IC: Chapter I - the Summons of King Bard

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Feb 20, 2020 7:37 pm
emsquared sent a note to Giblets
Feb 20, 2020 8:07 pm
Yeah, of course. I wasn't planning on him coming on an adventure with us or anything haha. Just thought it made sense to have some connection to the area as a Barding background, would feel a bit odd RP wise to have nobody Astrid knows around.
Feb 20, 2020 11:28 pm
Making room for company at the table, Finrod sat up and leaned an elbow on the small table. "Ah, mighty kind o' ye, master Dwarf, but I'vn't seen the bottom of this'n yet. What's the good word, friend?"

Finrod found his mood improved at the unexpected company. A ranger keeps constant vigil against agents of darkness, but it was good to remember that these were the exception and not the rule, and that most people were simply... good folk.
Feb 21, 2020 9:13 pm
Well,the Grey Mountains are still there and still grey, and still mountains. The elders have no need for my skills at the moment otherwise I'd have been to too busy to come! I didn't fancy Mirkwood so I came down the edge of the Withered Heath, which has meant I've eaten fairly boring food but at least it didn't have any weird effects.
Feb 22, 2020 4:04 am
The Ranger countenance fell at the mention of Mirkwood. Stepping on Vidar's last words unintentionally, Finrod straightened and spat ritualistically. "Taur-nu-Fuin, he said under his breath, can anything good come from the Dark Forest? If I never see't again it'd be too soon," he muttered.
Finrod is cranky about certain subjects, but feel free to continue the conversation as you like. =)
Feb 22, 2020 7:33 pm
Vidar politely chuckles. "Truth, friend. Let us speak of lighter things! I think this must be bigger than a festival I attended at Woodsmentown! And they had so much ale that some of the simpler Men drank so much and one got dared to kiss a sheep. The funny bit was, it turned out he kissed the wrong one, and lost!".
Feb 24, 2020 4:08 pm
The afternoon turns into evening and the sun sets behind the ridges, and very soon the parade is set to begin.

You each find a spot which provides you adequate viewing along the route of the worn, cobbled path. And although the warmth of direct light is gone, and the breeze still blows, the press of the crowd and particularly the heat of the great braziers used to cast light on the main parade-theater is more than enough to keep things pleasant.

And before long the first contingents of the parade come within view from the west and proceed along the route to the east, toward Lake-town. Each feature of the parade is best seen in the evenings failing light when it passes into a central, 50 meter stretch of the path, which is illuminated by a set of 4 great braziers on either side of the route, their fire's-light reflected into the route by tall white-canvas backings erected behind them. The stark flickering light creates a dramatic effect, and the bulk of the parade-goers are concentrated in this stretch.

The parade is lead by standard bearers of King Bard, waving the colors of Dale and creating a rolling cheer as they go. Immediately following the heralds are tumblers turning cartwheels and vaulting round-offs and doing hand stands as they go, pausing in their acrobatics to wave to the crowd and shout joyous 'Yops!' to work people up. Following them is a percussion band, pounding out a thunderous energetic beat, you can feel and hear them long before seeing them, and as they pass before you your heart joins into the rhythm! Next up is a flat-bed cart with a great sculpture of dyed canvas stretched over a geometric frame depicting a red dragon curled, belly-up, as if falling through the air - a great black arrow protruding from it's heart! The cheer that this illicits is truly raucous, and it goes in from there... There are dancers, and more tumblers, and a cart bearing a couple of the spectacle-folk from the festival - a strong man and fire-breather, trumpeters and lutes and flutes, another set of standard bearers, and another canvas sculpture - this time of the Lonely Mountain looming over warring puppets of orcs and Free-folk, and it goes on for such a time as that it feels as though all the performers and spectacles of the world must be gathered here! It is simply tremendous...

And, as the full darkness of the night has set in, a pair of yellow, sparkling fireworks rocket up into the sky a short ways away, heralding both the end of the parade, and the thing which everyone has come to see... the rumored mūmakil from the South and East! And suddenly you can see it! Lumbering into the dancing light of the braziers, it lifts it's trunk and bellows an unearthly wail, unlike anything you've heard, setting your heart racing again! The oliphaunt shakes it's body, creating a rustle of wind around it, and wags it's four great tusks from side to side.
Alright, so, everyone, please roll a Perception check, or Insight, or Animal Handling, or Investigate, or whatever skill you would like to use to represent what your Character is enjoying/scrutinizing/or otherwise most interested in about this scene.
Feb 24, 2020 4:31 pm
Caranthiel looks on in awe for so much. His attention seem to be upon the whole parade in general.
Last edited February 24, 2020 4:31 pm


Perception - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Feb 24, 2020 5:55 pm
Vidar has never seen a mumak before and is pretty sure there's a song he can get out of this.


Perception - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Feb 24, 2020 6:12 pm
The parade was wonderful, and truly one of the greatest sights that Éadmer had experienced in his life. He had been joined by Eorl, his young squire he had retrieved from the stables to see the parade. But nothing could prepare the pair for the mūmakil in its vast and glorious wonder. How did one control a beast so vast? How did it not trample every building in its path? It was amazing, and the sons of Rohan marveled at the beast and its rider.


Animal Handling - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Feb 24, 2020 6:52 pm
Astrid is somewhat overwhelmed by the scale of the parade and her feelings that accompany it. Her heart soars to see the people of Esgaroth and Dale so restored after all that had befallen them... However, she can't help but shed a tear for those who fell to the battle or the dragon, who would have loved to see this.

