Chapter 5: Pleased to Meet You

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Sep 5, 2019 5:11 pm
Verrian tries again to stab the beast with the rapier.


Rapier attack - (1d20+6)

(20) + 6 = 26

Regular damage - (1d6+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Sneak attack damage - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Crit confirmation roll - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Additional damage - (1d6+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Sep 5, 2019 5:16 pm
Here kitty kitty. I have a ball of yarn for you to play with.


Bow shot - (1D20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

Arrow damage - (1D6+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Sep 5, 2019 5:21 pm
Verrian slashes at the manticore's rear flank, and opens up a deep gash on its leg. It must have been a viciously placed blow, as the manticore stumbles awkwardly, unable to place full weight on the leg. So when Wil's arrow strikes, the sudden movement makes it a glancing blow rather than the direct hit it might have otherwise been.

Bleeding from multiple cuts and several arrows embedded in its flesh, the manticore howls wordlessly, thrashing its leathery wings about. One slams into the wall of the nearby cavern, buckling the wood frame.
Sep 5, 2019 5:41 pm
Elora looks worriedly at Pip. "It's not working!" Pip chirps angrily and points at the broken sticks before landing on her shoulder. "We have to hurry. Break!" Elora takes her two halves of a stick and snaps them into fourths, accidentally dropping the pieces in the process.
One more time baby, DC 14 again.
Sep 5, 2019 5:52 pm
Will saving...


Will save - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Sep 5, 2019 5:59 pm
Having injured the beast, Verrian shouts, "We don't want to kill you! We're only attacking because you attacked our people first. Stop fighting and we can talk."

To the others, she shares, @All: The beast is badly injured. Keep pressing, but be prepared to stop attacking if it surrenders. We might get some valuable information from it.
Last edited September 5, 2019 5:59 pm
Sep 5, 2019 6:55 pm
Swan parries and ripostes, jumping backwards before lunging for a thrust to the heart. "Saddle my horse as I drink my last ale, Bow string and steel will prevail!"


Rapier to the gullet - (1d20+5, 1d6+1)

1d20+5 : (11) + 5 = 16

1d6+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

Sep 5, 2019 9:04 pm
Yelnar moves out for another shot.


Longbow shot - Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Damage - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 5, 2019 9:31 pm
Verrian, these things eat people.
Sep 5, 2019 9:33 pm
@All: I'm aware of that, Wil. You all swear you can hear Verrian gritting her teeth in your minds. @All: I'm only saying, if it surrenders, hold off on killing it. Is that too difficult?
Sep 5, 2019 10:19 pm
Don't grit your teeth, you will ruin your smile.

I will talk to you more afterwards. One way sucks.
Sep 6, 2019 1:08 am

Ember takes a step to the side so she doesn't hurt Uelten, then cocks her crossbow hoping maybe she'll get a hit in.
She's comfortably in range, so she'll "lose range" to gain +2 damage if she hits. Deadly Aim.


Stab the Kitty - (1d20+3)

(20) + 3 = 23

Damage, hopefully - (1d8+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Please don't suck..... - (1d20+3)

(20) + 3 = 23

Please don't suck......... - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Sep 6, 2019 1:51 am
The manticore spreads its wings to take flight, as it bleeds from a multitude of wounds. Its crazed expression turns panicked, realizing suddenly that it has bitten off more than it can chew. As it crouches to take to the air, its wounded back leg buckles. Crying out in pain, it’s throat is exposed just long enough for Ember’s crossbow bolt to strike home and strike the final blow. With one last wordless screech, the manticore slumps to the ground with a resounding thump, the life leaving its eyes.
Sep 6, 2019 1:56 am
Ember blinks slowly and stares at the corpse. She knows she got lucky, but she can't help but let out a nervous laugh.

Uh. Sorry.
Sep 6, 2019 1:56 am
Verrian states at the dead monster in shock,then looks around to see who had fired that crossbow shot. Her facial markings, if anyone could see them in the darkness, are echoing her feelings of surprise.

"Ember? That was an incredible shot, little one!"
Sep 6, 2019 3:05 am
Nice shot Ember, and thank you for the healing Coreene.
Sep 6, 2019 4:21 am
Uelten presses his rapier to its breast, poking it as if checking if it is alive, but then 'trip's, stabbing deeply into the heart. He mimics looking embarrassed.
Sep 6, 2019 4:41 am
"Is it...dead?" Elora says cautiously, not about to let her guard down justyet. That is, until Uelten stabs it unnecessarily. "...We did it!" She pumps her fist in excitement, looking quite pleased. "We're not dead! This is fantastic!"
Sep 6, 2019 7:28 am
Yelnar moves over to the ever present sled, picks out a couple of daggers, and says "Anyone else ever tried their hand at butchery or skinning before?"
Sep 6, 2019 1:26 pm
Ember feels the curl of a smile hit her face.

It was a good shot.

I'll still ask Wil for help. I got lucky.

When Yelnar speaks, she perks up.

I've butchered chickens and things for the tavern before. You're not planning on eating this, are you?
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