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Sep 29, 2019 3:06 am
Initiative vs. Snake


Initiative - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Sep 29, 2019 3:18 am


INIT - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Sep 29, 2019 4:38 am
I think only one of us rolls for the whole party, I believe the monsters roll 1d6 and we roll 1d6 then check the table.

Dexterity doesn’t effect roll unless we’re moving silently
Sep 29, 2019 5:20 am
Yes! Someone, please roll for the PARTY!
Sep 29, 2019 5:48 am
We got two 3’s so I say that is our roll - 3
Oct 1, 2019 4:21 am
We just do our attacks in any order now, right?

I believe it goes monster - heroes - monster - heroes etc . . .
Oct 1, 2019 8:10 am
Yep! You got it!
Oct 2, 2019 6:54 am
Just a heads up that next week I will be offline for most of it as I am going camping with the family, feel free to post for Cootufy as required to move along.
Oct 3, 2019 9:26 am
Mathfuric says:
Just a heads up that next week I will be offline for most of it as I am going camping with the family, feel free to post for Cootufy as required to move along.
Have fun and be safe Sir!
Oct 5, 2019 10:51 am
GeneCortess says:
That's okay Cordon is using a Footman's Mace. Smiles not a Broadsword. We cleric are allergic to sharp edge weapons.
Is the footman's mace single handed or two-handed? I just went down an AD&D 1E rabbit hole trying to find out...
Oct 5, 2019 2:57 pm
You need to browse the revised edition to find out it is a M class weapon meaning one handed for man size users. The original books didn't have size class for weapons stated. You had to just know the weapon.
Oct 31, 2019 2:03 am
Hi guys!

I apologize for not being present. I have been in and out of hospital over the last few weeks and I am hoping that this is the last I see of it. Thanks for being so patient. I hope there are no quitters and I would now just like to get on with it.

Thanks again!

Nov 10, 2019 12:27 am
OK, I'm getting the impression that this is First Edition AD&D. I may still have the books from 40 years ago but I'm not sure. I probably can't read them anymore because my eyes are so bad. Surgery on Monday may not solve that completely. I'll try to figure something out.
Nov 14, 2019 6:49 am
Aldrusian says:
OK, I'm getting the impression that this is First Edition AD&D. I may still have the books from 40 years ago but I'm not sure. I probably can't read them anymore because my eyes are so bad. Surgery on Monday may not solve that completely. I'll try to figure something out.
Yes! It is 1st Edition AD&D. Sorry!
Nov 14, 2019 9:34 am
Well hello there and thanks for the invite!

AD&D? Been a while. Are kits being used?
Nov 14, 2019 12:56 pm
TheGoodDoctor says:
Are kits being used?
None of that 2nd edition nonsense!! :-P I believe this campaign is AD&D 1st edition, sans Unearthed Arcana..., just the good old PHB with the wizard on the cover (or if you're feeling like it, the older, Demon Idol cover...)
Nov 16, 2019 3:19 am
Sorry, I lame ducked my rolls. Not really inspired to create anything from it.
Nov 22, 2019 7:31 pm
I'm dropping this game for lack of GM input.
Nov 22, 2019 9:13 pm
I wonder if Tani's has taken a turn for the worse. It's been a while and we're beginning to lose players. Who else is still here?
Nov 22, 2019 9:42 pm
I am. Don’t mind the waiting.
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