Chapter 7: Wherever You May Roam

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Jan 3, 2020 10:08 pm
DarkReaver1998 says:
Coreene thinks for a moment. "I have no idea if that would work. But if we're going to be staying here for another day or two, knowing what's left of Hara would be helpful. Depending on what we find, we could salvage some supplies, or maybe even go back for survivors... if the elementals left anything standing."
The Naucan runs her fingers through her hair as she thinks. "I don't feel comfortable sending in any scouts until we know if its even safe to approach but... perhaps I could scope it out." She starts nodding her head as if deciding on something. "Yeah. Yeah, I could run a quick scout mission from above, see how stable everything is and report back. Then we could mobilize something."
"Scout mission from above?" Verrian looks dubious.
Last edited January 3, 2020 10:10 pm
Jan 3, 2020 10:12 pm
"Well... during my studies, I learned that certain practitioners of the natural arts can alter their form to match those that they've seen in the wild. Wolves, elk, bears... birds." she says, her face taking on an exhaustion-fueled look of mad glee. "I've never thought of using it until now, but... yeah. I think I could do it."
Jan 3, 2020 10:14 pm
"That would be very helpful!" Verrian says. "I'd, uh, recommend you get some rest first, of course. I don't think you're fit to fly at the moment." She offers a tired grin.
Jan 3, 2020 10:16 pm
Her smile fades and she nods again. "Right. I can take off first thing in the morning." she tells them.
Jan 3, 2020 10:33 pm
Ember's about to fall over from excitement when Verrian directs Coreene to get some rest. She's relieved the Naucan will listen to someone.

So, what's left for tonight?
Jan 4, 2020 3:44 am
"Assuming no one has anything else they want to say, nothing, I suppose." Verrian looks around the room. "Anyone have anything else to discuss?"
Jan 4, 2020 3:45 am
Ember is careful to bring this up, but knows it must be said.

What about Athisa?
Jan 4, 2020 3:53 am
The markings on Verrian's face go burgundy briefly, but she doesn't react in any other obvious manner. After a breath, she says, "We can do that tomorrow, at the time of morning she indicated it was safest. Anything else?"
Jan 4, 2020 4:18 am
Ember takes the hint and tries to clean Verrian up and warm her clothes remotely. Neither Naucan seems okay, and that worries her.

I should get back to the kids.


Sleight of Hand - (1d20+7)

(18) + 7 = 25

Jan 4, 2020 5:49 am
Swan takes the dismissal for what is was, the end to a long day, and they all had a lot to reconcile. His own assumptions were badly bruised, and several theories had to be abandoned. But much more importantly, the epic was beginning to become complicated, and here he envisioned a multi-harmonic discordant assault of wails, like souls being dragged away by demonic kidnappers. Nah, too hard to get drunks to sing. Maybe just a slower powerful beat, like a heartbeat in the silence. Yeah.

He scribbles some notes on his parchment.
Jan 6, 2020 8:12 pm
Yelnar spends the rest of the afternoon and into the evening talking to the people who went hunting today. He’s really trying to find out about people who showed leadership qualities - either doing well at teaching people how to hunt, or helping the people that were trying to do so. He has the start of a list of names when he realises he doesn’t have any paper or writing implements.

He decides Elora would be the most likely and wanders off to find her...
Jan 6, 2020 8:30 pm
Once the decision that Wil and Verrian are going to scout ahead, has been made, Wil pulls Yelnar aside.

Before Verrian and I leave I wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job getting these people in some form of fighting shape. The work you have put in will certainly keep many of them alive. If not now, some day. You should be very proud.
Jan 6, 2020 8:54 pm
"Thanks Wil, I was actually going to get some help from you on that. You're much better with people than me, so once I get my list of potential officers and sergeants done, I was going to get you to do that talking to them thing you do and check if I made the right choices. I was just on my to see Elora to get paper to start writing some names down."
Jan 6, 2020 9:14 pm
"Okay...see everyone later." With the meeting adjourned Elora continues her logging activity, taking special care to focus on the "injured" group. Making good on her word she triages her healing magic to those in critical condition, too busy to notice Yelnar approaching. Pip does, giving him an unassuming stare.
Jan 6, 2020 9:16 pm
I can go over it in the morning before we leave, but you are selling yourself short. I have seen you with these people. They trust you and will follow your lead.

I can talk to them if you like, but I believe it will mean more coming from you. Plus, if I talk to them, it could confuse them as to who they answer to. I think a clear chain of command is important.

