Aug 9, 2019 3:04 pm spill.
SEEKING: 2-3 players to drop into an existing Call of Cthulhu game.
WHEREIN the investigators are sent to a strange, small town near Dunwich, MA to track down a missing professor.
The current PCs are employed by Miskatonic University, in Arkham. New PCs would be local to the party's current environs - the tiny hamlet called Blackwater Creek. Likely PC occupations might include:
-Criminal (Bootlegger, Gangster)
-Doctor of Medicine
-Elected Official
Link to the game here. Don't be gauche, send me a PM before you join. Level of experience with the system is irrelevant.

"Welcome to Blackwater Creek. Why dincha make yerself right at home?"
SEEKING: 2-3 players to drop into an existing Call of Cthulhu game.
WHEREIN the investigators are sent to a strange, small town near Dunwich, MA to track down a missing professor.
The current PCs are employed by Miskatonic University, in Arkham. New PCs would be local to the party's current environs - the tiny hamlet called Blackwater Creek. Likely PC occupations might include:
-Criminal (Bootlegger, Gangster)
-Doctor of Medicine
-Elected Official
Link to the game here. Don't be gauche, send me a PM before you join. Level of experience with the system is irrelevant.

"Welcome to Blackwater Creek. Why dincha make yerself right at home?"