Chapter 5: Pleased to Meet You

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Sep 18, 2019 11:09 pm
chunky04 says:
How high are the walls?
Dude, they are so baked.
Sep 18, 2019 11:56 pm
I'm assuming that we are stopped for a rest and not astride our horses at the moment.
Verrian begins to pace, thinking.

"All right, how about this: We plant Ember's blood on Wil, as discussed. I'm assuming we can do it in such a way that it won't be a simple matter of them discovering the vial. Anyway, Wil and I - as the only other non-magic user - both attempt to enter the city. Pip could come along to keep track of what happens if someone is taken.

"If they don't arrest Wil immediately, we can assume they aren't using magic detection at the gate. The rest of the party would be safe to come in, although we should probably stagger the entrances so we don't appear to be a big group. Once we're all in place, Wil can get himself arrested and we can keep watch to find where they are keeping the captured magic users.

"If Wil does get arrested at the gate, Pip and I will still go in and attempt to keep track of where they take him. One of us will report back to the group outside the walls, who will then find a place to climb over and come into the city."
Sep 19, 2019 12:08 am
"A well thought out plan, mistress Verrian. I approve."
Sep 19, 2019 12:12 am
"It's Ember's plan," Verrian says, smiling. "I just fleshed it out a bit."
Sep 19, 2019 1:21 am
Which was probably a good idea. Thanks, Verrian.

Her face gets just a little paler, and she hopes nobody notices.

Bleeding for your art, Emby? Mother would be so proud.
This isn't for power, it's to help people.
Yes. To help people....... who use magic.
Shut up.....please.....

She lets out an attempt at a confident chuckle.

Well, Big Guy, you have anything super sharp in the cart? Safer than dull, as I'm sure you know.
Sep 19, 2019 1:27 am
Verrian removes from her belt a jeweled silver dagger. It doesn't look like something you'd expect her to choose for herself. She flips it in the air and catches it deftly by the blade.

Offering the handle to Ember, she smiles, saying, "Use a flame to sterilize it first."
Sep 19, 2019 1:51 am
Realizing she has twine on her, Ember decides against the vial. She pulls off enough that Wil could tie around his waist once it dried. Maybe she's stalling. She picks up Verrian's blade and lights the edge of it clean using a flurry of her cantrips.

Might as well prime myself, eh?

The nerves on her face are clear now that she actually has the blade in hand. She scans her body, looking for safe places. Surely not anything on her right arm. That would be stupid. And she wouldn't want to harm a muscle in her leg.

Emby! Come help Mother visit Daddy!.....
Emby.....Don't hide.
Don't you care about what happens to him?

With a sudden shout Ember slices across one of the long faded scars on her left palm. She passes Verrian's knife back, casting the blood off with a spell, and clutches the twine in her left palm, staring down at the blood that drips to the ground. She's far paler than she should be for a wound that size.

Between heavy breaths she glances at Wil, her eyes watering. She cracks a weak smile.
Sep 19, 2019 1:55 am
A blow well struck, we'll make a fighter of you yet.

Wil's tone is light, but he looks on with admiration, he can sense that this was not an easy thing for Ember to do.
Sep 19, 2019 2:02 am
Tucking the dagger away absently, Verrian watches Ember's face, concerned. @Ember: The blood is flowing, little one. What do you plan to use to collect it?
Ember probably doesn't realize she hasn't shared her plan with the group.
Sep 19, 2019 2:17 am
Wil makes a little pile with his rapier, bow, quiver, bandolier of daggers, magic cloak, and his armour.

He puts on his travelling clothes and green cloak. He tucks the dagger into his belt.

He goes over to Atticus.
You listen to these people until I come back. Behave yourself and look after the horses. You know they would be lost without you.

He looks at Yelnar and smiles

I expect you all to come get me out, no leaving me there to teach me a lesson.

He looks like he is ready for an adventure he can tell stories about. He has a hard time keeping the grin off his face.

I am ready whenever everyone else is.
Sep 19, 2019 2:34 am
Uelten bundles the halfling's gear, rolling it in his cloak, stuffs it into his backpack. "By the black blood of Ulfnar, how do you carry all of this?"
Sep 19, 2019 2:58 am
As Wil packs up, Ember offers him the blood soaked twine. Verrian’s comment jolted her back to reality somewhat.

Here. For your waist under your clothes. Ankles can be seen. Wrists are what get the Whitestone shackles.

She pauses for a moment before giving him a big hug.
Last edited September 19, 2019 2:59 am
Sep 19, 2019 3:06 am
Thank you Ember.

He smiles and can't help himself

You know, in some halfling communities we are now considered married
Sep 19, 2019 3:55 am
Elora will give Wil a pat on the shoulder, or even a hug, but only if he wants (don't want to be rude after all). "Please be safe Wil." Speaking of safe, Elora holds Pip in her hand, lightly petting him with a finger. "Okay Pip, this is your chance to be really helpful, I know you like that. keep watch over Wil and try to follow Verrain's instructions okay?" Pip jumps excitedly at this prospect, looking ready to carry out this mission.

Well, it's better then him trying to put things in my bag...
Sep 19, 2019 12:54 pm
Ember lets out a shaky but honest laugh at Wil's comment.

Oh, is that all? Well, don't leave your "wife" waiting.

She's impressed to see how quickly Elora and Pip hit things off. Glad that everyone seems so willing to work things out. Nervous that it's still not enough. She folds her hand open carefully so she can clean and bind the wound before it heals her palm shut.

Do you need magic in there, or will you be able to fake it?
Sep 19, 2019 1:21 pm
Uelten places his hands on Embers and Wils heads. "I now pronounce you faint and sticky. You may pop the trap."

Serious for a moment, he says to Wil. "Don't push it too far. The folk are scared of something fierce and there is no telling how far they'll go."
Sep 19, 2019 3:38 pm
I'll be careful. I have seen what scared crowds can do. I also have been travelling alone for a while, I can take care of myself.
Sep 19, 2019 4:29 pm
Verrian moves to Elora. "I should probably take one of the whitestone disks, so we aren't relying entirely on Pip's ability to carry messages back and forth." She grins at the little bird.
Sep 19, 2019 5:03 pm
"Oh! Yes, that's a good idea, uhm remember to use it secretly." Elora fishes for the disk, realizing how silly she is explaining to their resident stealth expert the need for subtlety, but she can't help it.
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