Star Trek Interest Check

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Jan 14, 2020 12:48 am
The rules aren't too much of a pain, though I admit I'm still learning them myself. In addition, there is an online character builder.
Jan 14, 2020 1:06 am
First of all, I thought this thread had one very active person until I realized that three of you have cat profile pictures. I'm interested if there is still space. Would we be playing for the federation? What kind of campaign would it be? would we all be on the same crew?
Jan 14, 2020 1:08 am
@optimumsquare those are not cats they just look like cats they are really Flerkens
Last edited Jan 14, 2020 1:08 am
Jan 14, 2020 2:27 am
Goofing about with the character generator, anything to avoid for races?
Jan 14, 2020 3:01 am
There is still space, and I haven't started recruiting yet. I will invite everyone who has expressed interest so far, though.

It will be a most interesting campaign that borrows from my old LUGTrek game. You are assigned to a Federation space station that orbits an asteroid with a settlement called Bridgetown Station. Don't worry, you will also have a vessel, though it won't be a Galaxy-class or some such. Bridgetown Station is a frontier settlement with a variety of unsavory characters that frequent the site. You will all be on the same crew (and I plan on having people roll off for captain and XO if multiple people desire the positions) and you will have one character who is an inhabitant of the asteroid. The Federation has placed the station (an old Regula station) in orbit to keep a watch on goings-on. However, the Federation has strict orders not to intervene with day-to-day operations on the asteroid. They much prefer a keep-watch, hands-off policy unless doing so would lead to open warfare.

Playing with the character generator, use only the Alpha Quadrant and TNG supplements, please (as I don't have the other supplements yet). I don't want more than one Soong-type android and BedzoneII has already claimed it. Aside from that, I'm not going to put any restrictions on race, but if you want to play a race not a member of the Federation, be prepared for some fancy footwork in explaining how you got on a Federation station. The character that lives on Bridgetown can be of any race.

Is that about as clear as mud?
Last edited Jan 14, 2020 3:02 am
Jan 14, 2020 3:59 am
yeah. I have a character pitch for you from a VERY different format of star trek gaming. (I got suckered into simming, it didn't take) Anywho, the cliff notes version is that he is from an asteroid colony. Science officer. The tldr version is below. I haven't even looked at the books, this is just a character concept that may or may not fit.
[ +- ] Warning! It really is too long
Last edited Jan 14, 2020 3:59 am
Jan 14, 2020 8:42 am
WhtKnt says:
The rules aren't too much of a pain, though I admit I'm still learning them myself. In addition, there is an online character builder.
There is a good practice in creating your character using the book. Its a good way to get into the rules. But the online version is nice. (its does have its issues with unselecting skills)
Jan 14, 2020 8:59 pm
More information... still prepping for the game.

Located "above" the rimward portion of Federation space (or, in more scientific terms, along the positive 2 axis as one normally views Federation space) exists a large area of unclaimed space. According to reports received by the Federation, located on the other side of this area lies a powerful interstellar civilization called the Kellinan; therefore Starfleet stellar cartographers have dubbed the area the "Kellinan Reach." So far no contact has been made with the Kellinan, but the Kellinan Reach is one of the least tamed of the Federation frontiers.

By most estimates, the Kellinan Reach is at least 165 light-years wide, and may in fact be larger. So far Federation vessels have penetrated only about ten light-years into the region. A few small Federation colonies have been established in the star systems nearest the defined Federation border. Starfleet has made contact with several spacefaring species living in the Reach, and its Diplomatic Corps has begun the process of opening relations with them.

In the meantime, the Federation mainly interacts with these species through trade. Federation economists (to say nothing of the Ferengi) view trade with the Reach as an enormous opportunity, though as yet it is still fairly small. Most of the trading occurs at a facility known as "Bridgetown."

The origins of Bridgetown, a mining facility built onto one side of a large asteroid, are not precisely known. One part of the complex takes the form of a large arch which "bridges" a chasm on the asteroid where most of the mining took place—hence the nickname "Bridgetown" when it was first discovered by Evets Gnol, well known in the Federation as a crafty, egotistical pirate and scalawag. To Evets it seemed like the perfect hideout, since it was outside Federation jurisdiction. However, as word of his discovery leaked out, others came to the same conclusion. Soon he was only one of many outlaws hiding there. Eventually more legitimate citizens—traders. prospectors, salvagers, and the like—came to live and work there.

Neither Evets nor anyone else who has examined the facility knows what species or person built it. Its style, and the writing on its equipment, matches nothing known to the Federation. It may be Kellinan. If not, perhaps the Kellinan can provide clues regarding its builders—or owners.

