Nov 15, 2019 6:29 pm
Howdy, fellow gamers. I'm an RPOL transplant that has been out of pbp gaming for a few years now, but looking to get back into it and heard that GP had the best community. I've mostly come to run my own game for some table friends that are finding it more and more difficult to schedule some quality time together (babies, PhD's, cross-country moves, the works), but I'm sure that once I get comfortable with the platform that I'll be diving into some other games. I'm primarily interested in D&D(3.5 or 5e), but really I'm down to try anything. Been meaning to scope out the Dresden Files game for a while now. I love homebrew - don't get to engage in it all too much, but read a ton of homebrew material on Reddit. I hope to one day write a game system and campaign setting of my own.
Thanks for having me, I'll see y'all around!
Thanks for having me, I'll see y'all around!