IC: Chapter I - the Summons of King Bard

Jan 29, 2020 5:04 pm
https://i.imgur.com/FTUgaBl.jpg Today... it is 2946 of the Third Age, in the 5th month, upon the 31st day... It is the last enderi of yávië. 'The Harbinger of the Fading.', as the time of year is known.
For reference, our Gregorian calendar equivalent is August 31st.
Perhaps you've been living in the Dale for some time now, or perhaps you're a new arrival to the area, come to heed the inspirational call of King Bard - or even just to witness the times and spectacle of this glorious rebirth!

Whatever the reason, here you are now walking under the bannered gates, entering onto the festival grounds of this spectacular celebration which the King has put on for the enrichment and enjoyment of His peoples at the beginning of this auspicious era. It is late in the afternoon on this temperate autumnal day, and as the sun approaches the ridge-tops of the Mountains of Mirkwood to the southwest the sky is just beginning to burn orange.

You look about, and beyond all the tents and flags and hustle and bustle of the festival before you, you can see Esgaroth - Lake-town, herself, reborn! - sitting on the waters of the Long Lake... Waves lapping up serenely against her foundational timbers.

There is a variety of festivities available, should you wish to partake of them: vendors selling meat-pies and sweets (and more), an archery contest being held off to your left in a long meadow, silly games of skill for the children, a variety of performers and other spectacles (a strong man, jugglers, singers, and such), as well as mead and ale-tents where - you have no doubt - other good times of a more adult nature are being had..

You have some time yet before the main event is scheduled to be held... this is what you have truly came for today, you can't miss it... There is a parade just before sunset, which is rumored to feature an oliphaunt! Said to be brought up from the lands of Khand to the south... you can hardly believe it's true.

More likely to be a particularly large Kine of Araw... you figure.

But curiosity has gotten the best of you, and you must see for yourself. But until that time, at least, you have some moments to enjoy the festival.
Welcome to the Story Thread, everyone!

Feel free to use the auto-OOC formatting in this thread to ask questions, or otherwise talk, about things that have to do directly with what's going on in the story.

I've opened up this thread before everyone's "Approved" so that anyone who has had their PC approved can come in and RP with the world, and/or each other, if appropriate. And also, because you have the option to have your character compete in one, or conceivably more, of the events going on at the festival (like the archery contest, there is gambling, arm wrestling, drinking contests, a "battle of wits", and so on), with the potential to earn some coin.

Once everybody is Approved, and anyone who wants to has had the chance to participate in a festival contest, we'll move on to the "real" opening scene, which is the parade...

Let's have some fun!
Feb 13, 2020 2:03 pm
Astrid sighs and hands her father a silver penny Fine. Just go to the ale tent and suit yourself, Da. I'll meet you later for the main show. I, at least, want to have a look around

She eyes the archery contest that has been set up and, parting ways with her father, goes for a walk around the festival site. She eventually comes to a halt at the archery contest.
Feb 13, 2020 7:55 pm
The inspirational call of King Bard has attracted Caranthiel. He looks at wonder as he enters with a variety of festivities abound. All seems to be happening around him. He is a bit lost by it all.
Feb 13, 2020 10:39 pm
Vidar isn't sure what his dreams are telling him, each one is different. He's used to that. But Dale kept featuring, with increasing drama until he set off here. Now, he's arrived in Dale, no more dreams.

Dreams don't buy food though, so Vidar is looking for some bored looking people who'd pay for a story or a song.
Feb 15, 2020 3:25 pm
Hugo wandered the festivities for a couple hours, lost in the magnificence if it all. He is giving his little legs a rest sitting at the edge of things, smoking his pipe with a thoughtful look on his face. "Hmm... meat pies.... cakes..... or wits...." Hugo gives the air a sniff and tries to remember what sweets are available.
Feb 15, 2020 7:51 pm
TinheadNed, can you please let me know what's going on with your PC's Attributes before we proceed much further with Vidar?

