Part 1: The Innocence of Summer

Oct 16, 2019 7:35 pm
It's been four long, gruelling years of training and examination. Half of all the trainees had washed out, they themselves having been the top 250 prospects in the nation. You've all been pushed to your limits and even beyond them, reaching heights in your skills you never could have imagined. The fundamentals have all been forced down your throats until they were instinctive. You've had countless simulation hours alongside many more in mechs of your own design. However, today, the results of the most dreaded part of the process for most were released. The mere mention of this stage never failed to make at least several trainees go pale. This section was:

The theory test.

Any second now, messages would come through to any current trainees who were all gathered into a hall barely big enough to fit them all to confirm or deny them graduation, as well as their squads for the trial period as fully instated lancers. A tangible anxious energy filled the room, joined with a few pockets of confidence, bordering on arrogance, caused by the typical, flawless rich kids you get in every school, including the Lancer Program. No system is perfect, despite what the heads of any given institution would tell you, and the worst kept secret about the Program was the bribery to influence the admissions, though it was limited by the quick washing out of anyone not talented enough to be there so the money only afforded the rich kids better living conditions and better resources to give them an advantage in the examinations.

You are among the crowd, nothing special or distinguished yet, though that may well change, especially after events soon to come, ones that no one could have predicted...
Introduce your characters and how they are preparing for the results of the test
Oct 17, 2019 12:48 am
Sayd Cruso, known as Ziggy after a practical joke he didn't understand, sits rigidly in the crowd, desperately trying to slow his roll. He doesn't understand what is happening to his body, this paralytic dread. Is it the number of people? The palpable tension in the air? The finality of what is about to happen?

All of this short life, he had prepared for this moment, but now, sitting there, he knows it was all for nothing. He doesn't know the first thing about this dynamic. There are more people in this room alone than he believed existed in the whole universe. Intellectually, he understood that there were billions, trilions maybe, of beings scattered throughout the cosmos. But growing up essentially alone (for his age) in a derelict cruiser in the middle of the deep black, to this... He is unprepared, is all. Overwhelmed.

I wish it was over, oh, please don't let it be over!
Oct 17, 2019 10:09 am
Not too far away from 'Ziggy', Kit- a slight young man with dishevelled red hair- sits on the ground, toying with a small, black surveillance drone. The poor little drone has a piece of duct tape stuck over its camera and it whirs and beeps in protest as Kit snatches it out of the air and rolls it across the floor, bouncing it off walls and people’s feet. When the drone finally rolls to a stop, it takes a few minutes to reorient itself and then returns to hover over Kit’s left shoulder. Kit easily catches it again and the game repeats itself…
Oct 17, 2019 10:38 am
Hanova preferred to stand and wait for the results. She didn't see the need for the theory tests, having spent her early life working with machines of all kinds, and making a decent living out of them. But they were lower-tier exoskeletons, or security suits with mounted hardware, or drone controllers, all practical business, but nothing as spectacular as a full fledged mech. That was what she was here for. Years of her life which could've been better spent doing something else. But this was the goal, the prize; she was going to muster out, and she'll do so with her own mech. Nothing else mattered.
Oct 17, 2019 2:42 pm
Arrat sat off to one side, as isolated as he could make himself from the rest of the teeming crowd. His cybernetic implants buzzed with activity, even while he seemed to be the most relaxed anyone had seen him. He was a rigid man, and his non-robotic eye showed the far off gaze of a person who had sailed through the unexplored, had seen the unobserved. On the outside, he was calm, collected, but within he was abuzz with thought, not all of it his.
Calculations of probability and survival rates for his fellow trainees were creating enough white noise for his internal AI that he had a moment to recollect his time in the Program. He had made no friends. He was a very intense and unconventional man, and that had a tendency to scare others away. What he lacked in social graces, however, he made up for in his tactical brilliance and command of intelligent systems. His attention is brought from his memories when he notices his "companion" beginning to access the Program database for his fellow trainee's grades so that it could add them to its calculations.
He would have to adjust the restriction parameters again. Re-shackled as it was, it had a habit of worming its way around the restrictions placed on it. Oh well, he would have time to work with it once the results came in.
Oct 18, 2019 5:37 pm
Around the room, everyone's standard-issue watches buzzed, alerting everyone in the room to the release of the results and their fate, now contained in a message on the watch. The room's energy switched from anxious anticipation to a myriad of emotions around the room. Excitement, relief, sadness, anger, fear, it was all present.

