Chapter 5: Pleased to Meet You

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Sep 26, 2019 4:15 pm
Ildemu also stands, but betrays no hint of worry or urgency. He holds up a hand. "Please, Mr. Leancam. Let me explain some things to you about the state of affairs in Hara, and perhaps you'll understand why we're hoping to protect you."

He gestures once more to the chair, offering the seat to Wil once again. "Please. Sit, and we'll discuss it."

The guards relax a bit at Ildemu's words, and some of the tension dissipates.
I will assume Wil sits, and continue on with the post.
Ildemu returns to his seat and continues speaking. Outside the window behind his "host", Wil can see a small brown sparrow alight on a branch, cock its head and flutter its wings a couple of times before it launches into the air once again. "You see, there is a... well, cult is the best way I can put it, within Hara. Its members seek out and capture those with arcane talent, and these unfortunate souls are, as far as we can tell, never seen again. Whether they are killed, or otherwise indisposed, we do not know. But we are trying to protect them. Move them to safety before they can be taken hostage by this insidious group. That is all we are offering you: safety within the city until the guard can put an end to this threat."

He offers a smile. "You said yourself that your teacher had been attacked by bandits... I would hate to see the same happen to you. The War has done horrible things to people's opinions on magic. We're striving to change that. Will you help us?"
Sep 26, 2019 4:25 pm
Moonbeam says:
After a moment, she fishes a handkerchief from a pocket and dabs at her eyes, sniffing. She appears to notice the beggar watching her, and gives an automatic nod of acknowledgment. She appears about to speak to him, then wilts again and looks away.
The beggar tries to ignore the sniffling woman in front of him, looking this way and that up the street... anywhere but at Verrian. But as the display goes on, he clears his throat and says in a gravelly voice, "Come now, dear... there's already too much sadness in this blighted city."

He gestures at a low crate next to him. "Sit and tell me about it?" he says, then... well, probably smiles. His eyes have that look about them, but the expression itself is lost in a heavy beard.
Sep 26, 2019 4:44 pm
Verrian looks a little embarrassed and hesitates, but finally succumbs to the need to unburden herself. She accepts the offered seat on the crate.

"I'm sorry - there's clearly so much suffering here, and I don't mean to add to it. It's just that I... I have no idea what to do."

She starts to tear up again, but quickly dabs her eyes and makes an obvious effort to rein in her emotions. "We just arrived this morning. My brother Daxel and I. We've been on the road for such a long time. Our family had a small farm outside of Viamard, but
after things became so... unpredictable, we had a run of bad luck. Most of our livestock died or..."
She shudders; it's not hard to guess what might have become of livestock after the storms came.

"Then our parents died, and we just had no means of rebuilding, so we decided to try our luck elsewhere." She grimaces. "If only we'd known what a mistake that was. I'm sorry, I'm rambling.

"We'd been waiting in the line to get into Hara for hours when a guard came by to ask our names and our business in Hara. While we were answering his questions, he noticed my brother's components pouch. He doesn't have much talent - the pouch belonged to our mother, and he mostly keeps it as a memento - but the guard made him get out of line and they took him through the gate. I had to stay in line, and though I had no trouble getting in once I got to the gate, no one will tell me anything about where they've taken Daxel! I'm afraid to keep pressing - the guards have started to put their hands on their sword pommels whenever they see me coming now. But Daxel was carrying what little money we had, so I'm not sure what else to do."

She looks down, sniffling again. "Daxel is all I have left in the world. Without him, I'll be lost."
Sep 26, 2019 5:23 pm
78RPMLife says:
Ildemu also stands, but betrays no hint of worry or urgency. He holds up a hand. "Please, Mr. Leancam. Let me explain some things to you about the state of affairs in Hara, and perhaps you'll understand why we're hoping to protect you."

He offers a smile. "You said yourself that your teacher had been attacked by bandits... I would hate to see the same happen to you. The War has done horrible things to people's opinions on magic. We're striving to change that. Will you help us?"
Will does, in fact, return to his seat and look appropriately aghast. If he had pearls he would clutch them.

Well Mr. Crow, that is terrible news. Terrible indeed. I am lucky that you found me. A cult you say? That's bad news.

Wil makes a show of pulling himself together.

Whatever I can do to help, you can count on me Mr. Crow. Sorry if I seemed ungrateful earlier. Frightfully poor behaviour on my part.
Last edited September 26, 2019 5:26 pm
Sep 26, 2019 7:59 pm
Moonbeam says:
She looks down, sniffling again. "Daxel is all I have left in the world. Without him, I'll be lost."
You can actually watch the comforting expression on the beggar's face drain away. "It's... not a good time to be a mage of any sort in Hara," he murmurs, looking up and down the street again. "I hate to be the bearer of worse news, but... mages have a way of disappearing these days. Doesn't matter how much talent they have. The city guard says it's a mysterious cult kidnapping them, and the checkpoints at the gates are for taking the cult's targets into protection. And maybe they're right. But one way or another, I don't have anything good to tell you, dear. I'm very sorry. There's precious little good news any more."