Astrid approaches the archery contest and a man, who looks like he just be running the thing, comes up to her smiling, "'At bow is bigger 'n you are, lass! But if'n you can use it, well, yer welcome ta step up to the line, and let fly! First round is almost over."
For the first round of the Archery contest, make a ranged attack roll, and a Strength Save, please! This will encapsulate both how well you shoot in the first round and how well you perform as you move through the stations, which are timed.

It's perhaps not surprising that Caranthiel feels a little overwhelmed. For an elf, such a collection of fleeting fancies probably seems a little silly and childish. But as he walks by a mead-tent, he over hears the fluid sounds of native Silvan Elvish, there are apparently at least some other elves here...


Hugo can smell the scents of browned-butter tarts, mint-glazed quail gizzards, and a host of other treats!
Feb 15, 2020 10:36 pm
Many a fair sight and fancy came to the eyes of Éadmer, son of Rohan. He had arrived a few days hence and just in time for the feast. The weariness of the long journey was leaving his body and now he had begun getting accustomed to the people of the lake. A different sort they were. More open to outsiders, but more focused on coin, too. Which was good, as Éadmer was an envoy of his people. Trade was one of many things on his mind when he came here. Having merchants bring their wares to Rohan would be a boon to all men.

But for now, he feasted. The ale was good, but most of all the fish was amazing. The lake brought such a bounty that Éadmer had decided he should sample all it offered as he spent his time here. Even now he was eating a fish pie, something that would be a delicacy back home yet here was peddled on every corner for the common man. He was juggling the hot treat between his hands even as the hot fillings almost burned his mouth and dribbled down his beard. Today, life was good.
Feb 17, 2020 3:11 pm
Vidar doesn't see really anybody that looks particularly bored, and he finds that all formal gathering places (mead/ale/food tents, stages) seem to have a performer of one sort or another purposefully occupying them.

However, there doesn't appear to be anything to stop him from just performing in an open, well-trafficked area.
If Vidar would like to busk, go ahead and roll a Perform skill check, and a WIS save to represent his ability to read the crowd.

As Eadmer doors and enjoys his food, he hears a crier beckoning people to a livestock showing, on the fair grounds, preceding the parade. Promising the finest horse-flesh in the North!
Feb 17, 2020 9:09 pm
Now there was a summons no son of Rohan could ignore. He knew for a fact that his people bred the finest horses known to men! So to see what these men of the north considered fine was something he needed to know. Indeed, an opportunity for his role as an envoy to shine, for horse breeding was in his blood. He had raised his own steed from when it was a foal, and had known both its parents long to know their fine qualities. Perhaps Rohan could help these northerners breed some good horses, or the local horses had some qualities that might improve their own stock. Either way, he had to see, so he paced over while finishing with his pie.
Feb 17, 2020 10:17 pm
Vidar is a bit disappointed to not be able to get in the warm to work, but at least it's not raining. As there's some horse-based attraction making some fuss, perhaps setting up close-but-not-too-close to that would be a good place to break out the harp, tune it, and play something lively from his old Dwarven hall. It's a bit quiet, as the Grey Mountain "halls" are probably quite small and meagre to a finer dwarf from Dale or Erebor, but gives Vidar's fingers and voice some exercise as he gets into it.


Performance - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Wisdom - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Feb 17, 2020 11:43 pm
Astrid growls at him and whips her greatbow off her back.
Last edited February 17, 2020 11:45 pm


She shoots - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Strength save - (1d20+2, RA)

(207) + 2 = 29

Feb 17, 2020 11:47 pm
I have no idea how I managed to do that to the Strength roll. Trying this on my mobile tonight which isn't ideal, sorry. Is that just a 22?
Feb 18, 2020 4:30 pm
Eadmer meanders up to the livestock showing area. It is very crowded - apparently one of the highlights for festival goers, and as he wades into the press, he finds much of the show is goats, sheep, cattle, and hogs, but finally he does catch sight of horse stalls a bit down the way...

😖 Oof, that is poor luck for Vidar... But maybe you're getting it out of the way for the rolls that really matter!?

