Chapter 7: Wherever You May Roam

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Jan 13, 2020 8:20 pm
Eanala's jaw clenches visibly, and she shakes her head. "If he was in his stolen estate, I'd be surprised if he escaped. Those... fire creatures were doing one serious number on that place," she says. "But I have no idea if he would've been there. I hope he survived so I can rip his entrails out with my own two hands."
Jan 13, 2020 8:23 pm
To Grat
"Plenty of good eating on a three legged goat." He claps him on the shoulder. "Thanks for the advice."

He heads out, goes to the infirmary to check on their hardcases.
Jan 13, 2020 8:40 pm
78RPMLife says:
Eanala's jaw clenches visibly, and she shakes her head. "If he was in his stolen estate, I'd be surprised if he escaped. Those... fire creatures were doing one serious number on that place," she says. "But I have no idea if he would've been there. I hope he survived so I can rip his entrails out with my own two hands."
Verrian nods - not as an affirmation of Eanala's murderous intentions, but in acknowledgment of them and the fact that Verrian is in no position to change them.

"I actually came looking for you to ask you and the other resistance members to spread the word about the proposal of moving everyone to Viamard. I think it will help if they hear it from one of their own rather than a bunch of outsiders. Then we can assemble everyone in a bit to announce it and the scouting mission, and ask for a couple of volunteers to accompany Wil and me."
Jan 13, 2020 9:03 pm
With Minsarionden
Oh, please Mince. There’s a young man in there who looks worse than I did. And Coreene left some really good salve for him, but I’m worried he won’t be ready to travel.

Assuming he follows, she quietly leads him back inside to the burn victim’s bedside.

Hey, there, I’m back, she says softly. And I brought a friend. How are you feeling this morning?
Jan 13, 2020 10:09 pm
Mince quietly, timidly, steps to the man's bedside. Looking over his condition, Mince's hesitant manner dissolves away. He breathes out audibly and shakes his head in sympathy. He looks over at Ember and asks softly, "Could you give me a few moments alone with him? I... may be able to help him."
Jan 13, 2020 10:15 pm
Ember's smile flickers with confused emotions. She absentmindedly grabs her left arm and runs her fingers along her scars. Lots to process, but, not yet. She nods and brings the smile back, though it's sad.

Of course, Mince. I'm nearby if you need me.

She turns away, not sure why her heart's anxious, and tries to find Uelten.
Jan 13, 2020 10:27 pm
A few minutes after Ember steps outside of the small infirmary to look for Swan, Mince steps out as well. "I think most of your patients are recovering nicely," he says quietly as he approaches Ember. "The burn victim seems to be resting more easily. I don't know that I was able to do anything for him."

He favors Ember with a tiny smile. "Orien willing, he will recover from his ordeal. Even through the clouds," he says, glancing up to the overcast sky. "the sun brings us warmth."

Reaching to lay a tentative hand on the girl's shoulder, he says, "I'll go now. If... if you wouldn't mind, I might come back again later. Or tomorrow."
Jan 13, 2020 10:29 pm
Ember smiles. Thanks, Mince. What did you try for him? I never did get a book training.
Jan 13, 2020 10:33 pm
Mince shakes his head. "I spoke to him. I am... not a physician, certainly. Your friend's medicines worked very well, from all I can see, to heal him bodily."

With that said, he takes his leave and walks back through the camp.
Jan 13, 2020 10:44 pm
Quick of him, wasn't it? And that Orien story made no sense at all. How could he be so confident with your burn buddy and then not do anything in return? Words are one thing, Emby, but if he really does have magic.......

Ember blinks rapidly and chuckles off the blank stare she just gave the cleric. Thank you so much, Mince. I'll see you later. At the very least, I'll leave a note for Coreene about you. She puts her hand on his cheek in some vaguely grandmotherly gesture, brushing his unkempt hair behind his ear. I didn't have a healer like you. You've helped him more than you know. Take care of yourself.

She takes her hand down, confident that she got Mince's sweat on her hand, but hoping she can pick off a hair that's already given up the ghost.

