Mission 2(The Summons)

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Aug 25, 2020 4:53 pm
After the short rest up, the group continues on to the location of where this portal to another world is mentioned to be. As they step towards it, the tunnel where The Arch is erected in glows blue and purple from the light flowing within it. The archway, as well as the walls of the tunnel, have carved drawings depicting what looks like a ritual being performed by a group of individuals in front of the Arch. For your case, you believe that using this is simple, and that you just have to step through and into this light.

You feel your senses being messed around as you pass through to the other side. A couple of seconds later, you stopped feeling like throwing up and realise that you have entered into a small and dark stone chamber. There is nothing in here but cobwebs and the odd smell of blood. There is an iron gate door that leads out of here.
As you have used an Inapposite Gate, your items, form and focus do not change. However, if you have an ability that uses magic, it will later be a bit harder to use. The law of this recursion used to have mild Mad Science and mainly, Standard Physics. Also we will move on to the new thread I will make. And each of you gain 2xp for experiencing your first travel to another recursion.

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