SirRockNRolla says:
I think it's best we should cut out the hit die advancement and you automatically get it, so at 0 you automatically get it (people will be super squishy, I understand there non-classes but a few bad rolls can leave the whole crew dead or dying) so say you start of at 9 health, you won't get another hit die till you finish the last of level 1 where you are now a level 2, unless people want a hit die on level 1 instead of automatically at 0, this will cut out 2 advancements so it will be between 6/8 advancements needed (6 and 7 will be adjusted to level of 8)
That's why I gave no-classers a d6 for hit points (but no hit die, so it's straight to long rest to recover from combat). A 6 base hit points is the bare minimum, they are as squishy as a Wizard (whose not THAT much more squishy than a d10, with 4 hit points more; both can be killed by one good attack at level 1; welcome to level 1!). Then, the first Advancement 'upgrades' your hit die to that of your class. That was, mostly, to help allow what Spaceseeker described (not having a predetermined class path, and basing it on story and opportunity instead). In order to grant a hit die automatically at level 0, players have to decide on class path at creation (which I agree, is a good idea - the way I introduced new players to 5e when my party is a higher level is they make a character that is level 1; but I grant them hit dice, hit points and proficiency bonuses matching the level the party is at).
Quote:'ve already gotten 6 points from checks and now you defeat them you would get another 6 meaning level 0 to 1 is a few points off, if that's upped and the group is 6 players stronger vs let's say 4 goblin then that's 12 points from the battle without any perception or stealth checks, if someone goes to a merchant, persuades him, intimidates him and then fights him then that is either 5 or 7 points just for that
It might be that my numbers for points from battles are off, it depends on how battle-heavy the game is going to be. Lots of fighting? Probably cut Hard and Difficulty by 1 point each (or increase the point threshold for Advancement to 7).
EDIT: Also, you misunderstand how many points combat grants. 4 goblins against a party of 6 is an Easy encounter. So it grants 1 point. Not 2 points per goblin, it's points PER combat (in the same way XP is awarded per combat). As for the merchant case, probably an Easy encounter as well (1 on 1 even), so again, only 1 point. It's based on the encounter difficulty table in the GM section on the PHB (or it might be the DMG, I don't know I use an app), where it describes how to create encounters.
I think that me saying when the non-class can level can cut out a lot of the balancing issues, so someone can have unlocked everything for level one but aren't level one yet and cannot work towards level 2 stuff but there points still accumulate, so X player could have 5 points left over and grab something from level two, if I need to lower or up the level of points needing to go along, it won't be a solely my decision as it effects everyone
I'm technically fine with this, as it mimics how I handle Advancement in my 5e games (I don't give out XP, I just say "level up!" after a tough session, or the end of a plot arc. My players level up every 2-3 sessions, basically).
Small note: if everyone picks non-class then we can just go XP option and everyone levels together
Just deciding on an XP threshold for level 0 to 1? You just as well do that if only some people pick non-class... Being 100-150 XP behind levelling won't, typically, will make less of a difference as the game goes on. And if you really want players to be on a par by level 3, then grant the no-classers 150 bonus XP at level 3.
So here's a SUPER clean way to do it, forgetting all the skill advancement stuff:
No-classers start with -150XP. At 0XP, they become level 1 (all the class, all at once). At level 3, no-classers gain 150 bonus XP.
Last edited February 29, 2016 12:24 pm