Nov 6, 2019 3:50 pm

Going to let Green Ronin summarize it best:
Beyond the modern world, with its magical and technological secrets, other planes of existence beckon. Gates connect alternate Earths to mystic Otherworlds and demon-ruled Netherworlds. Will their threefold secrets bring hope or horror? That’s for your heroes to decide. Threefold is a new original setting for the Modern AGE roleplaying game, designed to support adventures using virtually any genre or character type all within the same grand Metacosm. Explore and protect countless worlds as a member of the interplanar Sodality, or manipulate bizarre alternate histories as a cyborg agent of Aethon. Heroes contend with everything from soul-stealing criminals, to transplanar empires. Threefold requires the Modern AGE Basic Rulebook.
What you would be doing:
It would be a game based on the Sodality. The Sodality is an interplanar society helping and protecting planes that can't defend themselves against outside threats and form a diplomatic relationship with various worlds. As part of Sodality, your character can be from anywhere, whether you are someone from modern earth or some kind of a fantasy elf etc...
Looking roughly between 3 to 5 players.
So anybody interested?