Beyond being a devotee of Kord, Morgran is also just naturally of a temperament that prefers the flash of lightning to any steadier form of illumination, so he eschews lighting a torch for the strange giant reptile companion. Instead, he leads Thacogygax by calling out directions in the darkness, interspersed with what are surely malapropisms from the Book of Kord. "Kord is Nighty, Kord is Great! The Tower of Kord is without equal! A little to your right, there." Until the draconic alien comes up with his own light source, he finds this a strange trust exercise: the religious quotations of the dwarf are often confusing, but the actual directions are unerring.
Klak, who, in his devotion to Clangeddin has never encountered someone so prone to misquotes, has to wonder. Is Morgran mocking his faith, is the faith so nonsensical, or is the dwarf just sloppy in it?
Sara, meanwhile, senses the presence of the animal long before it comes to investigate the dwarf's litany, so she is not surprised when a brown bear ambles into the road from the trees ahead of the group. It sniffs the air and huffs a deep grunt in your direction.