The guard nods, and a few minutes later a woman - probably Wiston's wife - puts a plate of eggs, meat and fruit on the table for each of you and serves a hearty glass of clear, crisp ale. When you finish the guard returns and leads you into the sitting room. There you are introduced to Kellin, the halfling who owns the Old Bridge Inn - where you have been staying the past couple days. Also in attendance is Captain Sorana, Delora Zann, the woman who owns the livery stable; and a tall, sour-faced man named Iormel, who is evidently a person of some property. Along with Norro Wiston, these people are the Town Council.
"Well, you all know why we are here." Wiston says without preamble, "In a matter of days we're going to have an army of goblins, hobgoblins, and monsters on our doorsteps. What do we do? Fight? Try to talk to them? Abandon the town and flee? Or do nothing and hope to Pelor they don't come this way?" The councillors turn their gaze your way, waiting to see what you recommend before voicing their positions...