are there any star wars games with openings?

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Feb 26, 2016 8:22 pm
I'll advertise for one more.
Feb 26, 2016 8:54 pm
Remnant says:
Someone did one as a program for PCs, still need all the books really since it literally says Talent X Description: (Book and Page Reference). I use it to make sure my math works out.
You can actually edit the data fields in that character generator to say what you want. So, if you want to take the time to add in all the text manually for your abilities and talents, you can.
Feb 26, 2016 9:08 pm
Falryx, if you still have room I could jump on one more SW game. Two of my D&D games seem to have gone into hibernation, and I haven't heard from my SW players in a while now, so that game is slow too. With Eidolons off my plate, I'd be happy to jump into an EotE game.

Only question is: will there be an issue/crossover with your FaD game? Let me know. If there's room, let me know the character type that's needed for the party, I'm flexible.
Feb 26, 2016 10:36 pm
so far we got a doctor, a bounty hunter, and a force using sneaky type. not sure what you like playing, but star wars always needs a pilot!
Feb 26, 2016 10:44 pm
Hotshot smuggler pilot comin' your way.

I applied. Remnant and I are both in his FaD game. We'll see if Falyrx is cool with me joining this one too. He may be sick of me :P
Feb 27, 2016 6:36 pm
I'll have to rely on you guys being capable role players if we cross over with FAD. :) Or I'll have to contrive to not have you show up in the same place at the same time to make sure the space-time continuum isn't disrupted.

Sorry for the delay -- Thursday was 4am to 10pm flights / work and yesterday was Getting Stuff Done Because I Was Out of Pocket Thursday.
Feb 27, 2016 6:48 pm
There's always splitting the party too. PbP lends itself really well to that sort of thing. I'm also fully confident I can RP two players if I have to ;)

Happy to be on board. I'm rolling up a cocky Corellian street punk gunslinger/pilot.
Feb 27, 2016 7:23 pm
Ok -- current state of the game is:

3 / 4 slots filled.
2 join requests from Kjmangle and Friar_Tuk.

Given that state and the fact the game has been open for a week - I'll expand to five and accept both those in, at which point we'll be full up.
Feb 27, 2016 7:24 pm
@MattParody -- wasn't sure for sure if you wanted in or not since you hadn't applied to the game? If so, let me know and I can talk to Kj and Friar to see if they'd hand over their spot. :)
Feb 27, 2016 7:44 pm
I'll drop out of another wants in. Don't want to bogart all the good games :)
Feb 29, 2016 3:22 am
Same here. Dont want to over take the force ganes.
Mar 1, 2016 2:15 pm
No, Need to wait for me.
I missed the boat. Left behind to cover your egress.
I stayed behind to hinder the stormtroopers that were trying to set up heavier arms to take down the fleeing ship.
No worries... believe in the Force and we shall meet again...
{insert Star Wars blaster fire fight here}

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