Shadowrun (6e) - Far East

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Nov 17, 2019 2:42 am
Putting this here because Falconloft had a 5e game up, and it didn't really take off, but the moment we shut it down there were renewed queries.

Maybe Shadowrun is an on-again off-again kind of game, or maybe different people have too many different experiences with its various editions. 6e is out, and it's already driving some people up the wall. Or perhaps too many editions and splatbooks have created an insurmountable hurdle to get through.

Anyway, here's an interest check to see if anyone wants to play it. I'm thinking of running 6e, so that I can invite fresh pairs of eyes to give it a go. (The 6e rulebook needs the accompanying published errata, but I'll forgive that for now.) It'll be a sprawl-focused, urban adventure, starts with a Mr Johnson, as it always does, but you'll have to navigate the politics of the megacorps and still hack, shoot and zap things, without needing to refer to thirty different sourcebooks to build a character.

We will need to figure out an acceptable solution for the PbP problem of waiting for a single PC to spend a couple of weeks of posts hacking a computer or engaging in astral combat while the rest of the players wait around.

Chime in with your thoughts first, before I decide whether we should get this started.
Last edited Dec 26, 2019 7:34 am
Nov 17, 2019 7:37 am
Eliminate counter die rolls.

As I recall from SR5e there was a roll to hit, a roll to damage, a roll for armor and a roll for damage resist/soak. For a pbp game I would suggest reducing the defender's rolls to fixed numbers. If the armor die pool is 12 die's, then reduce it to its average of 4 successes.

I have heard that SR6e has simplified some rolls, but I don't know. Haven't see SR6e
Nov 17, 2019 7:38 am
and btw, I'm always interested in Shadowrun games. :D
Nov 17, 2019 2:45 pm
I'd be interested. I've read through 5e and haven't seen 6e yet but I'm prepared to learn. My only shadowrun game quickly died but that was due to inactivity in most of the users and a confusing GM so nothing to do with the system.
Nov 17, 2019 9:39 pm
I'd be interested in trying Shadowrun: Anarchy. Its more rules light and narrative-y...
Nov 18, 2019 9:02 am
Thanks for the interest everyone! While I've either played or run all the editions, I admit I haven't tried Anarchy, although I have a copy somewhere and have read it. Hmm, that's a viable option too.

Leaving this here for a bit longer while I go think thoughts.
Nov 21, 2019 8:13 am
Possibly interested, I have 2e and 5e books, but have not played in like 22 years. I bought the 5e book, but its very heavy to understand. Never seen Anarchy but if its rules-light, that would be cool thanks
Nov 21, 2019 3:12 pm
I'm interested in Shadowrun, but I only have books out to 4e.
Nov 21, 2019 3:50 pm
In my experience, the main problem with Shadowrun in pbp is the extensive planning that it can take to pull off a mission.

That process is often part of the fun at an IRL table (though it can also be a painful slog too, depending) that can takes hours. In pbp, that's weeks or months, and it can grind the game to a halt as analysis paralysis, ppl not wanting to step on the toes of others, and general just reduced clarity in the situation that tends to accompany pbp, just makes it very difficult.

Figuring out some way to eliminate or simplify drastically that step in gameplay is critical to a successful Shadowrun pbp game, IMO.
Nov 22, 2019 3:34 pm
Thanks for all the interest. What I'll do next perhaps is to describe briefly how 6e simplifies some of the crunchyness of 4e / 5e. And suggest one or two house rules. If we're still enthusiastic about it, I'll set it up!
Nov 22, 2019 3:51 pm
Ok cool, I will try to get the PDF then for 6e
Last edited Nov 22, 2019 4:03 pm
Nov 22, 2019 3:53 pm
Sees Amber and Shadow Knight books !

Holy Unicorns and Serpents there is another fan out there.
Nov 23, 2019 2:35 am
Yeah thanks lol. Been a fan since '94 and may you steer clear of the Black Road lol.
Dec 2, 2019 9:46 pm
6th edition seems pretty nice indeed, i'd be curious about trying out its magic!
Dec 3, 2019 12:17 am
Thanks for all your replies, I'm still intending on getting this game up and running, and it does looks like we have sufficient interest for a solid team. I have an out-of-town trip coming up next week, but if people don't mind I can set up the game and send out invites, and you'll have a week or two to put your character together. And we can start after that.
Dec 7, 2019 6:52 pm
I only have the Beginner Box for 6e, is that enough to start?
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