Part 1: The Innocence of Summer

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Dec 16, 2019 4:15 am
"Arm up." Kells was all business like when she reached the armoury. Apart from their team it didn't look like anyone else was here yet. "We could be very useful if we're the only armed ones and the situation turns ugly." Kells picked up items she was familiar and trained with, a rifle, a personal holdout, and something for close quarters.
I would've listed the weapons but our character sheet runs only on my home computer and I won't have access to it for a few more days.
Dec 16, 2019 4:26 am
Ziggy sat on the floor, watching the 3D printers work. His eyes followed, picking which one would be whose when finished. The licenses were similar, but the armament when added would tell the real tale. When the last pieces were being readied, he looked for a suit and interface gear.
Dec 17, 2019 11:13 am
Kit picks up a few knives and things and then joins Ziggy on the floor.
"Mine’s that one," he says, cheerfully, pointing at the garish orange mech on the far right.
Dec 20, 2019 11:02 am
Kells looked at the range of personal sidearms on the rack, and settled for the standard issue model they trained with. It was commonly carried and fuss free, and slipped neatly into its accompanying holster. Next were two knives she tucked into her boots. Immediately she felt better equipped to deal with what might be next.

"So now we wait for our mechs? I thought we wanted to go investigate?"
Dec 26, 2019 9:43 pm
Chris is practically shaking with excitement as he watches the mechs print, more than likely he didn't even hear Kells trying to get the group moving. It may take a solid slap to get the man to pull his eyes from the mechanized holy grail in front of him.
Dec 31, 2019 10:08 am
"Captain Anna? What do you think we should do?" Kit thinks it wisest to defer to Anna’s expertise under these circumstances even if he usually dislikes being told what to do. "Should we take the mechs or investigate the problem first?"

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