If you look at your own watches, you will each see that you have passed which might be more surprising than for others. Alongside this good news is your squad for the near future, Squad 12AFT5. For now, it is simply a string of digits but it will surely come to mean more in the future, especially once you earn your name, as all Lancer squads do. Following, instructions to where you should go next are set out. Surprisingly, your fellow squad-mates are not mentioned in the message, leaving that a surprise for when you arrive at the conference room you were assigned.

Many people started filtering out of the hall, successful and unsuccessful alike, which meant that only about half of all people are remaining, creating a lot more space for you all to move about.
Oct 19, 2019 12:03 am
They just cleared us. And already a squad briefing? Must be urgent. Hanova wondered if the others in the room were rookies. She reserved judgement for now, but if she was going to have to trust these people with her life, she'd best start by getting to know them. A cyborg, a kid with a drone, and a - , hmm, she didn't quite peg who the other one was, but by the way he moved he was definitely a spacer.
Last edited October 19, 2019 12:04 am
Oct 19, 2019 12:09 am
Arrat moves promptly to the assigned conference room, eager to lay eyes on his new squad. Already he was compiling lists of possibilities for their first assignments. Likely nothing too dangerous, as they were still green when it came to actual combat experience. With his internal HUD showing him the exact location of the assigned room, he makes it there in record time. He decided to tune out his AI's number crunching and focus on who would be joining him in the conference room.
Oct 19, 2019 3:23 am
Sayd looks at his watch and nearly vomits from the release of anxiety. He lowers his head to the table and takes a deep breath. When he had calmed, he looks around, makes eye contact with a few who remain behind. Squad 12AFT5! It sounded covert, military, official. Rereading the instructions, he gets up and proceeds for the conference room assigned to them.
Oct 19, 2019 3:24 am
Kit slinks into the conference room a few minutes later. There are three other people in there at the moment- his new teammates, he supposes. None of them are of particular interest to him except in that one of the men is wearing some sort of watch (other than the standard-issue military one) and the woman is wearing a very shiny necklace. Both of these accessories would make worthy additions to his collection, he thinks, but the necklace is especially captivating. The temptation to steal the necklace is, in fact, so great that Kit wonders if it is some sort of trick or test. It seems unlikely, but he decides to play it safe and steal the watch instead.

Approaching Arrat, Kit says, in a very upbeat, almost-childish tone of voice, "Hello, mister... sir. My name is Kit." He smiles and extends his hand for a handshake. "I’m certain we’re going to make a great team."

As Arrat (presumably) reciprocates the handshake, Kit slips the watch off his wrist and quickly pockets it.
Last edited October 20, 2019 4:30 am
Oct 19, 2019 11:14 am

The conference room was more akin to a shared office space than the classrooms you'd be accustomed to on this campus. Surprisingly, no one was here. Usually, no one was ever late in the Program, especially if it was through a message on the watch. These were seen as priority, despite this one being relatively mundane. Perhaps they were intending on you getting to know each other first, or perhaps they were simply held up.

The one thing to notice would be that there was a holographic label with the text [12th Section: Advanced Forward Team 5] being projected be a small device that was lying on the table. You'd recognise this as a UDP (Universal Data Port) which, using your watches, could be used to get whatever data was stored on it. It was unclear what could be included in this.

The rest of the room was empty apart from you four, the only furniture in this sparsely decorated room was the table and 5 chairs. That was, again, a big difference to many of the other rooms, which wouldn't leave any wasted space. These rooms would likely be much smaller or have a separate, combined function such as storage or a computer suite.
Oct 20, 2019 9:53 am
Hanova noted their designation. Forward teams sound like risky business. Ah well, I didn't sign up just to stay on the sidelines. She took her seat, glancing over at the first attempt at conversation between the young man and the other one who looked not quite fully human, then she noted a fifth person joining them.