Hair, sweat, or both?
Both. Shut up.

She shakes as he leaves, and as soon as he's out of sight, she wipes her hand on a tiny scrap of cloth and wraps his strand of hair in it. Heart pounding and expecting the worst, she goes to the burn victim's bedside.
Last edited January 13, 2020 10:47 pm


Sleight of Hand - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

Jan 13, 2020 10:50 pm
A quick look at the burn victim is enough to show that whatever Mince did -- even if it was just talking -- the man's wounds are significantly improved. His breathing is slower, his features more composed, and his skin looks significantly healthier. He still bears burns over much of his body, but there's a healthier cast to his skin than just a few minutes ago.
Jan 13, 2020 10:59 pm
Ember claps her hand over her mouth, taking a few unsteady breaths. Her other fist clenches violently as she burns her prize to a crisp within her palm. It stings, and is just enough to send tears of relief and shame past her eyes. But she hides them quickly as she can and steps outside the infirmary. Her first rounds are over. She needs to calm down. And where the hell is Uelten?
Jan 13, 2020 11:26 pm
Swan mumbles words to himself. Marry Hide Sock Diaper and fiddles with his rapier hilt. He serves around two children dragging a third one - the game of Hara Rescue was becoming more and more elaborate - and almost bowled over a teenager. "Living gods, did you- oh, Ember. Have you heard from Coreene?"
Jan 13, 2020 11:31 pm
Ember chokes and hopes her eyes don't spill over again. She shakes her head in a solid "no."

Ev...ery thing all right, Swan? sleep okay?
Jan 13, 2020 11:38 pm
"Sleep? Not entirely well, what with the screaming and sobbing. My roommates were not impressed with me. One flung a boot, a BOOT at me! In Rhamia, people were more neighbourly. Okay, you're right, not neighbourly unless nosey and judgemental count as- you know what, I stand on neighborly."

He points with his chin. "How are they in there? I have some magic back, I could alleviate a few more wounds, though might be best to save our magic until we return."
Jan 13, 2020 11:49 pm
Yeah. Save the spells, Ember nods absently. Everyone’s.....everyone’s doing okay. Even that really bad burn victim. I um. I met a healer this morning. Minsarionden. He’s so very kind.

She stares at the ground, flexing the palm with a burn on it.
Jan 13, 2020 11:54 pm
"Come here." Swan all but pushes Ember around the corner to a more quiet spot, at least, a spot out of the path of passersby. "What going on Ember? You don't look like your normal hard charging self. Did something happen, or did you hear something, or are you worried?" One of Swan's larger lower canine teeth peeks out from his lip.
Jan 14, 2020 12:03 am
Everyone’s okay! It’s fine! As fine as it can be! She holds her hands up in a defensive gesture. The burn on her left palm is.....probably going to hurt for a while. She pulls it down quickly. But nobody’s okay. You know that, Uelten. Coreene passed out. Wil looks.....haunted. Yelnar seems fine but he’s got magic now, and Elora’s afraid, and something’s bothering..... ......something’s hurting Verrian and you! You wouldn’t joke like that if you didn’t actually have a nightmare! She pants to catch up. Coreene will be back but do you really want to go back into town with an Elliad?
Jan 14, 2020 12:24 am
"I thought you didn't get burns? How did you get that?" he says, seemingly ignoring the rant. "Look. I don't know what's going to happen anymore than you do. Do I want to go back there? No. Absolutely not. It will be awful, worse than you can imagine. The people there....," he trails off, shivering.

"There might be more survivors. And your idea about rescuing magic. It isn't just a good idea that will help us help these purple. It's crucial. You have seen what those bastards do with magic when they can control it. We can't leave anything powerful for them to abuse."
Jan 14, 2020 12:31 am
She nods slowly, a couple twitches from nerves, or anger, or all of it.

We need to help them. Uelten? her eyes are a little red when she looks up. I’m....really excited to go do this. But I don’t always think right. So just.....stop me if I get weird, okay? Whatever it takes.
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