Chapter 7: Wherever You May Roam

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Jan 8, 2020 7:33 pm
After Coreene takes flight, Verrian stands watching her as she soars up, testing her flying ability, then moves on toward the smoking ruins of Hara. A sense of deflation threatens to overtake Verrian, but she resolves to hold on to that sense of elated awe for as long as she can. She wipes her eyes and heads back into their little village.

It's still early, but there is activity in the village. Verrian goes to where the members of the Resistance are staying, looking for Eanala.
Jan 8, 2020 8:40 pm
DarkReaver1998 says:
Coreene squawks happily at Verrian, satisfied both with the transformation and her friend's reaction. Knowing that she only has so much time in this form, she stretches out her wings. She gives them a few test flaps, getting a feel for the motion and the sensation. Once satisfied, she gives Verrian a final nod and launches herself into the air with her wings, spinning in a tight circle to gain altitude before heading towards the city of Hara.
[ +- ] Eagle Team Recon
Jan 8, 2020 8:48 pm
Machiabelly says:
As morning breaks Wil approaches Vesina.

I was wondering if you could help me with something.
Yelnar want to appoint some people to lead groups of fighters. He wants my opinion on his choices and I would like your input.

If she agrees, they can seek out Yelnar and check out his list.
Vesina sits among the roots of a gnarled oak whose buds are nearly ready to burst open with spring. She carries a heavy book with her that rests in her lap, about a third of the way open. When Wil approaches and begins speaking, she holds up a hand to quiet him, not looking up from her reading for a minute or two.

Finally, she reaches the end of whatever passage had her attention, nods once in satisfaction, and closes the book with an audible thump. "My apologies, Wil. If I don't commit the whole thing to memory without stopping, it just..." she says, and waggles her fingers absently into the air. "Goes. You know how it is. Or... well, you don't, do you? You're not actually a mage at all."

Her eyes twinkle. "I'd be happy to help out. I don't know fighting, certainly, but I know people. Lead the way."
Jan 8, 2020 8:58 pm
What I know of magic wouldn't fill one of those acorn caps.

Wil laughs and offers her a hand up.

People knowledge is what we need. We need people who others will follow, but out of respect, not fear. Someone who will look out for the people he leads and for the survivors.

While on the way to meet Yelnar, he explains how he passed as a mage.
Last edited January 8, 2020 8:58 pm
Jan 8, 2020 9:07 pm
lavtodd says:
Ember is up early, glad to be moving around again. She helps stoke the fires before checking in with Lily and the other kids. The halfling wanted to help, so Ember suggests making sure the children get food and checking with the adults to see if there are any able families left. She reminds her that Ollie and Genna need to be adopted together, but she doesn't give Lily any particular timeline. She hopes to give the girl a sense of agency. Before she leaves, she passes her a bag of marbles and winks, "ordering" her in a playful tone to try to relax a little, too.


She puts on her best smile and speaks as softly as possible, so if he's not awake yet, she doesn't bother him. Helloooooooo, sir! My name is Ember, and I'll be taking care of you this morning. Her singsong voice sound like little more than an idea as she cleans and re-winds his bandages. She doesn't want to bother him, so a small part of her hopes he wakes up on his own.
Back in Ember's tent, Lily listens seriously to Ember as she gives instructions. It's hard to remember the tiny halfling girl ever smiling, actually... not sad, simply... stoic. Emotionless, perhaps, but more overly serious. She nods her understanding. "I'll make sure the younguns get the toys. I can teach them a few games," she says. There's an uncomfortable sense that Lily might have them playing for keepsies and robbing them all blind if the mood strikes.

In the infirmary, a careful look over the patients, most of whom are still sleeping, suggests that no one has gotten worse overnight. The man with the particularly bad burns has responded well to Coreene's ministrations, and his sleep seems more restful. What magical healing has been provided makes it likely that he'll survive, though likely always with significant scarring.

A round man of middle age and thinning dishwater blond hair timidly pokes his head into the infirmary door, taking a quick look around until he realizes Ember is here. He gives a tiny squeak of surprise, only adding to the image of him as a plump rodent, and ducks his head back out.
Jan 8, 2020 9:18 pm
Moonbeam says:
After Coreene takes flight, Verrian stands watching her as she soars up, testing her flying ability, then moves on toward the smoking ruins of Hara. A sense of deflation threatens to overtake Verrian, but she resolves to hold on to that sense of elated awe for as long as she can. She wipes her eyes and heads back into their little village.