The natural 1 will negatively impact your next check - giving Disadvantage, but you did succeed on the Save to read the crowd - which gives you Advantage. So they cancel out... You may make another Performance and another WIS Save if you wish to continue performing!
Maybe it just wasn't the right "venue", or maybe the livestock-crowd just isn't much for the jigs of dwarven halls, and ... or... perhaps he needed a little ale to loosen up before performing? Whatever the reason the dwarf with the harp isn't viewed warmly as the festival-goers go about their way in the press around the show animals. The evening is not lost yet, though! Perhaps he can yet make something of it?


Astrid doesn't shoot well in her first round, but she moves through the course expertly! She feels strong and her body knows what to expect now, and despite her initial poor showing, she feels great for the next round!
If Astrid wishes to continue on with the archery contest, please roll another Ranges attack and another STR Save. And she has Advantage AND a +2 bonus to her Ranged attack roll, due to the nat-20 Save.
Feb 18, 2020 5:10 pm
It's perhaps not surprising that Caranthiel feels a little overwhelmed. For an elf, such a collection of fleeting fancies probably seems a little silly and childish. But as he walks by a mead-tent, he over hears the fluid sounds of native Silvan Elvish, there are apparently at least some other elves here...


Hugo can smell the scents of browned-butter tarts, mint-glazed quail gizzards, and a host of other treats!

Carathiel interest is peeked as well as thoughts of sweets. He steps into the mead-tent to investigate his interests. Keeping his ears a listening and eyes looking about, he is stationed near the entrance.
Last edited February 18, 2020 5:12 pm
Feb 18, 2020 8:41 pm
Even more irritated by the miss, Astrid moves swiftly to make the next shot. "That idiot must have put me off, I can shoot as well as any man."
Last edited February 18, 2020 8:43 pm


Strength save - (1d20+2, RA)

(7) + 2 = 9

Shoot with advantage - (1d20+7, RA)

(19) + 7 = 26

Shoot with advantage - (1d20+7, RA)

(4) + 7 = 11

Feb 18, 2020 8:45 pm
Vidar realises he's doing something wrong fairly quickly from the faces of passers by. Maybe today is a day for learning rather than showing off. He goes to watch the archery tournament, see how some proper bow mastery looks.
Feb 19, 2020 4:34 am
Hugo wanders through the sweets tents and gathers a goodly amount... for a Hobbit. He hopes no one is judging him much but doesn't care enough to not indulge. He munches on a brown butter tart as he makes his way to the livestock show. While plants are his passion, he also loves animals.
Feb 19, 2020 11:25 am
The other animals were all well and good, but not what Éadmer had come for, so he pressed on.
Feb 19, 2020 3:39 pm
Caranthiel's eyes transition easily and instantly to the relatively darkened interior of the mead tent. There's nothing too unusual going on in here. Groups of men, groups of women, groups of men and women, of the various cultures of the Free Peoples, standing about having a good time. He sees the Silvan speakers are a couple elves and a man standing at a raised table, playing a dice game.


Astrid's shooting is like a glorious day after a long night, this round. Her arrows fly true and she scores very well! But perhaps the course takes a bit of a toll, as she is not feeling so strong by the end of it... One round left. If she can follow up her strong second round with another decent performance, she may do well enough to place...
Astrid gains Inspiration. But in failing her Save, she receives no bonus (but also no penalty), one last Ranged attack roll.

Vidar sits to watch the archery contest, and it is a fierce but good-natured competition. Watching man and woman, elf and dwarf, all striving to best one another yet still congratulating each other on their good performances... It's impossible to believe that the Enemy could ever stand against such spirit!
Vidar gains Inspiration.

As a hobbit, it's easier perhaps for Hugo to move through the crowds. And as he walks before the stalls, he can't help but be impressed by the beasts brought here. Here's seen finer wools on the sheep of the Shire. But the size of these hogs...! And the strength of the steers! It appears that the Dale and the North really has returned, for no small field couple keep these animals.
Hugo gains Inspiration. And Hugo, please roll a Perception check at Disadvantage!

Eadmer is no small man, and so on his way to the horses - which are a popular attraction - he can't help but have to push by folk, and be collided with. But he does get there, and can finally appraise the animals that these North men seem so proud of.
Eadmer, please roll a Perception check!


Dice clatter behind the screen! - (1d20, 1d4)

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