Chapter 6: The Hunter and the Prey

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Nov 20, 2019 12:25 am
Elora, I need you and Ember to help anyone who is lagging. We are going to get out of the city for now and see how things shake out. If we see any people on the street, we warn them about what is happening.
Nov 20, 2019 12:35 am
Ember nods obediently. She's not alone anymore. She has to behave. And Elora still looks awful.


Who's laggin'? - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Nov 20, 2019 4:12 am
Swan watches Coreene leave with mixed feelings. Their mission together was to find help for the mother, Evina, but the whole city was being destroyed. Still, he chews on his lip wondering why he was being left behind.

He watches the rescued mages, lost folk who had suffered enormously. Maybe his friend attended to them as best she could, by asking those she trusted most to do what she couldn't without being in two places at once. He felt his heart sink, wondering if he'd ever get to ask her, if either of them would survive.

He does his best, however, to uplift their spirits. He begins to sing a marching song, no magic, he was spent save the lowest of magic. But music was a magic of a different sort. As long as his voice could hold, had encourage them to try.


Diplomacy to motivate the survivors to flee faster - (1d20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

Nov 20, 2019 5:41 am
Coreene and Verrian

Coreene races through the streets -- it must be coming up on midnight by now -- and the glow of the fire to the north and west is casting strange shadows. Verrian, run as she might, can't quite catch up but at least she's able to keep her friend within eyesight and within contact distance.

As the two run farther into the still-inhabited areas of Hara, they reach the outskirts of what was once a tidy, working-class neighborhood of the city, with plenty of dockworkers and merchants' staff living hereabouts. Now, as Coreene well knows, it's a shell of its former self. This is the neighborhood where Evina and her daughter Minama live, where single-room hovels one strong wind away from collapse dominate. A few people, those whose worries or meager jobs keep them up this late at night, have started to realize something's wrong to the west, and are milling through the warrens of ramshackle huts trying to wake people up and warn them of the approaching fire.

Coreene and Verrian encounter more and more people staggering from their shelters, asking one another -- asking these strange women racing past -- what's going on, or hurrying to gather what few treasured possessions they still call their own. The panic is growing. People are frightened and angry and unsure what to do.
I'll give you a couple of posts before we get to Minama's house.

The Refugees

The calm leadership of Wil and the others, supported by Eanala, Giran and Vesina, get the refugees more or less in order. Many are terrified and unable or unwilling to argue, others are a little harder to deal with in their fear and worry. One man won't stop shouting about how he should be the one in charge, until Eanala walks up to him and drives her knee sharply into his groin, hardly batting an eyelash at this sudden outburst of violence. As he stumbles to the ground and begins to vomit, she says, "Hard to be in charge if you can't speak."

She walks on past without a care.

The few people around him -- apparently tired of his bellowing too -- grin surreptitiously at Eanala's back as she walks away. One gives the man a hand up, but then continues walking on, leaving him to his own pained thoughts.

The ragtag bunch of nomads makes their way to the south, moving away from the fire and the creature that's erupted from the ground in as direct a manner as they can. There's little guard presence, but there are handfuls of people that have come out of the scattered homes and hideouts along the party's path. Some watch with suspicion and stay to themselves, but others run from their homes and speak to anyone that will listen.

"What's going on? Is the rest of the city going to burn?"

"Where's the guard? Aren't they supposed to take care of these things?"

"Who are you? Where are you all going?"

That last is from a thin scarecrow of a man, all awkward arms and legs and a shock of yellow hair sticking every which way atop his head. He's come from a building with boards nailed over the former windows and a door about to fall off the hinges. Looking toward the building, you can see a woman peering out, and at least a couple of children poking their heads out around her legs.
Nov 20, 2019 6:12 am
Yelnar takes a quick look at the mans family and looks him directly in the eye "We’re here to help. I’m not entirely sure what is happening back that way right now, but I’m not intending to hang around to find out. We’re going to leave the city until we can be sure its safe. Your family will be safer coming with us than staying. I can help carry some of the kids if you need a hand."
Nov 20, 2019 6:15 am
78RPMLife says:
Coreene and Verrian
Coreene and Verrian encounter more and more people staggering from their shelters, asking one another -- asking these strange women racing past -- what's going on, or hurrying to gather what few treasured possessions they still call their own. The panic is growing. People are frightened and angry and unsure what to do.
@Coreene: Tell them to head for the gate! This part of the city is going to go up like kindling!

Verrian urges everyone she encounters to waste no time heading toward the the city gate. "And if you can't get through the gate, just keep following the wall. There's something even worse than the fire coming!"
Last edited November 20, 2019 11:42 pm
Nov 20, 2019 1:21 pm
Coreene doesn't slow up, but does join Verrian in the evacuation. "Gather what you can quickly and stay together. There is safety in numbers!" She adds to Verrian's instructions.
@Verrian:: "I'm sorry. I know this was irresponsible, but I have to find Minama." she shares with Verrian, her face flashing with embarrassment and determination.
Nov 20, 2019 5:49 pm
@Coreene: I understand. Let's find her quickly so we can rejoin the rest of our group. Show me her image again so I can be sure if I see her.
Nov 20, 2019 6:16 pm
Now that his group seems to be moving well, Wil starts to tell onlookers that they should head for the gate. They may only have a short time.

