Chapter 4: New Day

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Aug 16, 2019 7:17 pm
Wil smiles.

I would love to know that some of my stories would live that long.

He goes over and looks up at Verrian.

When we find more Naucans, will you show them my story? I would love to know that future generations will hear it.

He lets out a self deprecating chuckle.

Listen to me...more pride than a peacock, my mother would say. She would be shaking her head and tsking if she could see me now.

A sadness touched his features and he goes and sits a little away from the group for a bit.
Aug 16, 2019 8:22 pm
As Wil has removed himself from the group, Verrian doesn't think it would be proper to follow him and invade the space he's created for himself. Still, she wants to answer his question, so she shares it with him telepathically.

Wil, it will be my privilege to share your stories with other Naucans. And I don't think the desire to be remembered is mere vanity or pride. Remembering those who have come before is how people maintain a sense of continuity, of shared identity and self-knowledge. And anyone who strives to pick up the pieces of this broken world and tries to put them in order again will deserve to be part of that continuity.

She pauses before adding, And frankly, I think your mother would be proud of you right now. She'd understand the need to ensure that you're remembered in the future, since you've been robbed of so much of your past.
Aug 16, 2019 11:29 pm
Thank you.

Will is not sure if Verrian heard his thanks, but he sits a little straighter and his usual smile has returned to his face.
Aug 17, 2019 1:56 am
"I think that was quite lovely." Elora smiles and pulls out her journal, recording an abridged version of some of Willitan's stories for reference and reflection. The thrush pecks at her quill as she does so, causing a letter or two illegible. "No, don't do that." She softly pushes him away, only for the bird to bounce back, unrelenting. "I suppose I should give you a name...Tim? No. Jakel? Too intimidating. Pip?"
Aug 17, 2019 6:58 am
Consulting a small watch she keeps tucked away in her belt pouch, Verrian says, "If everyone is ready, I think we should contact Athisa now. We have a lot to report, and she will likely be alone long enough to tell her everything and get any updates she has if we start now."
Aug 18, 2019 11:01 pm
"Okay, we do have an awful lot to report." Elora flips through her journal, skimming her notes for anything to include in the report.
Aug 19, 2019 2:59 am
The whitestone disk is activated and soon Athisa's voice comes through, expressing a bit of worry and a lot of interest in hearing about what the group has encountered since the last time they'd reported in. Verrian takes the lead for the sake of expedience and leads off with the fact that both Viani and Krav have decided to stay behind, and that they've taken on a new member of the party, a brave and capable fighter named Willitan Lightfoot.

Verrian moves on to describe the remnants of the massacre at Yelnar's estate, their discovery of his mother's message that indicated the One-Eyed Crows had taken her prisoner, their reconnaissance mission and subsequent rescue of Renaya from the Citadel. She doesn't go into the details of their plan and its execution, knowing that Athisa will ask questions if she wishes to know more. Verrian does describe the magical storm and their gruesome discovery of what happens to living beings unlucky enough to be caught outdoors in one.

Glancing at Renaya with an apologetic expression, Verrian adds, "Athisa, there's something else, something very disturbing. It seems that Garand Disos' movement have been employing magic selectively for a very dark purpose. One of the Crows mentioned being forced to drink a potion that subsequently gave her the ability to detect magic users. And once they capture magic users, they employ a device - a set of restraints fashioned partly out of whitestone - that will, when left on for a day or two, remove the person's ability to do magic. At all. Ildemu claimed that it is irreversible." Verrian looks Renaya in the eye as she says, "I find that impossible to believe. If you have any suggestions on where to look for possible ways to reverse the removal, we're very interested in hearing them."
I'm pausing here, without describing the battles in the tunnels, the necromancer, and the portal, because this seems like a natural place for Athisa to weigh in and offer any news she might have that seems relevant to this part of the summarized events.
Aug 19, 2019 5:05 pm
"This is news to me," replies Athisa. Her voice, tired and worn, is worried. "Both this potion and the device you describe. These are not my areas of expertise, certainly. I have trusted colleagues that might have ideas... I will speak to them and see if I have any suggestions to pass on to you."

