Against the Cult: The Next Day (1.2)
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Jan 13, 2016 2:57 am
Klak will ensure his axe and shield are at the ready and clamber down from the wagon and start a patrol. "If we aren't moving, we should move." He says clearly. "To be harder targets for bandit arrows."
Last edited January 13, 2016 2:57 am
Jan 13, 2016 7:50 am
"Oh, thank you, most Gracious Mistress!" the farmer fawns and scrapes for a moment, and then backs away, bowing, toward the game trail leading to his farm.
OK, so I'd like to get a sense of what everyone is doing. It seems like Morgran, Quest, and Aanbo are looking to follow the farmer into the Dim. What is everyone else doing? Will you continue east toward Orlane, stay here with the wagon in the road, look for cover to conceal yourselves and the wagon, set up the wagon as bait, silently track the three going with the farmer, take a long rest, or something else? In particular, what are Sara (steering the oxen) and Xana (driving the oxen) doing with the wagon (as that may color others' responses)?
OK, so I'd like to get a sense of what everyone is doing. It seems like Morgran, Quest, and Aanbo are looking to follow the farmer into the Dim. What is everyone else doing? Will you continue east toward Orlane, stay here with the wagon in the road, look for cover to conceal yourselves and the wagon, set up the wagon as bait, silently track the three going with the farmer, take a long rest, or something else? In particular, what are Sara (steering the oxen) and Xana (driving the oxen) doing with the wagon (as that may color others' responses)?
Jan 13, 2016 4:05 pm
I give Aanbo a cold, hard stare. "A little late for courtesies now, don't you think? Don't forget your place." I give him a dismissive wave and turn toward the others in my group who are staying behind. "We'll move off the road and keep hidden until their return unless any of you have further objections?"
Jan 13, 2016 4:40 pm
"I'll remain here with the cart. Don't be long." I'm not happy with this change of 'plans', but at this point the course has already been set.
Jan 13, 2016 9:48 pm
Ogbar shrugs and leans against the wagon. It's not his problem if they wanna go and get themselves killed in an ambush because they're worrying about some sick kid.
Jan 13, 2016 11:55 pm
Morgran, OgbarQuest, and Aanbo follow the farmer down the path. (OoC: anyone else who is going to join them, speak up now)
The rest of the party looks to find a place to conceal the wagon off of the road again. If you're doing that, you can roll Stealth to work on concealing the wagon or Perception to keep a lookout...or describe something else that you're doing, of course.
(edited to fix tags AND which characters are going!)
The rest of the party looks to find a place to conceal the wagon off of the road again. If you're doing that, you can roll Stealth to work on concealing the wagon or Perception to keep a lookout...or describe something else that you're doing, of course.
(edited to fix tags AND which characters are going!)
Jan 14, 2016 12:10 am
::Oh, I'm going...or Quest is I mean, to see the sick kid.:::
Last edited January 14, 2016 12:11 am
Jan 14, 2016 12:26 am
I keep a lookout for an ambush while the others do what they will with the wagon and oxen.
I thought Ogbar was staying behind?
I thought Ogbar was staying behind?
Perception - (1d20+3)
(11) + 3 = 14
Jan 14, 2016 12:59 am
(Ooc: whoops! My head thought "Quest," but my fingers typed "Ogbar!" Thanks all for pointing it out)
Jan 14, 2016 3:37 am
Klak is marginally better at hiding things than finding them, so he attempts to assist with hiding the wagon.
Stealth - (1d20)
(12) = 12
Jan 14, 2016 4:05 am
I attempt to hide the wagon while looking out for any danger. Why not multitask?