He sighs deeply and opens his mouth to say more, but after a pause, all he says is, "I'm very sorry."
Please make a Sense Motive roll.
Sep 26, 2019 8:01 pm
Sensin' the motive, boss.


What's he hiding? - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Sep 26, 2019 8:10 pm
The beggar is clearly struggling with some internal conflict. His features, unbidden, grow troubled and tight. After a long, quiet moment, he turns to Verrian. "Damn me for a sentimental old fool," he mutters under his breath. "At sunset, go to the old Flower Market. Ever been to Hara before?"

When Verrian indicates that she hasn't, he continues on. "Follow this street. It's the second big town square you'll come to. Wait outside a building on the southeast corner with a white line painted on the door. Someone might be there to help you."

His gaze turns hard and direct. "I'm probably a Stones-damned idiot for trusting you with this, but something about you rings true to my eyes. Be warned though, if you're with them... it won't go well."
Sep 26, 2019 8:18 pm
Machiabelly says:
Will does, in fact, return to his seat and look appropriately aghast. If he had pearls he would clutch them.

Well Mr. Crow, that is terrible news. Terrible indeed. I am lucky that you found me. A cult you say? That's bad news.

Wil makes a show of pulling himself together.

Whatever I can do to help, you can count on me Mr. Crow. Sorry if I seemed ungrateful earlier. Frightfully poor behaviour on my part.
Ildemu nods, waving away Wil's apology with a flick of his hand. "These are difficult times for everyone, Mr. Leancam. I understand your suspicion."

He gestures to one of the guards, who opens the door and hails the woman that had escorted Wil here earlier. She enters and curtseys. Ildemu says, "Kazia here will escort you to one of our safe houses. You will receive further information there. Fortune be with you."

The woman, Kazia, waits for Wil to join her, at which point she will lead the way out of the house by a different exit than the one they came in earlier.
Sep 26, 2019 8:47 pm
78RPMLife says:
"Follow this street. It's the second big town square you'll come to. Wait outside a building on the southeast corner with a white line painted on the door. Someone might be there to help you."

His gaze turns hard and direct. "I'm probably a Stones-damned idiot for trusting you with this, but something about you rings true to my eyes. Be warned though, if you're with them... it won't go well."
Verrian beams and takes the man's hand in both of hers. "Oh, thank you! You can't know what this-- Thank you! I..." She stops and frowns as his warning finally appears to sink in. "If I'm with them...? With who?"
Sep 26, 2019 10:05 pm
78RPMLife says:

He gestures to one of the guards, who opens the door and hails the woman that had escorted Wil here earlier. She enters and curtseys. Ildemu says, "Kazia here will escort you to one of our safe houses. You will receive further information there. Fortune be with you."

The woman, Kazia, waits for Wil to join her, at which point she will lead the way out of the house by a different exit than the one they came in earlier.
Wil gets up and bows.

Fortune be with you as well.

On the inside Wil is thinking Bad fortune if there are gods watching over us.

He keeps face bland and inoffensive, and follows along as asked.
Sep 27, 2019 12:16 am
Moonbeam says:
She stops and frowns as his warning finally appears to sink in. "If I'm with them...? With who?"
"Whoever’s responsible. You could be the Queen of Rhamia in disguise for all I know."

The beggar frowns and shakes his head again. "You should move along. I’ve done all I can for you."

He gathers up his meager belongings in a rough-spun blanket and starts following his own advice, moving off in the opposite direction from the Flower Market square.
Sep 27, 2019 12:23 am
Verrian waits for a minute or two after the man leaves, looking sad. Then she rides and trudges off. She seems to be just wandering, but she's following the street as the beggar suggested, looking for a building with a white line on the door.
Sep 27, 2019 7:32 pm
Moonbeam says:
Verrian waits for a minute or two after the man leaves, looking sad. Then she rides and trudges off. She seems to be just wandering, but she's following the street as the beggar suggested, looking for a building with a white line on the door.
When you get a chance, please give me a Disguise check.
Sep 27, 2019 7:41 pm
Machiabelly says:
On the inside Wil is thinking Bad fortune if there are gods watching over us.

He keeps face bland and inoffensive, and follows along as asked.
Kazia is silent as she leads the way out of the building. You have some time to study her as you walk out into the streets and deeper into the city itself. For a human, she is not particularly tall, her dark blond hair falling to the middle of her back. She carries herself with a businesslike air, posture straight and expression straighter. While her clothing is plain, it is clearly well cared for and well made, unlike the general threadbare nature of most everyone on the streets of Hara. With your experience traveling and storytelling, you get the sense that she is not a native of Hara, though where she might have come from is hard to tell if she doesn't start talking.