There is a pause before she continues. "I assume that Krav, Viani and Ephwrath have good reasons for wanting to stay behind. I won't argue with their reasons, trusting that you have all reached this decision after careful consideration. It does raise an important point that I want to bring up. I have managed to get in contact with a former student of mine and an associate of hers in Hara," she says, citing the capital of Alcave three or four days' ride away. "Coreene of Ravenspire -- a Naucan, Verrian dear -- and Uelten Swan. They would be of particular help to your cause. We will need to determine a place where you can meet them."
Aug 19, 2019 8:48 pm
"A former student? Are they on their own mission currently?" Elora speaks with intrigue, excited at the prospect of new mysterious members.
Aug 19, 2019 9:26 pm
"Nothing related to your assignment, dear," replies Athisa. "Back before the wards, students were generally allowed to leave the city and go off on their own adventures," she says dryly.
Aug 19, 2019 9:47 pm
Wil is fascinated by this method of conversation.

He gets Elora's attention.

Ask her if they have a...talking disc thingie. Sorry, I don't know what it is called.
Last edited August 19, 2019 10:39 pm
Aug 19, 2019 11:59 pm
"That must be your newest friend?" comes Athisa's voice from the whitestone disc. "I can hear you, dear. They do have a disc like yours, though I'm afraid I can't easily tune yours to communicate with theirs, not from here."
Aug 20, 2019 12:20 am
Can we do it here?

It’s a veritable Naucan-palooza and Ember doesn’t want it to slip away, for Verrian’s sake

She might be on her tip toes ignoring personal space rules.
Aug 20, 2019 12:36 am
Verrian's heart got caught on the words "Coreene of Ravens pure." She hadn't expected for Athisa to connect the party with another person from the School. Much less another Naucan. Much less someone Verrian had actually met.

She's so distracted that she misses Wil's question entirely, and it's only Ember's obvious excitement that brings her focus back to the conversation. "What? Can we do what here?"
Aug 20, 2019 1:03 am
Attune to the other disc!
Aug 20, 2019 1:27 am
"No," says Athisa. "It requires the two discs to be in close proximity, I’m afraid."
Aug 20, 2019 4:19 am
"...I was afraid of that." Elora sounds disappointed they can't coordinate with the others, especially when the wilderness is filled with so much of the unknown.
Aug 20, 2019 5:29 am
Verrian, her attention now fully re-engaged, says, "Athisa, I gather that you already have an attunement to the stone disc Coreene is carrying and can act as a go-between to set up a meeting point?" Assuming that Athisa responds affirmatively, Verrian continues. "Before we try to get that set up, we should tell you about where we are now and how we got here."

Then she proceeds to describe the villagers' issues with undead monsters carrying people away in the tunnels, the party's battles with the monsters and rescue of a family held prisoner by them, and the final battle against the necromancer, as well as the portal he was trying so hard to open (and their subsequent solution of the puzzle that opened it).

She also describes how the portal seems to work and the conditions of the realm they've stepped into, and their encounter with the Guardian.
Aug 20, 2019 7:30 pm
"You... you found a preserve?" says Athisa, her voice soft, whispered wonder. "By the Stones, what I wouldn't give to see that. Tell me about it... tell me what you've seen..." As the party describes their experience, Athisa is silent. When the description comes to a finish, she says, "If you could see me, you'd see me wiping tears from my eyes."

The description of the vision given by the Guardian gives her pause. "We'd always wondered what happened in Ardraven. It always seemed likely that it was Ryzan that brought the Towers down."

"You have done a great deal in a short amount of time. I am impressed and incredibly proud of you all. There is little news to pass on from Meriava. I will be speaking with colleagues I trust to determine some possible avenues for you to explore in the future, and pass those along when next we speak."

She goes on further to tell Yelnar and Renaya that she will speak to Roddald, Yelnar's father and Renaya's husband, to relay their family news.

"I will instruct Coreene and Uelten to meet you at an abandoned -- or at least, it used to be abandoned -- Veridium College retreat about halfway between Viamard and Hara. If you have access to horses, it should be no more than a three-day ride," says Athisa, and gives you directions on how to find it. "Some of the landmarks may have changed, but you should be able to find it. I hope."
Aug 21, 2019 2:56 am
"We'll see if we can acquire some mounts," Verrian says. "Athisa, what more can you tell us about these preserves? And of the Guardian? Are the other preserves also overseen by such beings?"
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