Chapter 5: Pleased to Meet You

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Sep 23, 2019 6:42 pm
The city guard watches closely over the small crowd gathered before the blue door, and this hard-eyed scrutiny seems to suppress any desire for communication between those waiting. Every few minutes, the door opens, and another person is called in. None of them exit again, at least not by the same door.

Perhaps ten minutes pass, when an unfamiliar woman in civilian clothing -- plain but well-made linen dress, a simple narrow silver ring on her right ring finger, long hair tied back -- opens the door. "Friglade Leancam?" she calls out. "Please come in."

Her tone is casual, almost perfunctory, no immediate hint of malice or other stress in her voice.
As Verrian moves forward in line with the speed of a turtle with a lame leg, she overhears some of the murmured conversations in line around her.

"Why are they making us wait so long? Do you suppose this is normal here?"
"Not like we've anywhere else to go. You heard what the south was like, and we ain't got nothing left at home."

"Quiet, honey. We'll be there in no time."
"But mama, I'm hungry."
"Hush dear, why don't you tell your doll another story?"

"If they don't hurry up, I swear I'm going to rush that gate. If we all go at once, they wouldn't be able to stop us."
That comment only gets worried looks from people nearby.

"We could keep going west... surely there's something else along the road to Ardraven."
"With all the weird rumors... maybe that's a better choice."
Sep 23, 2019 6:59 pm
Friglade follows along cheerfully. He keeps an eye open. Trying to get an idea of numbers etc.

This is quite the operation you have here. Sorry, what was your name.


Perception if needed - (1D20)

(16) = 16

Sep 23, 2019 7:09 pm
For the most part, Verrian keeps her head down and her mouth shut, preferring to listen to what people are saying and try to form a picture of what the world beyond here looks like.

Occasionally, she'll ask a subdued question of someone who seems to have knowledge of the condition of the countryside elsewhere. Specifically, she tries to learn what the rumors are regarding the south and west toward Ardraven.


Diplomacy check - (1d20+8)

(7) + 8 = 15

Sep 23, 2019 10:47 pm
The woman leads Wil into the front room of what apparently was once a shop of some sort. It might have once even actually held alchemical supplies, though its days as a functioning cog in the engine of Hara's economy are long since past, all abandoned shelves and display cabinets. She looks down at Wil both literally and figuratively, giving him a faintly distasteful look as though she's studying a talking snail or something similarly slimy. "Hold your questions for Mr. Crow," she says coolly and turns to continue leading him deeper into the shop. There are no other people inside the shop here, only

Down a short hallway, she stops outside a door and knocks lightly, almost tentatively. Unless you miss your guess completely, she's nervous, maybe even a little scared. "Sir?" she ventures, voice a little louder to carry through the door. "Your next visitor is ready for you."

A voice responds from behind the door, oddly cheerful in contrast to your escort's tense cool. "Then by all means, have him join me."

She gives Wil one last brief unreadable look, then opens the door to let him in.

The room is well-appointed: the wood paneled walls are bare, though patterns in the dust suggest that paintings might have recently been taken down. There is an old dusty rug that covers much of the floor, and a wide wooden desk that sits in front of windowed double doors that appear to open onto a garden courtyard. Other than the faint layer of dust that covers many things here, it could be the pre-War office of a well-to-do merchant. Four other individuals are present here. Two are men in the livery of the Hara city guard, armored in chain shirts and carrying heavy maces, positioned to either side of the door. One man, standing near the left-hand wall as you enter, wears a plain gray robe devoid of any decoration. The robe hides the shape of his body, but from his gaunt face and skinny fingers, there can't be much of him beneath its folds. His dark eyes flit from place to place around the room, as though nothing can hold his attention for more than a couple of seconds at a time.

The fourth, however, is probably of the most interest. He sits behind the desk -- lounges, really, one booted foot resting atop the desk as he leans back in his chair. His dark skin, salt-and-pepper beard and sardonic half-smile are all too familiar to you. As you enter the room, Ildemu sits up straighter and gestures to you with one hand (decorated with a heavy iron ring on one finger) and indicates the empty chair on the other side of the desk. "Mister Leancam, I presume. Please, come and sit. So rare these days that I have opportunity to speak with someone interested in the alchemical arts."

His dark eyes flicker to the grey-robed man and he gives a barely perceptible nod. That done, he leans back in his chair again and steeples his fingers in front of him, waiting.
Sep 23, 2019 10:58 pm
Will bows his head and keeps it down. He wants to look a combination of respectful and scared. In reality he doesn't want to be recognized.

Thank you Mr. Crow...sir. I'm trying to get by, sir, I am no expert. My master died. Max was his name. He said I had some magical talent, but no willingness to work. I guess he was right. I was lazy and unappreciative of being apprenticed to the great Miracle Max. But since thos bandits killed him, I have been working hard. Some day I...

Wil stutters to a stop and clears his throat in embarrassment.

Look at me. Chattering on like a squirrel with a nut. Max always said I talked too much. When I am nervous, I just go on and on and...