Perception - (1d20+2)
(2) + 2 = 4
Stealth - (1d20+1)
(6) + 1 = 7
Jan 15, 2016 8:08 pm
On the Road
The characters with the wagon - Xana, Sara, Ogbar, Klak, Durren, and Thacogygax - drive the oxen off of Cecily's Road into the cover of the trees and wait, eyeing the road and the trees nervously. Several minutes pass. The normal sounds of the forest resume: creatures scuttling in the undergrowth, birds calling in the trees. Sara spots something large coming down the road from the east (toward Orlane), perhaps 200 yards distant still; if she had to guess, she figures it to be another wagon. But the trees are tall and the little dappled light that comes through the canopy over the Road does not allow for great visibility.
In the Dim
"Luminous Excellencies, my name is Abel. Abel Jarl!" the farmer calls over his shoulder to Aanbo, Morgran, and Quest as he leads them through the dark forest on the game trail. "I came into the woods twenty years ago, cleared space for my farm, and have been working it ever since, without having to pay Keolish taxes. I've hardly ever been back to town since, except once, to marry Elista, and a couple of times since to buy her some pretties..."
As he continues in this vein, you come to a split rail fence. Inside the fence, the ground has been cleared, though tree stumps still poke up from the sparse grass. You see a few sheep grazing, and at the top of a low rise, a cluster of buildings - some rude barns and a ramshackle stone cottage. A tuft of smoke curls from the chimney.
The characters with the wagon - Xana, Sara, Ogbar, Klak, Durren, and Thacogygax - drive the oxen off of Cecily's Road into the cover of the trees and wait, eyeing the road and the trees nervously. Several minutes pass. The normal sounds of the forest resume: creatures scuttling in the undergrowth, birds calling in the trees. Sara spots something large coming down the road from the east (toward Orlane), perhaps 200 yards distant still; if she had to guess, she figures it to be another wagon. But the trees are tall and the little dappled light that comes through the canopy over the Road does not allow for great visibility.
In the Dim
"Luminous Excellencies, my name is Abel. Abel Jarl!" the farmer calls over his shoulder to Aanbo, Morgran, and Quest as he leads them through the dark forest on the game trail. "I came into the woods twenty years ago, cleared space for my farm, and have been working it ever since, without having to pay Keolish taxes. I've hardly ever been back to town since, except once, to marry Elista, and a couple of times since to buy her some pretties..."
As he continues in this vein, you come to a split rail fence. Inside the fence, the ground has been cleared, though tree stumps still poke up from the sparse grass. You see a few sheep grazing, and at the top of a low rise, a cluster of buildings - some rude barns and a ramshackle stone cottage. A tuft of smoke curls from the chimney.
Jan 15, 2016 9:38 pm
In the Dim
"Abel, does anyone work with you out here? That is, anyone who is not a member of your family? How do you get the things you and such... if you don't go to town?
"Abel, does anyone work with you out here? That is, anyone who is not a member of your family? How do you get the things you and such... if you don't go to town?
Jan 16, 2016 8:00 am
In the Dim, at the Jarl farm
"Honored Zenith, I make most everything we use. Every once in a whiles, a scissors man comes down the road, and I makes sure to buy things like saws if I've broken them."
Abel frowns. "Come to think of it, haven't seen the scissors man lately..." He continues to lead you across the pasture up to the farmhouse. A young girl stands in the doorway and gives a cry of greeting, which Abel returns, waving enthusiastically. "Hello, Emiless! I've bringen help for Devek!"
"Honored Zenith, I make most everything we use. Every once in a whiles, a scissors man comes down the road, and I makes sure to buy things like saws if I've broken them."
Abel frowns. "Come to think of it, haven't seen the scissors man lately..." He continues to lead you across the pasture up to the farmhouse. A young girl stands in the doorway and gives a cry of greeting, which Abel returns, waving enthusiastically. "Hello, Emiless! I've bringen help for Devek!"
Jan 16, 2016 6:25 pm
Morgran spent much of the journey trying to scratch a hard-to reach spot on his back. The prayer wheel wasn't very effective, and he quickly withdraws it when he realises the destination has been reached.
"Let's get this over with, my fellow warriors. Show me the ailing one and also...nourishment?"
"Let's get this over with, my fellow warriors. Show me the ailing one and also...nourishment?"
