Interest Check: Threefold (Modern AGE)

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Nov 6, 2019 3:50 pm

Going to let Green Ronin summarize it best:

Beyond the modern world, with its magical and technological secrets, other planes of existence beckon. Gates connect alternate Earths to mystic Otherworlds and demon-ruled Netherworlds. Will their threefold secrets bring hope or horror? That’s for your heroes to decide. Threefold is a new original setting for the Modern AGE roleplaying game, designed to support adventures using virtually any genre or character type all within the same grand Metacosm. Explore and protect countless worlds as a member of the interplanar Sodality, or manipulate bizarre alternate histories as a cyborg agent of Aethon. Heroes contend with everything from soul-stealing criminals, to transplanar empires. Threefold requires the Modern AGE Basic Rulebook.

What you would be doing:

It would be a game based on the Sodality. The Sodality is an interplanar society helping and protecting planes that can't defend themselves against outside threats and form a diplomatic relationship with various worlds. As part of Sodality, your character can be from anywhere, whether you are someone from modern earth or some kind of a fantasy elf etc...

Looking roughly between 3 to 5 players.

So anybody interested?
Nov 6, 2019 4:14 pm
Interested but I don't have the Modern Age book yet but love the AGE system.
Nov 6, 2019 4:15 pm
Well, I'm interested. I should note that I'm in a lot of games, so please bump me to take players who haven't yet experienced the awesomeness of AGE.
Nov 6, 2019 4:17 pm
Viking1031 says:
Interested but I don't have the Modern Age book yet but love the AGE system.
I can help with that part when you know the basics of the AGE system it's easier and understood Qra.

I'll go to work relatively soon and check back the thread later tonight.
Last edited Nov 6, 2019 4:17 pm
Nov 6, 2019 5:14 pm
Sounds like a lot of fun to me but I'm going to have eye surgery next Monday and may need a couple of days to recover. I can begin looking over the material if I can access it today but probably won't have a character until the end of next week. Let me know if that's going to be a problem.
Nov 7, 2019 3:08 am
Aldrusian says:
Sounds like a lot of fun to me but I'm going to have eye surgery next Monday and may need a couple of days to recover. I can begin looking over the material if I can access it today but probably won't have a character until the end of next week. Let me know if that's going to be a problem.
You can start looking over the material, which should be fine by the end of next week.
Nov 7, 2019 3:21 am
All my funds are going for the surgery so I have nothing left to invest in gaming. I had hopes there was a free access portal somewhere but I could't find one. Regarding that, I have to just make something up out of thin air. Let's try this on for size.

My character would be the biggest, baddest nasty on his world. He has the power to rend flesh with his sharp fangs, fly faster than anything else and breathe fire. Remind you of anything? Only one small problem. His world is in what you might call a pocket universe. That is to say that the character would probably fit into the vest pocket of a university professor in 19th century Europe. He also has the intelligence to pick up any language quickly and is able to speak it if it can be formed by vocal chords.

I may have to rely on you for the actual mechanics.
Nov 7, 2019 3:50 am
Aldrusian says:
All my funds are going for the surgery so I have nothing left to invest in gaming. I had hopes there was a free access portal somewhere but I could't find one. Regarding that, I have to just make something up out of thin air. Let's try this on for size.

My character would be the biggest, baddest nasty on his world. He has the power to rend flesh with his sharp fangs, fly faster than anything else and breathe fire. Remind you of anything? Only one small problem. His world is in what you might call a pocket universe. That is to say that the character would probably fit into the vest pocket of a university professor in 19th century Europe. He also has the intelligence to pick up any language quickly and is able to speak it if it can be formed by vocal chords.

I may have to rely on you for the actual mechanics.
Yeah it's possible just some tweaks here and there, you probably will have to go with a Dreygur ancestry. Dreygur can start with various natural weapons etc...

Ancestry works as follows: (it will modify your background chosen at the beginning)

• Background ability increase: Replace with one ancestral trait of your choice.
• Background focus: You lose your background’s focus, but you can choose it instead of rolling on the benefits table for your background.
• Background talent: Replace with one ancestral trait of your choice. This can be from the same ancestry as your character’s first trait, or it can be from a different ancestry, indicating a diverse heritage.
• benefits table: Roll for (or if the GM agrees, select) a benefit from the standard benefits table for your character’s background. Alternately, you may regain the automatic background focus you sacrificed earlier instead of rolling on the table.

But anyway it's not too difficult. We will go step by step over this weekend.
Nov 7, 2019 4:00 am
There are quickstart books for Modern Age and for Threefold, both on DriveThruRPG.
Nov 7, 2019 4:07 am
Qralloq says:
There are quickstart books for Modern Age and for Threefold, both on DriveThruRPG.
Ah even easier, yeah read up on the quickstart first, then will guide you.
Last edited Nov 7, 2019 4:07 am
Nov 7, 2019 8:34 am
Sent invites to the interested players, will help with character creation on the game forum.
Nov 7, 2019 6:22 pm
I saw the Quickstart book from DriveThru RPG first thing. I also noticed that it cost nearly $20. For a lot of people, I guess, $20 is nothing. I'm not one of them. I will need half of that $20 just to cover the gas to drive to the surgery center. Then I'll have 3 visits with the eye doctor in the two weeks following. Just the gas to cover those trips will cost nearly $40. Medicare covers some of surgery cost. Insurance covers some of the rest but not all of it. Between doctors' fees and surgery center fees that come out of pocket it will likely cost me another couple hundred. That's pretty tough on a fixed income. Maybe I should put up a GoFundMe page. Just kidding, of course. My wife might just give me the rulebook for my birthday in a couple of weeks. Some of the members here know exactly which birthday that is. Whatever money we might have to spare goes to my wife to spend on Christmas gifts. After all I do have 6 grandchildren and two great grandchildren due next spring.

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