"
Aug 10, 2019 10:19 am
"Are you sure? This ship's guns are not very powerful, and that large ship looks more tougher. But alright, I'll do as you say." The sounds of soft humming grows as the AI readies to fire the plasma guns.
Aug 10, 2019 10:22 am
"don't listen to this idiot Try to flank them ok"
Aug 10, 2019 10:26 am
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Aug 13, 2019 3:54 pm
Your ship fires off a plasma shots towards the large ship.


Plasma fire, (+2)

2 Positive, 2 Blank, 0 Negative - Total: +2

Large ship's armour (+3)

1 Positive, 1 Blank, 2 Negative - Total: -1

Aug 13, 2019 4:00 pm
"Plasma volley have penetrated target ship's armour. I have identified considerable damage upon it."
Aug 13, 2019 7:43 pm
"Yes finally some action"
Aug 14, 2019 12:42 pm
Your ship moves in closer towards the other ship. "Incoming message:

Hey! Whadd'a feck you guys are doin' to mah ship?! Ya know dat we're-

*Static noises*

Sorry about that... We're on edge after your sudden attack on us. I can understand, you were being attacked by pirates that unfortunately are aware of your arrival... Please cease your fire, and we will safely escort you to our city.

Message end.
Shall I continue attacking or not?"

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