2016 Con Schedule

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May 3, 2016 12:40 pm
Fyi as a reminded to those going to Gen Con supposedly if things go as plan Event Catalog will be uploaded the 6th of May Registration on the 15th... *Does the Kermit Yay! flail dance*
May 3, 2016 1:04 pm
What format do they usually release the events in? Is it as hard to parse as Origins? Because of so, I'll make a page for it like I did Dreamation.
May 3, 2016 2:20 pm
I'm usually a PAX Prime attendee, so I'd love to game in person with some GP folks!
May 3, 2016 3:54 pm
Keleth says:
What format do they usually release the events in? Is it as hard to parse as Origins? Because of so, I'll make a page for it like I did Dreamation.
Off the Gen Con website you can directly put things in your wishlist for purchase on the 15th, I think in the past there's been a spreadsheet, I usually use high programmer's listings to research what I want to try out (Just google high programmer gencon 2015 to see if you like his setup).
May 3, 2016 4:14 pm
I'll check it out; from what you're describing, it sounds like my dreamation app. Should I compete...?
May 3, 2016 4:24 pm
If it's not too taxing for you I guess (HP's version is free but you need to be connected) there was a guy work on an app for Gen Con (also free) that had the maps and was searchable, considering data saturation though being able to have a downloaded map is nice. Maybe for 2017 with a link to the site? This might mean you'd need a Convention area in General also.
May 3, 2016 4:36 pm
If there's a spreadsheet, I can make something to parse the sheet and make it easier to find events. No idea about the app though.

For Dreamation I made: http://dreamation16.gamersplane.com
May 9, 2016 8:08 pm

High Programmer finished his set if you wanted to check it out.
May 9, 2016 8:47 pm
Interesting. I think I can come up with a better way to do it, but I've got a lot on my plate right now; maybe for next year.
May 9, 2016 10:35 pm
But next year you'll have a bigger plate... XD
May 10, 2016 12:51 am
Yes, but in the next two months, I'll also have the scheduling app I'm building for AcadeCon done, which hopefully I can license to other cons, and then have something prebuilt to just show off schedules :D
May 17, 2016 2:27 am
I ended up making an event finder, though it was lackluster, specially given I only spent 3 hours on it.

That aside, I've setup my schedule, leaving big gaps to meet with people and play pick up games. I was not nearly discerning enough to find the "good" stuff, and I'm sure it's a lackluster schedule over all. If people have suggestions, I'm sure I can email GenCon about changing my schedule.

RPG1694394 - Tales of the 7: Heroes Arise (Mutants & Masterminds 3rd ed) Thurs 9AM - 12PM
RPG1684530 - Rolling Thunder (Legend of the Five Rings 4th ed) Thurs 2PM - 6PM
RPG1692464 - Pack of Malls (Rolemaster, Pulp) Thurs 8PM - 12AM
RPG1692694 - SynGen Lab Run (Axon Punk: Overdrive alpha) Fri 10AM - 12:30 PM
RPG1696582 - Murder on the Hellstrome Express (Deadlands Classic) Fri 2PM - 6PM
RPG1686354 - Titansgrave: Secrets of Nestora (Fantasy Age 1st ed) Fri 8PM - 10PM (no idea how they'll do a game in 2 hours)
RPG1694197 - Swords Against the Dead (13th Age 1st ed) 10AM - 2PM

I'd love to meet up with people for stuff, and given people's interest in meeting up, how does Friday night sound? We can meet up for a big, grab a drink (or the alcoholic or not variety)? If GP keeps growing, maybe I can afford to have the first round on me :)
May 21, 2016 9:31 pm
So first, I'm confirmed for DexCon at the end June/start of July for those going.

I also keep forgetting to mention this, but if you're going to a con and want to help promote GP, I still have 2 large and one extra large tee shirt I got made last year. They're not amazing, and not usual wear shirts really; they're mostly made for GP promotion. I'd be glad to ship you one free, though if you can help cover shipping, that'd be great. I can also send business cards if you want to help out. If I use enough business cards in the next two months, I'm gonna have to design new cards (if any of you are good at designing business cards and don't mind lending me a hand).
Jun 7, 2016 12:51 pm
I was always led to believe that the ideal time to buy a flight is 6-8 weeks from departure. Turns out, for a bug con, earlier is better. The flight from NJ is gonna cost me $400ish. Just flight, hotel, and food will cost me about $1200. If GenCon doesn't pay off big, I doubt I'll ever be back.
Jun 7, 2016 1:07 pm
GenCon definitely isn't cheap. In 2014 I had someone going for their first time purchase their tickets in January for an August flight. Southwest had this goofy thing where they overbook flights from where he was flying from so although he showed up 3 hours early he got kicked from his morning flight since he didn't check in online the day before (was never told about this) that he was going out on the flight. Needless to say he made it the following morning in the early AM. Have you looked into if you're eligible for a TradeDay badge to cut costs?
Jun 7, 2016 1:10 pm
Remnant says:
GenCon definitely isn't cheap. In 2014 I had someone going for their first time purchase their tickets in January for an August flight. Southwest had this goofy thing where they overbook flights from where he was flying from so although he showed up 3 hours early he got kicked from his morning flight since he didn't check in online the day before (was never told about this) that he was going out on the flight. Needless to say he made it the following morning in the early AM. Have you looked into if you're eligible for a TradeDay badge to cut costs?
Somehow, I got approved for a media badge, so that's saved a bit. Guess I'll have to write up reviews or what not now.
Jun 7, 2016 1:16 pm
Maybe you can talk to some people about giving you playtest sets via email to try out on the site, and/or a coupon code for their stuff on drivethrurpg when users click you link on the site here to promote their products?
Jun 7, 2016 1:33 pm
Remnant says:
Maybe you can talk to some people about giving you playtest sets via email to try out on the site, and/or a coupon code for their stuff on drivethrurpg when users click you link on the site here to promote their products?
You mean in terms of raising funds? I'm not worried fiscally; I just don't like spending more than I have to, and when I spend money, I expect to get my money's worth, be it in physical or emotional returns. If I go to GenCon and have as much fun as I did at Origins, at twice the cost, it doesn't pay back. But if going to GenCon ends up landing GP a lot of attention, or I catch one big name to help me out, I'll consider the cost worth it.
Jun 7, 2016 1:45 pm
Hope you like crowds, GenCon is x5 the people at Origins. If this is your first GenCon I don't know what to tell you on what to expect I think it's great personally since there's so many other outlets to check out I'm not around that much. It's the only place I had a five minute conversation about the Green/White/Red ranger.
Jun 7, 2016 1:48 pm
Remnant says:
Hope you like crowds, GenCon is x5 the people at Origins. If this is your first GenCon I don't know what to tell you on what to expect I think it's great personally since there's so many other outlets to check out I'm not around that much. It's the only place I had a five minute conversation about the Green/White/Red ranger.
I'm sure it will be a blast, and it's affording me unique opportunities already. I just hope it lives up to how much I'll end up spending, heh. Right now, I can't even decide if I should buy the plane ticket now or wait a few days and see if the price improves.
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