He stops again and draws a deep breath.

Sorry Mr. Crow, I will sit now.

Wil sits down, looking forlornly at the floor.
Last edited September 23, 2019 10:58 pm
Sep 23, 2019 10:59 pm
Moonbeam says:
For the most part, Verrian keeps her head down and her mouth shut, preferring to listen to what people are saying and try to form a picture of what the world beyond here looks like.

Occasionally, she'll ask a subdued question of someone who seems to have knowledge of the condition of the countryside elsewhere. Specifically, she tries to learn what the rumors are regarding the south and west toward Ardraven.
One man is happy enough to answer questions about the south. It was his daughter that complained of being hungry. While his wife tends to their two children, he says to Verrian, invoking the name of the divine ruler of the deep earth, "It's like the world cracked open and Altam himself took vengeance on the surface. Our village tried to subsist as we had for so many years, but the ground is poisoned. Nothing grows any more. We tried heading to Valerma, thinking maybe things were better there, as lush as it was before the war, but..."

"I can't imagine how we'd have made it through the Spine. We were miles away from the pass and could barely breathe the air. Some people live at the edge of the desolation, said there was a path through it, but with the kids, and not knowing what would await us on the other side... Hara seemed like a better bet. Now I'm not so sure any more."
Sep 23, 2019 11:12 pm
Verrian nods sadly, with a weary expression that suggests that she, too, has found no other alternative to Hara. She glances up at the gate nervously, in reality trying to gauge how long it will take to reach the front. She hopes that Pip had no trouble keeping track of Wil and will be able to find Verrian when she gets through the gate. If she gets through.
Sep 23, 2019 11:55 pm
At the Abandoned Building Full of Stress

They're going to die.
Shut up.

Ember is sitting cross-legged on the floor, sketching plan after plan in the dirt, muttering to herself when she decides they aren't good.

Liars die.
Shut. Up.

Ember puts her head in her hands.

Coreene. Uelten. Do you think we can get in tonight, even if we haven't heard from them yet? You recall where the warehouse was, I assume.
Sep 24, 2019 12:13 am
"I think you should count on it. We can't stay here, they're going to search these sooner or later. Let's go tonight. And, yeah, fair Ember, we know exactly where the warehouse is."

He scratches in the dirt. "We also might want to find a hideout for when we break two to forty fugitives out."
Sep 24, 2019 12:13 am
Coreene nods, though remains staring down at her hands in worry. "I'll be able to find it. Even in the dead of night." She was trying her best to remain still. To not run out into the crowds and make sure her new friends were safe. She sincerely wished it had been her that had gone out to face the unknown, but they were right. Being without magic made them the safest candidates.
She didn't have to like it, however.
Sep 24, 2019 12:24 am
I mean..... Ember shrugs, though it's clear she's not convinced of her own plan. Is this warehouse in a more abandoned section of town? We could just burn bridges. Literally. What are they going to do? Fight us with magic? They can transport one person at a time, at best.
Sep 24, 2019 12:35 am
Uelten sighs. "I would entirely expect them to use magic. Of course, THEY can use magic, they've been CHECKED OUT and VETTED by the best people. It's the unknown element that should be controlled." He throws his tiny scratching stick at the wall.

"Starting a fire might work, I have a similar plan for the warehouse. Set one end on fire with lots of dirty hay, then snatch a few from the billowing smoke when the guards herd them to safety." He holds up a finger. "BUT, if we start a fire that burns down a bunch of buildings and hurts people, we give the tyrants every argument they need to crack down on rebellion, as violently as they want."
Sep 24, 2019 12:45 am
Ember smirks, her mother's grin creeping across her face.

So not fire, then. Wait for a storm. Or make something that looks like a storm. Scare everyone. Free the prisoners while everyone with half a brain is in hiding. Cruel, yes. But! It won't destroy the whole city. And it gives us an alibi.
Sep 24, 2019 2:10 am
Yelnar pipes up "I've ummm... been practising my acting after it didn't work so good last time if that helps."
Sep 24, 2019 2:16 am
Swan looks at Coreene. "We'll be inside soon enough. We need to discuss our plan, and then get some rest. We leave when the moon sets."

Uelten proposes a rough outline of a plan, to wait until it is super dark, then dash across the field to the wall. They apparently have hooks and rope, so they'll need to gestures like a noob swing that, and then climb up and over. Once inside the wall, they'll need to find a place to hole up. Swan knows a few shady taverns where questions are answered with facestabbing, so those might be the best bet. Once they have a hidey hole, they can scout the warehouse, try and make contact with the Pipster, and work out a strategy. He suggests they attack his plan with all of the dubiousness of a witchhunter at a gate.
Sep 24, 2019 4:06 am
"I also don't want to burn down a city." Elora chimes in with apprehension, feeling a bit concerned for their willingness to commit arson.