Jan 16, 2016 6:43 pm
In the Dim, at the Jarl farm
Aanbo lets the warriors label slide, and follows Quest and Morgran to the farm.
Aanbo lets the warriors label slide, and follows Quest and Morgran to the farm.
Jan 17, 2016 2:55 pm
On the Road
"Quiet." I say in a hushed voice to the others as I prepare my bow, "Something's coming." I remain huddled where I am, bow and arrow in hand, watching and waiting.
"Quiet." I say in a hushed voice to the others as I prepare my bow, "Something's coming." I remain huddled where I am, bow and arrow in hand, watching and waiting.
Jan 17, 2016 3:18 pm
On the Road
I climb into the back of the wagon and secure Thacogygax. I whisper "Hate to break it to you, but your tail has been out this whole time. Next time ask for help if you're trying to hide..." Then I stand outside the wagon, leaning against it and waiting for whatever comes.
I climb into the back of the wagon and secure Thacogygax. I whisper "Hate to break it to you, but your tail has been out this whole time. Next time ask for help if you're trying to hide..." Then I stand outside the wagon, leaning against it and waiting for whatever comes.
Jan 18, 2016 2:05 am
At the Jarl Farm
The girl, Emiless, runs inside the farmhouse, and the three (Morgran, Aanbo, and Quest) can hear her calling out inside: "Mama! Abella! Papa's brought some help!"
Abel brushes a hank of hair that has fallen over his face back over his ear. "Majestic Worthies, welcome to my home." He bows you through the door. The large room within is dominated by a large fireplace, where a harried-looking human woman is moving back and forth between a cutting board and a pot that's hanging over the fire, bubbling a fine broth aroma to the room. A young boy is tending the fire, while a toddler is playing with a straw doll on the wooden floor nearby, while a sleepy dog wags his tail indulgently. A table is pushed up against the wall on the other side of the room. A door on the left hand wall leads to a cupboard, and a door in the back leads outside. A set of stairs climbs up, and the girl you saw before - Emiless - comes running down the stairs moments after you enter. "There they are, Mama!"
The woman turns, worry lines etching her face. Abel grins. "Here I am, Elista darling! I have brought these Gentlefolk to heal Devek!"
His wife, Elista, looks grimly at the weapons they bear. "No, no, no, my darling - these have come to help! This majestic worthy is a priest!" He claps Morgran on the shoulder.
"Of Kord, the Lord of Battle, Abel?" She turns and then remembers herself, smiling at the group despite her obvious fear of strangers. "Welcome, Virtuous Lords. I beg that you do not take offense at my husband's ignorance of your faith and instead treat us with grace." She's clearly city-bred, and knows more of manners than her husband. "However you have come, we are grateful if you can do anything for our son. We do not know what his sickness is, just that he came home days ago looking pale as a ghost and fell asleep. Come, see for yourselves." She brushes a few more vegetables from the cutting board into the pot and then wipes her hands on her apron. Then she goes over to the girl on the stairs. "Emiless, stir the pot while we visit Devek." The girl goes to tend the pot, while Elista leads the way up the stairs. Abel follows you, brushing his unruly lock of hair back again.
On the second level is a short hallway, with doors leading off to the right. She enters the first door. Following, you find a low cot with a grieving young maid leaning over the body of a dead teenager. At least, he seems dead at first: the color seems drained from his skin, and he seems completely motionless. The girl notices you enter - it's clear that Emiless had announced your approach before - and rises, giving a huge beaming smile of relief that help has come. Then she tries to curtsy and test her knowledge of flowery court language, as only befits such high and mighty people as yourselves. Mabjificent Nobles, welcome! Ant please ye, if ye can do aught to awhist my brother, we employ thee to do so, for our Internal gratitude!" Elista rolls her eyes. "These Wondrous Beings cannot help, Abella, until you move out of the way." Abella blushes and moves to the side.