Save yourselves and your children. Take only what you gather and carry in a very short time. Fire and worse are raging through the town.
Nov 20, 2019 6:52 pm
Coreene sends a mental image of Minama, and continues heading towards her home.
Nov 20, 2019 7:07 pm
Elora lights a torch to serve as a beacon of sorts, calling out to all who will hear.

"Please, don't delay, everyone needs to flee before it is too late!"
Nov 20, 2019 7:15 pm
Ember tosses shapes into the sky like arrows to show a safe path.
Nov 22, 2019 8:39 pm
Worth mentioning: Hara is the capital of the nation of Alcave, which was widely known as a haven and hub for magical research. The 'university district' to the south of the map I posted is -- or was, pre-war -- sort of the epicenter of that magical research. Coreene, Swan and any of the resistance folks would know that like a lot of the city, it's in severe disrepair, but there are definitely rumors about 'research projects' that are still ongoing.

For better or worse.
Coreene and Verrian

The sight of these two bursting onto the scene and telling everyone to pack up and move out causes the full expected range of responses. Argument, panic, calm focus, fainting, all of these and more. These people don't have much, but that just means that everything is precious.

With her own fear and focus driving her forward, Coreene is able to find Evina and Minama's home. The old woman who lived next door is standing at the entrance to the home, broom held in her hands like a quarterstaff, a barrier to any unwanted entrance. As Coreene comes racing up, the old woman points her broom at the Naucan and barks sharply, "Nothing for you here! Go loot someone else! We'll not have any shenanigans on my street!"
Rest of the Party

Eanala, Giran and Vesina each fan out around the street, knocking on doors and talking to people about the danger headed their way.

After not much time at all, there's a large group of people, all ages, races and walks of life, gathering in the street and moving toward potential safe havens. Some of the people refuse to leave, certain that this supposed apocalypse will also pass, and unwilling to uproot themselves in its face.

Eanala lopes up to walk alongside Wil. "Not sure what direction you want to take these folks, but there are a couple of options. We can cross the river a little farther downriver into the old university district and out the Twilight Gate there, or we can stay on this side of the river and through the fancy part of town. The Silver Gate is that way. I have no idea which will be open or guarded at this point. My city was already in shambles. It's collapsing completely around my ears now," she says.
Nov 22, 2019 9:27 pm
"Historically, the more affluent portions of a town will have the majority of the guard during a crisis for multiple reasons." Elora says in a rather casual tone, not really having to think about it.
Nov 22, 2019 9:46 pm
Wil calls the people from his party together for a quick discussion. It's not that he doesn't trust the people from Hara, it's just that he doesn't know them.

Elora makes a good point about guards being more often encountered in the richer areas. I would hope they would have more important things to deal with, other than hassling us...but guards and logic don't go hand in hand.
On the other hand, the bridge could be a real bottleneck.
I lean towards the Silver Gate. Do any of you have any ideas or preferences?
Nov 22, 2019 11:48 pm
78RPMLife says:
Coreene and Verrian

The sight of these two bursting onto the scene and telling everyone to pack up and move out causes the full expected range of responses. Argument, panic, calm focus, fainting, all of these and more. These people don't have much, but that just means that everything is precious.

With her own fear and focus driving her forward, Coreene is able to find Evina and Minama's home. The old woman who lived next door is standing at the entrance to the home, broom held in her hands like a quarterstaff, a barrier to any unwanted entrance. As Coreene comes racing up, the old woman points her broom at the Naucan and barks sharply, "Nothing for you here! Go loot someone else! We'll not have any shenanigans on my street!"
From about ten yards away, Verrian sees the old woman threatening Coreene with what looks like a weapon and pushes herself even faster. She waves her arms and yells to get the woman's attention.

"We mean no harm! Minama's mother sent us!"

As she gets closer, she realizes the woman is brandishing a broom, and her anxiety recedes slightly.

"Honored mother," Verrian says formally, around her gasping for breath as the combined toll of the battle, heat exposure, and full-tilt running finally has time to register, "you should take what you can carry and get away from here. No one is trying to fight the fire, and there's... well, some sort of living fire monster following it."
Last edited November 23, 2019 12:33 am
Nov 23, 2019 1:20 am
Swan leaves the mages and crouches near Wil. "Without knowing what caused the titan to rampage, I suggest we get as directly out of the city as we can."
Nov 23, 2019 1:56 am
"Please." she tells the old woman. "Evina is safe, but I need to make sure Minama is safe and reunited with her mother."
Nov 23, 2019 2:04 am
Well, if no one objects, let's stay on this side of the river. Head to the Silver Gate.
Nov 23, 2019 5:47 am
Yelnar arrives from the rearguard spot and says "Let’s get going."
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