It's still early, but there is activity in the village. Verrian goes to where the members of the Resistance are staying, looking for Eanala.
Eanala isn't hard to find. Outside the small hut she has shared with Giran, Livia and Vesina, she appears to be working through sword forms. Dressed in a simple shirt that's been washed enough times to no longer exactly be white and loose trousers, she's underdressed for the cool morning, but it doesn't seem to affect her as she pantomimes a fight with an invisible foe. She holds no weapons, but the way she holds her hands makes it easy to picture a rapier and dagger in each.

Her features are fixed into a frown of concentration as she darts and spins, dancing lightly along the ground until she drops and rolls, finishing on one knee and jabbing her left hand forward and up to disembowel her shadow opponent. She holds that pose for several seconds, her jaw clenched tightly, eyes hard, before she rises to her feet and turns to a matted down spot in the grass.
Jan 8, 2020 9:27 pm
Machiabelly says:
What I know of magic wouldn't fill one of those acorn caps.

Wil laughs and offers her a hand up.

People knowledge is what we need. We need people who others will follow, but out of respect, not fear. Someone who will look out for the people he leads and for the survivors.

While on the way to meet Yelnar, he explains how he passed as a mage.
Vesina hops ably to her feet with Wil's help. She carries her book under one arm while she brushes twigs and aforementioned acorn caps from her skirt. "You and your friends have that quality, Wil. Perhaps you don't want to be the one leading, but people will follow you if you ask them," she says, nodding toward a small knot of people outside one of the farmhouses. They spot Wil and raise their hands in greeting, smiles coming to their faces. "They're not waving at me, you know, as charming as I may or may not be."

"It was hard for me to go in there voluntarily, and I knew they'd take me. I can't quite imagine what it must have been like trying to fake your way in. But as you've told me," she continues, "we do what we must for the people we care about."
Jan 8, 2020 10:03 pm
78RPMLife says:
Eanala isn't hard to find. Outside the small hut she has shared with Giran, Livia and Vesina, she appears to be working through sword forms. Dressed in a simple shirt that's been washed enough times to no longer exactly be white and loose trousers, she's underdressed for the cool morning, but it doesn't seem to affect her as she pantomimes a fight with an invisible foe. She holds no weapons, but the way she holds her hands makes it easy to picture a rapier and dagger in each.

Her features are fixed into a frown of concentration as she darts and spins, dancing lightly along the ground until she drops and rolls, finishing on one knee and jabbing her left hand forward and up to disembowel her shadow opponent. She holds that pose for several seconds, her jaw clenched tightly, eyes hard, before she rises to her feet and turns to a matted down spot in the grass.
Verrian waits in silence for Eanala to finish her form, only stepping forward when the elven woman stands up from holding that final pose.

"Impressive," she says, smiling. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to train with you sometime. I'm finding my skills tested pretty regularly outside the wards of Meriava."
Last edited January 9, 2020 11:32 pm
Jan 8, 2020 10:08 pm
78RPMLife says:

In the infirmary, a careful look over the patients, most of whom are still sleeping, suggests that no one has gotten worse overnight. The man with the particularly bad burns has responded well to Coreene's ministrations, and his sleep seems more restful. What magical healing has been provided makes it likely that he'll survive, though likely always with significant scarring.

A round man of middle age and thinning dishwater blond hair timidly pokes his head into the infirmary door, taking a quick look around until he realizes Ember is here. He gives a tiny squeak of surprise, only adding to the image of him as a plump rodent, and ducks his head back out.
I'll be back, she mutters to her patient - she doesn't even know his name - and steps carefully outside.

Sir? I'm Ember. Can I help you with something?
Jan 8, 2020 10:12 pm
Eanala wipes at her brow with one forearm. From closer up, it's clear she's been at it a while -- sweat mats her pale hair at the temples. She stops mid-wipe and fixes Verrian with a narrow-eyed stare, her hand falling slowly to her side. "I think I must have knocked my head on the ground or something. I could've sworn you just said Meriava. But that can't be right."

