Mar 9, 2020 12:16 pm
Hi everybody
Ignoring that first piece of advice from the new player guide about writing an introduction, the first thing it did after signing up for GP was to push the big red button to apply to join a game. I didn’t realize at that time that you don’t get a chance to write hello to the GM after pushing the button, but I was accepted and started role-playing again. However, I have been neglecting to write an introduction. So now, I’ll finally amend that.
I’m pretty new to pbp, but currently engaged in two games of Call of Cthulhu here on GP. I play a lot of RPG in high school and college, but the last many years I haven’t played any rpg at all (not counting computer games). The main reason being lack of time and lack of people to play with. I have a gaming group I meet with, but that all about boardgame and not RPGs. I signed up on GP to pick up role-playing again and the pbp format seems to be just the thing I was looking for. I like the slow pace of the games.
The games I’m into are Call of Cthulhu, which I am currently playing, but I’m also hoping to get a chance to play the One Ring, which I have never play just read the rules for. I’ve also been playing Vampire the Masquerade back in high school. My gaming time IRL is dedicated to boardgame.
I’m thinking eventually to build up courage to GM some games, but for now I’m just a player.
Happy to be onboard
Ignoring that first piece of advice from the new player guide about writing an introduction, the first thing it did after signing up for GP was to push the big red button to apply to join a game. I didn’t realize at that time that you don’t get a chance to write hello to the GM after pushing the button, but I was accepted and started role-playing again. However, I have been neglecting to write an introduction. So now, I’ll finally amend that.
I’m pretty new to pbp, but currently engaged in two games of Call of Cthulhu here on GP. I play a lot of RPG in high school and college, but the last many years I haven’t played any rpg at all (not counting computer games). The main reason being lack of time and lack of people to play with. I have a gaming group I meet with, but that all about boardgame and not RPGs. I signed up on GP to pick up role-playing again and the pbp format seems to be just the thing I was looking for. I like the slow pace of the games.
The games I’m into are Call of Cthulhu, which I am currently playing, but I’m also hoping to get a chance to play the One Ring, which I have never play just read the rules for. I’ve also been playing Vampire the Masquerade back in high school. My gaming time IRL is dedicated to boardgame.
I’m thinking eventually to build up courage to GM some games, but for now I’m just a player.
Happy to be onboard