To take her mind off those she lost, she focuses on the strange men from distant lands. Long has she toyed with the fantasy of travelling to such places, and she tries to glean what she can of their culture and manner from observing them and their magnificent beast.


Insight - (1d20+5, RA)

(18) + 5 = 23

Feb 25, 2020 12:01 am
The crowd had become excited outside the mead tent cutting conversation short. Leaving his untouched cup behind, Finrod had followed Vidar the Dwarf out the nearest exit. Those exiting the mead tent did so fairly orderly and soon after Finrod lost sight of Vidar, catching glimpses of the Dwarf from time to time. Finrod stayed to the back of the crowd, hopped up onto a wall of stacked stone at the point the wall met a thick hedge. From here Finrod could see over the crowd to the other side, and quite a ways up and down it's length. He took note of the various attractions, enjoying them peripherally, but kept his eyes roving about the crowd in investigative search.

Until the oliphant came. That was a sight to see!


Investigation - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Feb 25, 2020 3:19 am
Even in all his years as an elf, Caranthiel has not seen such a spectacle. Perhaps it is for this reason, that he doesn't notice much in particular, but rather just the grand scope of it all.


Vidar, though his eyes are focused on the oliphaunt at first, he catches sight of something beyond it... Still within the shadows of night, it looks as though the final cart - is that where the fireworks jumped forth from earlier? - is experiencing some sort of trouble. Hard to say exactly what though in the dark...


Eadmer, after his initial wonderment, realizes this must surely be a young oliphaunt... It can't be more than 3 meters at it's shoulders. Nothing like the storied stature of the mythic beast of legend. Or... maybe the myths are just myths...? Anyway, he does see that most of the control being exercised over the thing is coming from attendants walking on the ground, using some sort of enticement (is that a giant feather being waved before it?), and guide lines. That's as good as no control at all, compared to skilled a rider., he can't help but think. The only person on it's back is a performer, standing and doing acrobatics.


Its difficult for Astrid to discern much about the people accompanying the oliphaunt, their features are so distorted by make-up and costumery, but she is a keen observer. She can tell, even from this considerable distance, that the men and women are certainly some manner of outlander (from the East or South she cannot say), and she can see - even through the immovable make-up painted similes and expressions of joy - that these men and women are extremely focused and under considerable stress right now, managing this beast...


Looking across the gathered crowd, Finrod doesn't think much about it other than it's not the type of position he likes to put himself in. Nothing to put at your back. Nowhere to go.
Anyone who didn't gain Inspiration in the prequel scene(s) gains a point of it now.
Feb 25, 2020 3:31 am
As the oliphaunt proceeds into full view of everyone, excitement from the crowd grows.

Many people applaud and shout out (or just mutter) exclamations of wonderment, many people go silent and slack jawed, some people even shriek in fear, and some people thrust out fists clutching some manner of food item. Another firework jettisons up into the sky, it's red and crackling, and the oliphaunt wags it's head and makes a groaning sound like a great tree falling... it nearly tugs an attendant off their feet!
Feb 25, 2020 5:52 am
By the hand of the Valar, thought Finrod as the great beast rumbled forth. The loudness of the fireworks was unnerving enough for the Ranger, used to the solitary sounds of the wild as he was wereby the man spent the best portion of his time. Hearing of beasts of legend did not make up for seeing a thing in the flesh, and Finrod was unable to focus on ought else but the oliphant. The animals of the regions in and around Eriador he knew well, and every Ranger has a sense about animal behavior. And though he had only just laid eyes on the massive beast for the first time he knew something was wrong.

Finrod hopped down from the stone wall and began to make his way toward the oliphant and it's handlers. What had startled the beast? Was it the noise of the last firework display? Nay, the beast didnt seem to mind before. Perhaps it was the color red? Finrod deftly juggled racing thoughts as he approached, taking a flanking route that avoided the main knot of onlookers. Closer now, he looked not at the oliphant, but at the handlers, to judge for himself if the situation was under control.


Perception check roll #1 - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Perception check roll #2 - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Feb 25, 2020 3:34 pm
Astrid's eyes narrow as the Oliphaunt groans.

That's some training if this is part of the show. But, if not. ....

She tries to assess if the seeming unease from the beast is real or part of the act.
Last edited February 25, 2020 3:34 pm


Animal Handling - (1d20+5, RA)

(10) + 5 = 15

Feb 25, 2020 8:02 pm
Its hard for Finrod to get much of a sense of the oliphaunt's handler's control. They're both performing - waving and trying to entertain the on-lookers, possibly even as they faulter, turning stumbles and other gaffs into physical comedy - and visibly working with the animal, presumably as they have trained it. He doesn't have much of a sense of how it's going. However, from his position at the flanks of the crowd and outside the main light of the parade-theater, he notices what looks like must be the final cart in the parade ... The mule pulling it is bucking wildly and has broken a strand of the reigns, it looks fit to break into a gallop, it's driver's shouted commands all but drowned out by the din of the audience as he now tries to clamber onto the animal's back to gain control.


Astrid hasn't been around oliphaunts before, of course, to know much of their mannerisms... But how different could they be, really, from a large bull or auroch? Well, if those animals are anything to judge it by, this oliphaunt - with it's wide eyes and bared teeth - is distressed... anything could set it off.
Feb 25, 2020 8:03 pm
It looks like the oliphaunt seem not to be acting right, Caranthiel thinks back what he heard of them trying to guess what is happening. Caranthiel seem a bit off with what might happen soon.


Lore Check - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Feb 25, 2020 8:11 pm
Cranthiel knows about only what he's heard of Legend of the things... ferocious, beasts of war, afraid of nothing.
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