Shadowrun (6e) - Far East

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Dec 22, 2019 11:46 pm
I"m back from my vacay, so this thing is going live!

I'm giving the new 6e a go, it's lighter than 5e, heavier than Anarchy. You'll need the 6e rules, I tend towards a sandbox-style approach, so while there will be a mission, that might just end up being the starting point for the players to get caught up in the larger politicking of megacorps and dragons and what not.

If you're still interested, head over to the game, and we'll talk about your expectations before you start generating your characters.

I've also edited the thread title.

Shadowrun - Far East
Last edited Dec 23, 2019 12:23 pm
Dec 23, 2019 4:27 pm
I will drop and interested note as well -- but also say that the biggest problem as a GM and player of Shadowrun is handling the party split when someone goes into the digital world which only gets aggravated by the slower process of playing by PbP

I rectified this once by making the virtual world -- literally a virtual world and everybody went in physically together to get something done -- and then could pop out wherever -- aka they get physically digitized like Tron and few other shows that did this kind of thing and can then come out somewhere else -- of course hackers and such would have the greatest power when within the digital realm and would be needed to handle bosses (other hackers) but others could function as well

I experimented with mixing game genre's as well Shadowrun in the real world and DnD in the virtual fantasy world and this worked fine -- the translation was a reflection of your Shadowrun character within this virtual world as hackers were wizards and the others were non-magic-using classes/creatures depending on their digital footprint
Last edited Dec 23, 2019 4:28 pm
Dec 23, 2019 11:08 pm
I applied to your game if you've got space for one more...
Just got the core book, it'll be my first time with the 6th edition...
Last edited Dec 23, 2019 11:09 pm
Dec 25, 2019 3:25 pm
Everyone who's applied has been accepted. Those of you who've expressed interest earlier but haven't applied, there's still a chance to jump in now as we're just about to start character generation.

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