She picks up a scrap piece of cloth from the windowsill nearby and mops her forehead. "Can it?"
Jan 8, 2020 10:15 pm
lavtodd says:
I'll be back, she mutters to her patient - she doesn't even know his name - and steps carefully outside.

Sir? I'm Ember. Can I help you with something?
The man is trying to meander casually away, and while he looks pretty inconspicuous, he does manage to trip over an old metal bucket nearby. The jig, as they say, is up.

He regains his balance, and slowly turns back to Ember, eyes downcast. "My apologies, miss. I didn't mean to disturb you, I just... well... I thought I might check in on a few people," he says, drywashing his hands. "But you're obviously busy, and I won't bother you any further."
Jan 8, 2020 10:19 pm
78RPMLife says:

The man is trying to meander casually away, and while he looks pretty inconspicuous, he does manage to trip over an old metal bucket nearby. The jig, as they say, is up.

He regains his balance, and slowly turns back to Ember, eyes downcast. "My apologies, miss. I didn't mean to disturb you, I just... well... I thought I might check in on a few people," he says, drywashing his hands. "But you're obviously busy, and I won't bother you any further."
She puts a hand on her hip with an inquisitive look. Well, calm down, tell me your name, and let me know who you’re looking for. Family? Friends? She smirks. Enemies?


Sense Motive on Peter Pettigrew - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

Jan 8, 2020 10:53 pm
lavtodd says:
She puts a hand on her hip with an inquisitive look. Well, calm down, tell me your name, and let me know who you’re looking for. Family? Friends? She smirks. Enemies?
The man looks to the side. "Well..." he says, and murmurs something inaudible. He clears his throat and tries again. "Patients, I suppose. I... well. I used to be a..."

He looks up and studies Ember's face for just a moment before he adds, "Healer."

Listening carefully as she is, Ember can easily tell that it's not what the man was going to say at first.

"But I'm sure you've got everything taken care of, so I'll just be on my way again."
Jan 8, 2020 10:55 pm
78RPMLife says:
Eanala wipes at her brow with one forearm. From closer up, it's clear she's been at it a while -- sweat mats her pale hair at the temples. She stops mid-wipe and fixes Verrian with a narrow-eyed stare, her hand falling slowly to her side. "I think I must have knocked my head on the ground or something. I could've sworn you just said Meriava. But that can't be right."

She picks up a scrap piece of cloth from the windowsill nearby and mops her forehead. "Can it?"
Verrian simply smiles. "You heard correctly. Sorry for not being forthcoming earlier, but as you can imagine, I wasn't sure who I could trust, and how much.'

Leaning against the wall of the hut, she adds, "I've noticed that you seemed to know more about who I am than I generally expect, so I wanted to see how far that knowledge extends. Again, I apologize for the gamesmanship."
Jan 8, 2020 11:00 pm
Eanala reaches a hand out to steady herself against the nearby windowsill. "No, no, no. You don't get to play this cool," she says, staring openly at Verrian now. "You're... from Meriava? As in, since the wards went up? But... no one goes in or out."

She casts a look over the rest of the camp, then back. "Are all of you... not Coreene or Swan, of course... but the rest of you... or is it just you?"
Jan 8, 2020 11:06 pm
Verrian glances around, hoping that Eanala's side of the conversation isn't carrying too far. Obviously, this is a secret that won't keep forever, but she'd intended for this particular revelation to be relatively private.

"It's all of us. Well, except for Wil - we met him in Viamard. The powers that be in Meriava have been in touch with a few people outside the city since the wards went up, using whitestone discs. Apparently they decided the timing was right to send out an expedition. They disabled the wards just long enough to let us out. We've been out for just under a month."
Jan 8, 2020 11:16 pm
78RPMLife says:

Vesina hops ably to her feet with Wil's help. She carries her book under one arm while she brushes twigs and aforementioned acorn caps from her skirt. "You and your friends have that quality, Wil. Perhaps you don't want to be the one leading, but people will follow you if you ask them," she says, nodding toward a small knot of people outside one of the farmhouses. They spot Wil and raise their hands in greeting, smiles coming to their faces. "They're not waving at me, you know, as charming as I may or may not be."