Near the Road
Just a few hundred yards away, just off Cecily's Road, the party watches as the shape materializes into a large box on wheels, being pulled by a pair of mules. A man sits on a bench at the front of the box, which you see is a type of wagon like travelers use who live on the road, with a roof and walls, rather than canvas over a bed like yours. He draws up, reins his team to a stop, and waves cheerfully. "Hello there! Jonbon the Busker greets you! Ordinarily I'd be worried about bandits skulking in the bushes, but you see, this time I have nothing to steal! That, and you don't look like bandits, what with that wagon on the side of the road. Bandits would have hidden behind the wagon, not in it!"
(edited to close out the boldface speech)
The girl, Emiless, runs inside the farmhouse, and the three (Morgran, Aanbo, and Quest) can hear her calling out inside: "Mama! Abella! Papa's brought some help!"
Abel brushes a hank of hair that has fallen over his face back over his ear. "Majestic Worthies, welcome to my home." He bows you through the door. The large room within is dominated by a large fireplace, where a harried-looking human woman is moving back and forth between a cutting board and a pot that's hanging over the fire, bubbling a fine broth aroma to the room. A young boy is tending the fire, while a toddler is playing with a straw doll on the wooden floor nearby, while a sleepy dog wags his tail indulgently. A table is pushed up against the wall on the other side of the room. A door on the left hand wall leads to a cupboard, and a door in the back leads outside. A set of stairs climbs up, and the girl you saw before - Emiless - comes running down the stairs moments after you enter. "There they are, Mama!"
The woman turns, worry lines etching her face. Abel grins. "Here I am, Elista darling! I have brought these Gentlefolk to heal Devek!"
His wife, Elista, looks grimly at the weapons they bear. "No, no, no, my darling - these have come to help! This majestic worthy is a priest!" He claps Morgran on the shoulder.
"Of Kord, the Lord of Battle, Abel?" She turns and then remembers herself, smiling at the group despite her obvious fear of strangers. "Welcome, Virtuous Lords. I beg that you do not take offense at my husband's ignorance of your faith and instead treat us with grace." She's clearly city-bred, and knows more of manners than her husband. "However you have come, we are grateful if you can do anything for our son. We do not know what his sickness is, just that he came home days ago looking pale as a ghost and fell asleep. Come, see for yourselves." She brushes a few more vegetables from the cutting board into the pot and then wipes her hands on her apron. Then she goes over to the girl on the stairs. "Emiless, stir the pot while we visit Devek." The girl goes to tend the pot, while Elista leads the way up the stairs. Abel follows you, brushing his unruly lock of hair back again.
On the second level is a short hallway, with doors leading off to the right. She enters the first door. Following, you find a low cot with a grieving young maid leaning over the body of a dead teenager. At least, he seems dead at first: the color seems drained from his skin, and he seems completely motionless. The girl notices you enter - it's clear that Emiless had announced your approach before - and rises, giving a huge beaming smile of relief that help has come. Then she tries to curtsy and test her knowledge of flowery court language, as only befits such high and mighty people as yourselves. Mabjificent Nobles, welcome! Ant please ye, if ye can do aught to awhist my brother, we employ thee to do so, for our Internal gratitude!" Elista rolls her eyes. "These Wondrous Beings cannot help, Abella, until you move out of the way." Abella blushes and moves to the side.
Near the Road
Just a few hundred yards away, just off Cecily's Road, the party watches as the shape materializes into a large box on wheels, being pulled by a pair of mules. A man sits on a bench at the front of the box, which you see is a type of wagon like travelers use who live on the road, with a roof and walls, rather than canvas over a bed like yours. He draws up, reins his team to a stop, and waves cheerfully. "Hello there! Jonbon the Busker greets you! Ordinarily I'd be worried about bandits skulking in the bushes, but you see, this time I have nothing to steal! That, and you don't look like bandits, what with that wagon on the side of the road. Bandits would have hidden behind the wagon, not in it!"
(edited to close out the boldface speech)
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