There is certainly some time to take a look around the street as well. It seems strange that if magicians are in such danger, you would be entrusted to a single escort who doesn't appear on the surface to be particularly effective as a protector. Your suspicions are confirmed. You notice that there are city guards posted unobtrusively along the street, mostly blending into the surroundings and people sharing the street with you, and furthermore that they're posted so carefully that hardly a step you take would be out of sight of the guard.

Every once in a while, Kazia looks to her side to make sure you're still with her. Though she has yet to say anything, you get the strange sensation at the back of your mind that she's holding something back. Maybe it's the way her lips move just slightly when she looks at you, or that she looks at you just a little too long for just a check-in.


Top Secret Roll

Sep 27, 2019 7:58 pm
Excuse me, Kazia is it, how long have you worked for Mr. Crow?

He looks around the town, making note of anything that may be useful later...blind spots or dark alleys...his aunt, friends, Pip...anything interesting really.

Things look a little tough in town, is that due to the cultists? Do all the guards work for Mr. Crow? He must be very powerful. It is nice that he takes an interest in Hara. Is he from here, local boy doing well? Those are always good stories.
Sep 27, 2019 8:09 pm
78RPMLife says:
Moonbeam says:
Verrian waits for a minute or two after the man leaves, looking sad. Then she rides and trudges off. She seems to be just wandering, but she's following the street as the beggar suggested, looking for a building with a white line on the door.
When you get a chance, please give me a Disguise check.


Disguise check - (1d20+7)

(19) + 7 = 26

Sep 28, 2019 6:33 pm
Machiabelly says:
Excuse me, Kazia is it, how long have you worked for Mr. Crow?

He looks around the town, making note of anything that may be useful later...blind spots or dark alleys...his aunt, friends, Pip...anything interesting really.

Things look a little tough in town, is that due to the cultists? Do all the guards work for Mr. Crow? He must be very powerful. It is nice that he takes an interest in Hara. Is he from here, local boy doing well? Those are always good stories.
Kazia speaks in a low voice as she walks along, her lips barely moving. "I don’t know what your game is. But you’re no mage. I don’t know how you got them to believe you were... or even more, why you’re trying to convince them so. No one with the sense of a child would want people to think they had any drop of magical talent. Not here. But if I can puzzle it out, I have to think Mr. Crow knows. So I’ll take you to the warehouse if you truly want — not sure why, by the stones — but you’d better be damned careful."

She continues walking, glancing only briefly toward Wil as she does.
Sep 28, 2019 6:42 pm
Moonbeam says:
Verrian waits for a minute or two after the man leaves, looking sad. Then she rides and trudges off. She seems to be just wandering, but she's following the street as the beggar suggested, looking for a building with a white line on the door.
At least a good half-hour passes after Verrian finds the door in question, and the sun creeps ever lower toward the horizon. A few times, someone gives Verrian a sidelong look that makes her think this must be the person she’s going to make contact with, but they all pass without approaching.

Then, as she starts to seriously wonder whether she’s been set up or duped, a young man approaches from the alley. He’s got the same careworn clothing and rumpled affectation as most others in Hara, but his eyes are bright, his manner quick and observant, his gait purposeful. "Follow me," he says as he approaches, baritone voice quiet. "Ten paces behind. Ask no questions until we’re alone."

And with that, he continues walking across the square.

As Verrian is making up her mind whether to trust this fellow, the familiar shape of a mischievous brown sparrow alights on a tree branch nearby, fluffs its wings a few times, lets out a chirp, and flutters away in the same direction as the young man is walking.
Sep 28, 2019 6:49 pm
Wil momentarily drops the gullible act.

It is what I want, and believe me Kazia, I am always careful.

He looks up at her.

What does he have over you Kazia? You don't seem like a zealot or a warlord. Tell me what's going on, maybe I can help.
Can I get a feel for where she is from, either by speech patterns or clothes?


Diplomacy. Talk to me Kazia - (1D20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Sep 28, 2019 6:55 pm
78RPMLife says:
[quote="Moonbeam"]Then, as she starts to seriously wonder whether she’s been set up or duped, a young man approaches from the alley. He’s got the same careworn clothing and rumpled affectation as most others in Hara, but his eyes are bright, his manner quick and observant, his gait purposeful. "Follow me," he says as he approaches, baritone voice quiet. "Ten paces behind. Ask no questions until we’re alone."

And with that, he continues walking across the square.

As Verrian is making up her mind whether to trust this fellow, the familiar shape of a mischievous brown sparrow alights on a tree branch nearby, fluffs its wings a few times, lets out a chirp, and flutters away in the same direction as the young man is walking.
Verrian's heart leaps at the sight of Pip, but she only gives him a tiny nod and continues to follow the young man.
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