"It was hard for me to go in there voluntarily, and I knew they'd take me. I can't quite imagine what it must have been like trying to fake your way in. But as you've told me," she continues, "we do what we must for the people we care about."
Wil waves back and smiles.

Don't underestimate how charming you are.

He chuckles, but then gets more serious.

We will be asking them to follow at least once more. I hope it ends in a place where you can lead yourselves.

I don't think my friends and I will be settling down soon. There is evil out there, and I couldn't rest if I thought there was another Hara, and I did nothing.

He takes a breath.

To be honest, I don't like leading. Well, I don't like leading people into trouble.

Wil sees Yelnar in the field ahead.

Enough talk of good and evil...let's go pick some leader types for Yelnar.
Jan 8, 2020 11:34 pm
78RPMLife says:

The man looks to the side. "Well..." he says, and murmurs something inaudible. He clears his throat and tries again. "Patients, I suppose. I... well. I used to be a..."

He looks up and studies Ember's face for just a moment before he adds, "Healer."

Listening carefully as she is, Ember can easily tell that it's not what the man was going to say at first.

"But I'm sure you've got everything taken care of, so I'll just be on my way again."
Ember jumps forward to take the man’s hand. There’s a hopeful light in her eyes.

Listen, sir, whether you were about to say "cleric" or "necromancer," it means you know what makes people tick. What are you afraid of?
Jan 8, 2020 11:55 pm
lavtodd says:
Ember jumps forward to take the man’s hand. There’s a hopeful light in her eyes.

Listen, sir, whether you were about to say "cleric" or "necromancer," it means you know what makes people tick. What are you afraid of?
The man yelps in fright as Ember grabs him, and then the mention of necromancy makes his knees go wobbly. "Heavens! N-no... not a necromancer!" he stammers weakly.

"I am — was — a priest of... of," he starts, then looks around to see if anyone’s listening. "Of Orien," he says finally, eyes dropping again. "Just... not a very good one."
Jan 9, 2020 12:15 am
78RPMLife says:
From the air, the wreckage of the city is obvious, but it's not completely rubble. The areas between the river and the main gate, where the party spent their time, are smoldering, blackened heaps of debris. The parts across the river from there have pockets of destruction, mostly around the area where the elder elemental burst up from the ground, with random trails of burned-out buildings spiraling away from that site in random directions. In your estimation, at least half the city, maybe more, is a wasteland. Nearly everything on the east (main gate) side of the river is gone, as far as you can tell. There aren't likely to be survivors from that area of the city, which is where most of your refugees most recently hail from.

The other side of the river is less damaged, but you remember that much of that area of the city was already closed off due to strange magical echoes of power that would spring up unexpectedly. For example, the Dockside district governor's house was notorious for superheating any metal that came within a block radius of it, and caused a number of fires before it was realized there was nothing to be done about it. In fact... now that you think about it... the crater indicating where the elder elemental rose from beneath the ground is just about where the governor's house would have been.

There may be some straggling survivors still. Your circuit around the city doesn't turn up any large groups, but there are pockets of activity in the countryside around the city -- signs of campfires, for example -- that suggest there may be small groups here and there that could eventually be rounded up. As far as supplies in the city, you can't tell from a high vantage point. There are probably carts that could be repaired and other such things in the less burned out part of Hara, but it would probably take a closer look to get a reasonable inventory. It's not an open, abundant market, that much is clear.
Coreene makes mental notes in her head of all that she sees, making a large, swooping circle over the city. Her first instinct is to make a closer loop over the camps to see if she recognizes any faces, or, more importantly, any signs of surviving Crows. She didn't want to prioritize finding them over survivors, but knowing if they still had their hands in Hara would be critical in determining the size of the scouting party.
Next, she makes a pass over the emergence crater and the surrounding area. If they were going to find any useful magic... or dangerous magic that they should disable, it would be here. She's careful not to get too close, lest some unknown force knocks her out of the air.
Afterwards, she makes a few more passes to attempt to get points of interest for the scouting team to look for supplies before heading back.


Naucan Perception - (1d20+13)

(4) + 13 = 17

Eagle eyes - (1d20+10)

(16) + 10 = 26

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