IC: Chapter II - Hutt Space, In the Shadow

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Jul 23, 2020 1:37 am
Yeah, I read "shop" as his workshop, but that makes sense. We had some pocket change from beating up the kids at the meth lab in town, but I'm not sure how much of that is left.
Jul 23, 2020 4:23 am
Besk gives Palmer an odd look and says " If you think you can communicate with that creature go ahead. I will give you the opportunity to parlay. But, one wrong tentacle and I will be speaking with my blaster. My arm is still throbbing from that beast."
Besk has 2 Stimpacks he can barter with. Can he do a negotiation check to see if can trade one stimpack for one restraining bolt?
Jul 23, 2020 4:03 pm
No check needed, let's just roll with it. Stimpak for Restraining Bolt is good.
You all get to the bottom of the well peaceably, and the dianoga does not immediately approach.
You can try to coax it in, but I'm gonna need to know your narrative method(s) first before I allow a check. Dianoga are intelligent, but you guys really put a whoopin' on it... Or you can of course move on.
Jul 24, 2020 12:42 am
Besk's arm seems to throb even more now that the group is back in the water where they faced the Dianoga. Though the Chiss believes it is more in his head rather than his arm becoming worse. He looks over at Palmer inquisitively and says "Well, now is the time to commune with beasts and their tentacles." His hand finds a place to rest on his blaster.
Sounds good. One restraining bolt added to Besk and took away a Stimpack
Jul 24, 2020 1:48 am
"Yeah, don't now I'll be much help talking to that thing. It probably doesn't like me much after what I did to it's arm..."

Raze reaches out with the Force to sense if the creature is present... But he's too worried the creature bears a grudge to get much sense of where it might be.
Putting up my defensive Sense power after ignoring the DS pip on that other variation of the power.
Last edited July 24, 2020 1:49 am


Sense basic power

1 Black Force Point

Jul 24, 2020 8:38 am
"Hey, I'm just as happy to not see it as it must be to not see me," said Palmer as he sloshed through the underground waterway.

"Let's get over to that machine again and see if there'sanything we're missing before we try to knab thay droid."

Walking the same route, the only route, they had taken before Palmer got himself back up onto the structured walkway and nodded Besk over to the machine, eager to take another look.
Em, I might be barking up the nothing tree here, just looking for guidence on determining what the machine does. For reference, we would be in the large room containing the door that was guarded by an old battle droid.
Jul 24, 2020 3:17 pm
With no one having any ranks in Mechanics, you probably don't know automatically what it does, but you can make an Average Mechanics check plus a Setback, as it is rather old, almost archaic, and covered in grit and grime, to give it a look and try to determine it.
Jul 25, 2020 6:26 am
"Alright Besk, let's see if we can determine what this does. I find it odd that it's sitting here rustin. Hopefully we can figure it out with actually turning it on."
This is Besk's roll, with Palmer assisting. Hope the dice show us some love.
Jul 25, 2020 5:24 pm
" Very well. This mechanism must have some sort of purpose here besides decaying. " Besk again peers down at the machine seeing if he can decipher what it does.


Mechanics Check

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Failure, 3 Threat

Total: 1 Success

Jul 27, 2020 2:36 pm
Been removed a panel and ooking the thing over, he determines it has several purposes. It's a level-controller for the water reservoir - when full this thing will stop the system from aggregating more water from the moisture farms, it also contains secondary filtration and water treatment mechanisms, and it is the main pump and point of supply to probably the entire settlement's potable water.
Jul 28, 2020 4:17 am
For clarity, I can't remember if the device is currently functioning or if it is currently not working.
Jul 28, 2020 2:22 pm
Yea, it's working (and may have been more relevant if you guys had found the drug stash at the speeder repair shop). The real problem is they don't have moisture coming into the reservoir from the moisture farms, which is what the device you guys salvaged was about.

Shutting it down could probably attract attention to this spot however, if that was something you wanted.

And this does have a holo-terminal too, but I don't know that anything has changed significantly with regards to that, to warrant another slicing attempt...
Jul 28, 2020 5:33 pm
Having looked over the machine, Besk tells the others what he was able to decipher from the inspection. " This device could drastically affect the community here if we shut it down. Maybe the droid on the other side of the door is guarding it from any mischief. Whoever put the droid there just never thought that someone would come down the hole. Just a thought. What do you think?"
Jul 29, 2020 6:46 am
Palmer thought about the implications for the community should the reservoir leveler be turned off.

"Ok, I guess... curiosity satisfied. I suppose this is good to know just in case? But having a direct back-route into the structure on the other side of the plasteel wall was still valuable. Hey, wanna steal a droid? Hah!"
Jul 29, 2020 1:39 pm
Raze channels the Force to warn him of impending danger. "Ready when you are. Quick grab and pull back into here? Hopefully it's still there..."
Putting my Sense defense back up.
Jul 29, 2020 4:01 pm
Besk places himself by the door controls to open it for his two companions. In a low tone he says to the others " I’ll open the door, you grab the droid, and then I’ll put the restraining bolt on. " The Chiss then waits for the signal from the others.
Jul 30, 2020 4:45 am
Palmer stands in the shadows near the door controls, puts his ear to the door to see if anything can be heard.
"Get ready..." he whispered.
Let me know if you like me to pre-roll a stealth check.
Rolling Perception below to "hear" if anyone other than the droid we saw before are present so as to time our actions.


Perception check (guessed at dif)

3 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 1 Advantage

Jul 30, 2020 6:07 am
Besk nods his head at Palmer and gets the restraining bolt ready in his hand.
Jul 30, 2020 3:14 pm
No check necessary, Palmer hears nothing at all.
Jul 31, 2020 5:38 am
"Now," whispered Palmer hoarsely as he keyed the door control.

The door slid open revealing...
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