Spot - (1d20-1)

(11) - 1 = 10

Oct 20, 2019 2:05 pm
Suddenly the door rushes open, and a man around 6 foot in height, a long black pony tail that hung down nearly to his hips, and a frenzied look in his eyes stands with his hands on the frame and feet splayed apart. "Are you all Squad 12AFT5? I went the wrong way, thought I knew where I was going, and then realized it was the wrong way and then came running here. Please tell me you are Squad 12AFT5?" his frantic dark eyes trace about the room looking for confirmation that he's in the right place.
Oct 20, 2019 3:05 pm
Going to roll for spot and then post my reaction.

Alright, -1 Watch then.
Moving to shake Kit's hand, he introduces himself. "Arrat Pezal, though I go by the callsign Oracle. Feel free to call me as such if you don't feel like remembering my name." He speaks with a strange monotone, the blinking of a blue LED on his neck indicating that his lack of tonal change might be a result of not having organic vocal chords.
His attention is momentarily grabbed by the arrival of the newest member of the team, allowing Kit to easily slip the watch off his wrist. "You have come to the right place. This is squad 12AFT5."
Looking about the room at everyone assembled, he says, "In the absence of a senior Program director, I suggest we go around the room and introduce ourselves and our specialties. This will allow us to better fit ourselves into assigned roles within the group so we may work more efficiently. Afterwards, we should take a look at the data file left here for us, as it may shed more light on what our assignment is. As I said before, I am Arrat Pezal, though at times, I prefer to go by my callsign, Oracle. I specialize in computer systems and survival tactics. I also have a penchant for... experimental weaponry." He stands rigidly, looking at everyone as he speaks. After he has finished, he looks to see if anyone will carry on the conversation he has started.
Last edited October 20, 2019 3:15 pm


Spot +2 - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Oct 20, 2019 3:49 pm
"Hi, I'm Hanova Kellerin. But that's a mouthful in combat. Call me Kells. If it's a machine and moves, I'll pilot it. Best if it comes with a big gun. Pew pew pew." Hanova found herself the only woman in the room, and waited to see if anyone was going to make a big deal out of it.
Oct 20, 2019 5:42 pm
The man in the doorway lets out a sigh of relief "Ms. Kellerin, Oracle." He nods his greeting to each in turn "M'Names Chris Sampson, but since a was a kid, most folks call me Rush so I took it as a call sign." he grins broadly "first in and last out is the name of my game, the faster somethin' moves the faster I wanna get in the cockpit. Up close and personal is the way I like to be, both with my life and when we hit the battle field. Nice to meet y'all."
Oct 21, 2019 3:05 am
"I’m Kit," says Kit, taking a seat in the chair closest to the window. "I’m very, very quick and I’m very, very quiet and I specialise in…" He grins mischievously. "…stealth."
Last edited October 21, 2019 3:26 am
Oct 21, 2019 11:32 pm
"Much obliged Kit." Chris says with a grin. "So looks like we got ourselves scout, mechanic and cover fire, a specialist, and I'm a front liner. Sounds like a fair team of horses. Any of you know why we're in here?" As he lists the team of he nods at Kit, Kells, Oracle in that order. He moves to sit casually in one of the chairs. His eyes bounce about the room counting something, and continues "....or where the last Clydesdale for our group is? Seems to me there should be 5 of us, not 4."
Oct 22, 2019 8:13 am
"Kells will do. It's been a long time since anyone addressed me by my full name." Looking at five seats but four of them, "Yeah maybe we lost one along the way.

As for skills, I'm front line, back line, hold the line, wherever I'm needed, so long as it pays the bills."
Oct 22, 2019 11:20 pm
"I'm Ziggy. I specialize in survival, field repairs, and full on assault tactics. Basically, drop me in and grab me when the war is over." He hunches his shoulders at his bravado, but looks steadily at everyone.
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