Aug 27, 2019 7:21 pm
Hi everyone!
SO happy to find a community like this. I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons off and on for many years now with a group of friends. We've all since gotten lives and moved away so it's harder to schedule skype sessions but that hunger for D&D is still very much present. I've started my 3rd year of medical school so there are days where I REALLY need just some kind of artistic/fun outlet that doesn't chew up a lot of my time. Pbp seems like a perfect solution to those two problems; community of people looking to play and a slow but steady post rate that scratches that itch for rpg fun. Looking forward to diving into it and maybe once I get the hang of the site you'll see me looking for players as I try DMing on my own!
SO happy to find a community like this. I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons off and on for many years now with a group of friends. We've all since gotten lives and moved away so it's harder to schedule skype sessions but that hunger for D&D is still very much present. I've started my 3rd year of medical school so there are days where I REALLY need just some kind of artistic/fun outlet that doesn't chew up a lot of my time. Pbp seems like a perfect solution to those two problems; community of people looking to play and a slow but steady post rate that scratches that itch for rpg fun. Looking forward to diving into it and maybe once I get the hang of the site you'll see me looking for players as I try DMing on my own!