Aug 10, 2019 10:55 pm
Hey there everybody!
After much searching, I've found a forum that does play by post and has a good reputation. I only hope that I'm not eaten alive after three posts, but we will see!
I go by Cyngi. I've been a pen and paper player for a wee four years, and I prefer the role of DM to the role of player, though both are fun in their own right. My preference for game is 5e for its simplicity, but I have experience with both it and pathfinder, and am open to learning other systems.
Now for the major caveat:
I've been working on the place ever since I started gaming, and my race dynamic is standard with a dash of odd. The same is true with a lot of other things, but that really leads to the question I want to pose to anybody who reads this thread. How willing are you to learn and act in a player made world, with a new character creation, in a chain that could potentially last years?
I've always been a very long term player, and while I don't have much of anything logged digitally I am going to be making a few google documents going over the finer points of what I deem necessary. I'm a very improvisational, story focused GM. My goal is to make you feel important, but not invincible,
My introduction is really more of a dipstick in the general feel of this forum. Being brand new, I want to suss out what I'm in for.
Thanks in advance to anybody who gives this the time of day!
After much searching, I've found a forum that does play by post and has a good reputation. I only hope that I'm not eaten alive after three posts, but we will see!
I go by Cyngi. I've been a pen and paper player for a wee four years, and I prefer the role of DM to the role of player, though both are fun in their own right. My preference for game is 5e for its simplicity, but I have experience with both it and pathfinder, and am open to learning other systems.
Now for the major caveat:
I've been working on the place ever since I started gaming, and my race dynamic is standard with a dash of odd. The same is true with a lot of other things, but that really leads to the question I want to pose to anybody who reads this thread. How willing are you to learn and act in a player made world, with a new character creation, in a chain that could potentially last years?
I've always been a very long term player, and while I don't have much of anything logged digitally I am going to be making a few google documents going over the finer points of what I deem necessary. I'm a very improvisational, story focused GM. My goal is to make you feel important, but not invincible,
My introduction is really more of a dipstick in the general feel of this forum. Being brand new, I want to suss out what I'm in for.
Thanks in advance to anybody who gives this the time of day!