Chapter 5: Pleased to Meet You

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Oct 3, 2019 7:46 pm
Nodding, Verrian says, "I have a whitestone disk. I need to get it from my bag." When they don't object, she retrieves and activates the disk.

"This is Talva. I've seen Pip, so I feel confident that he's kept Wil in sight. I've also made contact with a resistance cell. They want to help get the rest of you to safety. Have you come over the wall yet?"
Oct 3, 2019 8:02 pm
Amidst this talk of strategy the sudden sound of Verrain's voice makes Elora jump back, her heart skipping a beat. With haste she pulls out the disk. Seeing as they are still outside Elora whispers her replies. "We just made it over, looking for a spot to hide in now."
Oct 3, 2019 8:06 pm
"Give us your exact location and we'll send you some help."
Oct 3, 2019 8:34 pm
" alleyway?" Elora looks between Swan and Coreene for something a little more specific.
Oct 3, 2019 8:44 pm
With a silent, ever-so-patient sigh, Verrian - unable to see Elora's silent appeal to the others - says, "Perhaps Swan or Corleene would know where you are."
Oct 3, 2019 9:43 pm
Uelten will assist Elora with nailing down exactly where they are.
Oct 4, 2019 7:00 pm
After some quick back-and-forth via the whitestone disk (which fascinates many of the members of the cell here, especially the broad-shouldered man named Anders), the exact location of the rest of the party is quickly established. Erannik nods to Eanala and says, "I'm on it. We'll have them here as quick as we can."

Timarra opens the door to the outside, and departs behind the dwarf as he exits. Eanala watches them go, and sighs softly as the door is barred once again. She suddenly looks very tired, rubbing one long-fingered hand over the left side of her face, the side with the cloudy eye. "Erannik is very capable. He should have your friends to safety almost as quickly as he says he will," she replies finally, wry smile barely tilting her mouth.

She gestures to one of the empty chairs around the table, and sits down once again. "Tell me more about what you've seen? It feels like I haven't left Hara for years. It's almost unrecognizable any more," she says, shaking her head. There's an undercurrent of anger in her voice.
Oct 4, 2019 7:14 pm
Verrian sits across from Eanala. Part of her wishes she'd gone with Erannik - she'd feel better seeing to their safe recovery personally - but the situation demands flexibility and trust on her part.

"Things are just as unrecognizable outside of the walls." She describes the landscape, both what she's seen and what she's heard about. She also tells of the frog people and the weird lizard people the party had encountered on the way to Hara.

When an opportunity presents itself, she says urgently, "Tell me about this Roland Crow." Her expression darkens. "And have you ever heard of or seen Ildemu?' She quickly sketches a description of her current favorite target for hatred.
Oct 4, 2019 7:32 pm
All of the cell members -- Eanala, Livia, Giran and Anders -- take a look at the quick sketch Verrian produces, and look at one another to verify their initial assessment. Eanala confirms what they all suspect.

"It's the same person. That wise-ass smirk that makes you want to kick him right in the balls? Dead giveaway," she says heatedly. "We've never had a run-in with him directly, but we've seen him plenty of times. He and the 'mayor'," she continues, acid dripping from her voice as she mentions the city guard captain with delusions of grandeur, "are thick as thieves."

Giran rests his elbows on the back of the chair next to Verrian, still looking at the sketch. "You've got a real eye for people," he mentions lightly, offhandedly. "I'm feeling the urge to crumple this up and throw it in the fire, just from the image."

Livia snorts, but says nothing. Anders goes back to waiting by the door, sitting on a stool and watching the room.
Oct 4, 2019 7:37 pm
Verrian allows her surprise to show on her face. "Ildemu is Roland Crow? But...why? I mean, can you think of a reason he'd use a different name in Viamard than here?"
Oct 4, 2019 7:51 pm
Eanala shrugs, looking to the others to see if they have a response. "I have no idea. The name Ildemu is just as new to us as Roland Crow is to you," she says. The others nod their agreement. "But it seems to me that he eats intrigue and shits deception. Maybe it's just a compulsion for him," she continues, lip curling.