She....sorta nods with Swan's plan, starting to believe his penchant for theatrics are overshadowing the practicality of his plan. "I'm sure Pip is getting us some great intel for the place. Just hope Wil is doing okay."
Sep 24, 2019 5:25 pm
Machiabelly says:
Will bows his head and keeps it down. He wants to look a combination of respectful and scared. In reality he doesn't want to be recognized.

Thank you Mr. Crow...sir. I'm trying to get by, sir, I am no expert. My master died. Max was his name. He said I had some magical talent, but no willingness to work. I guess he was right. I was lazy and unappreciative of being apprenticed to the great Miracle Max. But since thos bandits killed him, I have been working hard. Some day I...

Wil stutters to a stop and clears his throat in embarrassment.

Look at me. Chattering on like a squirrel with a nut. Max always said I talked too much. When I am nervous, I just go on and on and...

He stops again and draws a deep breath.

Sorry Mr. Crow, I will sit now.

Wil sits down, looking forlornly at the floor.
Ildemu watches Wil's act without much more than a faint smile creeping around the corners of his lips. He brings his steepled fingers to rest against his lips as he considers his guest. "What brings you to Hara, my friend?"

He takes one brief glance toward the nervous-eyed man in the grey robe, who seems to have developed a severe tic. His head jerks to his right and back every few moments, as though he can't quite control it. If his head stayed in that position, it would look like he's listening carefully with one ear.

Ildemu adds, "And where have you come from? We're always hoping to hear information from afar, if you have any to share."
Sep 24, 2019 6:12 pm
Slowly, the line outside the Hara gate creeps forward, and Verrian can see a series of tables set up that effectively make lanes for individuals to go through. At each table is another scribe, each armed with a hefty book, a pen and several bottles of ink. The family that Verrian spoke to earlier is immediately in front of her in line, so she can hear the conversation that goes on between them and the scribe.

"Names and business in the city of Hara?" asks the scribe in a sing-song tone that suggests he's asked this question a hundred times recently.

"Metten Avas," says the man, and continues with the names of his family. "My wife, Janis, my son Alain, my daughter Jora. We had to leave our farm in Avonis, to the south. We're looking for work."

The scribe records the information in his book, writing each name on a separate line of the ledger, and his 'business' in a separate column next to the names. Without looking up, he says, "The children will have to be detained for an hour or two for further questions. You may wait inside the gates with them, but they must answer the questions themselves without you present. You may enter."

He raises a stick with a red cloth tied to the end and waves it once or twice. As the man and woman begin to protest, and the children cling to their mother, a city guardsman comes forward and says, "Please come this way. No harm will come to you."

"You will not take my children without me there!" says the woman in a hard, stern voice. The father puts an arm around his wife's shoulders and stares back at the guardsman with a stubborn set to his jaw. "They're children. They have no information of use to you," he adds.

The scribe sighs audibly and sets his pen down. The guardsman puts one hand on the pommel of the short sword at his belt. "Sir, bring your family. We have no desire to harm you or your children. It is a formality, nothing more."

There are more protests but as a couple of other guardsmen approach, the family decides, reluctantly, to cooperate. They are led toward some buildings across the large town square just inside the gate.

As Verrian steps up, the scribe picks up his pen and begins the process all over again.

"Name and business in the city of Hara?"
Sep 24, 2019 6:13 pm
Well Mr. Crow...sir...I was hoping to pick up some supplies as I explained to the guards. The usual traveling supplies. Oh and a few alchemical supplies... some herbs, maybe ground pearl if they have it.

He stops to think.

Where am I from...well, I was born in the Golden Hills Shire in northeast Ardraven.
The name comes from fields of golden flowers that blanket the area in the spring. We have a little fame as a maker of fine honey mead. Most families keep bee hives and we pool the honey at the end of the season. The Greenstrider clan has a history of being top brewers.
We all pool our resources and labour, then split the profit from the sales.

I was working as an apprentice brewer to Master Flick Greenstrider. One day, Miracle Max visited the shire and tried the honey mead. He said it tasted magical and asked to speak to anyone who had worked on it.

When we met he looked me over and decided I had some talent. He bought my apprenticeship. Then we travelled from village to village earning a living by helping people out. Last week we were set on by bandits. They stole all our supplies and ran poor Max through with a sword. I barely escaped with my life.

Now I am here, hoping for more supplies so I can carry on his life work.
Sep 24, 2019 6:23 pm
Ildemu's brows draw down at Wil's story. "Bandits? That's awful. I'm so sorry to hear that."

He shakes his head sadly, commiserating. "What this world has come to... well, hopefully you will be safe here. I'm afraid there's no longer much of a market for the alchemical supplies you seek, or at least no one that is openly offering them for sale."

"We are interested in people such as yourself, though. People who claim some amount of magical talent. But there are so many charlatans these days, swearing they can move mountains with their minds, but lacking so much as a spark of real ability. My associate here," says Ildemu, gesturing at the man in the grey robe, "is talented at recognizing such individuals. Would you mind if he gave you a little test? It's very simple. Nothing you should worry about."
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