Bridgetown serves as an important. if somewhat dangerous, trading outpost. It has no formal government; Evets serves as a sort of "prince of thieves," but generally anyone living there has to fend for himself. Some of the other powers in town include a feared Orion Syndicate leader named Krist Mor (who is accompanied everywhere by his ruthless bodyguards, Arzix and Cahill), and a notorious scholar-mercenary who goes by the name K'hite.

Some of the "citizens" of Bridgetown. who like their wild-and-woolly home just as it is, fear the Federation will soon move to establish a formal presence on the asteroid and "clean it up." No one can deny that its importance as a trading post with the species of the Kellinan Reach is increasing. Many inhabitants spend a lot of time speculating about what the Federation will do and trying to figure out ways to keep their normal businesses going under its nose when it arrives. Federation officers posted to Bridgetown will have to exercise great caution, and maybe even bend regulations to get things done.

An old Regula-class station has been towed into orbit around the asteroid by Starfleet to keep an eye on the goings-on at Bridgetown. Starfleet has a strict policy of no interference with day-to-day operations on the asteroid and has made it clear that they are present only as observers. While this has made the inhabitants a little more cautious, it has not diminished the goings-on at the facility.

A small Starfleet contingent is quartered at the station, along with a Sabre-class vessel for its use, the U.S.S. Endeavour. The vessel is small, with a crew contingent of 40 officers, but it doesn’t need to be large. It may be used to explore the Reach or to defend the station and/or outpost.

The station is old and outdated, but it is still space worthy and useable. The station orbits within transporter range of the asteroid.

Races permitted in Starfleet include Andorian, Arbazan, Arkarian, Aurelian, Bajoran, Betazoid, Caitian, Denobulan, Edosian, Ferengi, Grazerite, Haliian, Human, Ktarian, Tellarite, Trill, Vulcan, or Zaranite. Your character from Bridgetown may be of any race from the core rules or the Alpha Quadrant sourcebook. As I said, if you want to play a race that is not a member of Starfleet, you can do so, but you must be able to explain it.

I expect to have the game up within a few days. This is just preliminary information to allow you to begin creating your characters. The campaign will begin in 2376.
Jan 14, 2020 10:41 pm
I'm thinking a Vulcan or Betazoid, though it doesnt look like that's a race option in the generator...
Jan 14, 2020 10:48 pm
Both races are available for Starfleet personnel in the online character builder.
Jan 15, 2020 12:07 am
Thanks, I saw the Vulcan...may have to double check. Thanks Moonbeam!
Jan 15, 2020 12:22 am
when I read your write up I thought an Orion from Bridgeview, but Orion’s aren’t in the mix. We have an area here in town called Bridgeview, it’s scrap metal, auto boneyards and stolen goods... creepy hollow as I call it.
Jan 15, 2020 1:47 am
The only reason that Orions were not included is that I don't have a resource for them. Let me check something: stand by. ::goes off to check::

Okay, you may add the following Federation members from this resource: Aquan, Benzite, Bolian, Coridanite, Deltan, Efrosian, Kelpien, Pakled, and Saurian.

You may choose from the following species, for your Bridgetown inhabitants: Aquan, Benzite, Bolian, Breen, Bynar, Capellan, Changeling, Coridanite, Deferi, Deltan, Efrosian, El-Aurian, Excalbian, Freed Borg, Gorn, Hazari, Hirogen, Hologram, Iconian, Jem Hadar, Kelpien, Kobali, Linnik, Lukari, Naussican, Orion, Pakled, Saurian, Suliban, Tzenkethi, or any of the four Xindi.

Note, however, that you will have to manually create your character, as most of these are not in the online generator.
Last edited Jan 15, 2020 1:49 am
Jan 15, 2020 7:31 am
I had my eye set on a Trill as I found a really good starfleet image of a Trill
[ +- ] My character
Jan 15, 2020 5:12 pm
Well she’s almost in that uniform. 😂
Jan 15, 2020 6:13 pm
Emberskyes says:
Well she’s almost in that uniform. 😂
They did say that Starfleet had a more relaxed attitude to regulation :D

Just to be sure, we are going to have 2 characters? A local and a Starfleet?
Jan 15, 2020 7:56 pm
Yep. The local can be as law-abiding or as shady as you please. STARFLEET will, obviously, be more restricted.
Jan 15, 2020 8:03 pm
So we need 2 characters or it’s an if you want?
Jan 15, 2020 8:10 pm
WhtKnt says:
You will all be on the same crew (and I plan on having people roll off for captain and XO if multiple people desire the positions) and you will have one character who is an inhabitant of the asteroid.
Jan 15, 2020 8:36 pm
Reading on a phone without mu glasses. Okay then. Ship crew too.
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