She drums her fingers on the tabletop. "How long ago did you see him in Viamard? We've seen him off and on here for a few months, but only in the last week did this whole lockdown at the gate and rounding up talented people for their 'protection' become a full-blown thing."
Oct 4, 2019 8:11 pm
Verrian laughs at Eanala's description of Ildemu/Roland. At the question of when she'd last seen him in Viamard, she looks up at the ceiling, figuring the elapsed time in her head. "A week and a half ago. That's when all the Crows left Viamard."
Last edited October 4, 2019 9:10 pm
Oct 4, 2019 9:14 pm
"Maybe it's not the same person then," says Eanala with a frown. "Unless he can fly like a crow... and even then, that's awfully fast. I know I saw him in Hara 10 days ago. That's when they took Evi."

Giran looks up from where he leans on the chair to give Livia a sympathetic look.
Oct 4, 2019 9:16 pm
Verrian closes her eyes. "Well, he can't fly, but I know he has a ring that allows him to teleport. I saw him use it. So it's entirely possible that it was him."

Noting the look between Giran and Livia, Verrian asks the big woman gently, "Is Evi a loved one of yours?"
Oct 4, 2019 9:33 pm
"My sister," says Livia flatly. It's said almost as if she expects a challenge to her statement, as though losing a sister isn't enough reason to be part of a resistance. Or maybe it's just her way.

"My aunt," adds Giran. And then, in a bit of a rush, "Livia's my aunt too. Not my mother. In case you were wondering. Not that you were. But... you know..."

He trails off with a sigh, looking ceilingward a moment. "I talk too much." He flashes Verrian one quick look, then goes over to occupy Erannik's vacant chair with a bit of a flounce and a bit more of a blush.
Oct 4, 2019 9:40 pm
Coreene was getting antsy waiting for the resistance contact. "Let's stay near here, but I recommend we find refuge in the shadows. No sense in letting the guards find us first." she states.
Oct 4, 2019 9:57 pm
78RPMLife says:
"My sister," says Livia flatly. It's said almost as if she expects a challenge to her statement, as though losing a sister isn't enough reason to be part of a resistance. Or maybe it's just her way.

"My aunt," adds Giran. And then, in a bit of a rush, "Livia's my aunt too. Not my mother. In case you were wondering. Not that you were. But... you know..."

He trails off with a sigh, looking ceilingward a moment. "I talk too much." He flashes Verrian one quick look, then goes over to occupy Erannik's vacant chair with a bit of a flounce and a bit more of a blush.
Verrian watches this with amusement that she keeps concealed. When he looks at her after the flounce, she gives him a slight smile with a twinkle in her eye. It's been a while since she'd been around someone trying this hard to impress her.

To Eanala, she says, serious once more, "How many talented people would you say have been rounded up?"
Oct 4, 2019 10:37 pm
DarkReaver1998 says:
Coreene was getting antsy waiting for the resistance contact. "Let's stay near here, but I recommend we find refuge in the shadows. No sense in letting the guards find us first." she states.
Ember paces. Her skin's tingling. She hasn't cast anything since she bled for Wil for fear of sending a signal somehow. She never really noticed how often she fiddles with cantrips until now.

Do you think this group has an exit plan? she asks in a low tone. Meeting the resistance is all well and good, but if we're about to have 40 liberated victims........I mean, we can't stay in the city unless we kill all the Crows. And we know some will get out anyway. And we can't make those bastards martyrs. Freaks who mutilate magic users and have no problem using it themselves. The gods had better be alive so they can rip the crows' pathetic throats as they fall into the shadows........

Her voice trails off. She realizes she's shaking.
Last edited October 4, 2019 10:46 pm
Oct 4, 2019 11:21 pm
"Agreed, let's find the shadows. Until we get a feel for the patrols and what they'll tolerate, I feel exposed even in the dark places." Uelten chews on his next words and then looks Ember in the eye. "I have to ask something. You know Verrian better than we. Did she sound, anxious, or worried? I mean, you know what she is like, did she, well, I'll just say it. Did she sound like she had a blade to her throat and was only saying what she was told to say?"
Oct 4, 2019 11:28 pm
"No, she didn’t, and Verrian’s creative enough that she would have found a way to let us know something was up if she needed to. We can move a bit, but I’d hazard a guess she’s on her way to retrieve us, so we shouldn’t move far."
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