Wil pats Yelnar's arm reassuringly.

I will go over the list with you, but you got this. I know they are in good hands while we scout ahead. I will let your mother know how you have stepped up to help lead these people.
Jan 6, 2020 9:26 pm
For Wil

"It's not so much their trust in me I'm worried about Wil, more whether they can be trusted. I'm not much of a judge of character so much as skill, and arming the wrong person, especially and arming them with the skills of other people to lead, could spell disaster. You have not only shown an ability to assess people's character, but also to see through into their hearts. I'd never have been able to see what you saw with Brick Wil, and would probably have ended up cutting him down. This is why you are the right person to help with this job. It doesn't need to be done urgently though, we can wait till we arrive at Viamard I think."

For Elora

Yelnar approaches Elora and says "Hello Elora, and Pip" he bows towards Pip, creature of the Guardian, and offers him a seedpod he had picked up without really knowing why during the days hunt for it to chew on. "Elora I was wondering if you might have any paper and some stuff to write with? I need to write some things down for the militia."
Jan 6, 2020 11:16 pm
With her back turned Elora twitches from surprise, definitely not paying any attention to her surroundings. Pip grabs Yelnar's seed, flying away for a few seconds before fluttering back on Elora's hat.

"O-oh! Sure thing Yelnar." Elora looks through her bag for some loose sheets of paper and another pen. "Here. What um, are you planning on writing, if you don't mind me asking?"
Jan 7, 2020 12:08 am
Ember sits in one of the lean-tos in the camp. She's got a view of the fire, but right now, she's busy rocking a little one to sleep. The fix on his bear was....okay. He clutches it tightly. Behind her a girl holds her brother, fussing a bit, but too tired to stay awake. She was able to smile (and strongarm) able families into taking most of the kids, though four remained. Not bad for a day's work, but....

You're in over your head.
When am I not?

She sighs and looks back at the fire, and smiles tiredly when a young halfling walks over.

Hey, Lily. Thanks a ton for the help. She cocks her head when the tiny 12-year-old sits in the lean-to. I thought you were going to spend the night in Miss Blossom's camp.
Last edited January 7, 2020 12:11 am
Jan 7, 2020 12:21 am
lavtodd says:
Ember sits in one of the lean-tos in the camp. She's got a view of the fire, but right now, she's busy rocking a little one to sleep. The fix on his bear was....okay. He clutches it tightly. Behind her a girl holds her brother, fussing a bit, but too tired to stay awake. She was able to smile (and strongarm) able families into taking most of the kids, though four remained. Not bad for a day's work, but....

You're in over your head.
When am I not?

She sighs and looks back at the fire, and smiles tiredly when a young halfling walks over.

Hey, Lily. Thanks a ton for the help. She cocks her head when the tiny 12-year-old sits in the lean-to. I thought you were going to spend the night in Miss Blossom's camp.
The girl, hair black as coal, tied loosely into a ponytail with half the strands trying like ponies to escape, leans forward with her elbows on her knees. It's a remarkably self-assured pose that at first seems incongruous with such a small, young person. She casts a close look at Ember.

"Lots of 'do this don't do that' in Miss Blossom's camp," she says firmly. "I been watchin' out for myself and lots of others for a long time now. I don't need a ma, or an aunty, or granny, or even no kind-hearted female 'quaintance giving me orders."

She juts her chin at Ember. "You cain't be more'n a couple years older than me. You get to choose where you go and what you do. Why can't I? I wanna be useful, not wait around for someone to tell me what they think I should be doin'."
Jan 7, 2020 12:35 am
78RPMLife says:

The girl, hair black as coal, tied loosely into a ponytail with half the strands trying like ponies to escape, leans forward with her elbows on her knees. It's a remarkably self-assured pose that at first seems incongruous with such a small, young person. She casts a close look at Ember.

"Lots of 'do this don't do that' in Miss Blossom's camp," she says firmly. "I been watchin' out for myself and lots of others for a long time now. I don't need a ma, or an aunty, or granny, or even no kind-hearted female 'quaintance giving me orders."

She juts her chin at Ember. "You cain't be more'n a couple years older than me. You get to choose where you go and what you do. Why can't I? I wanna be useful, not wait around for someone to tell me what they think I should be doin'."
Lily is Ember's favorite. She raises her eyebrows to hide a smile.

Well, then, she huffs with a put-on indignant air. Far be it for me to boss you around. What can I do for you, Miss Lily?
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