Second Storm: Past and Present

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Jan 8, 2021 9:39 pm
Lol, yea, a bit of a dumb question in meta but make sense in RP ;)
"Not for Suzhen, but there is another much more powerful dragon hiding in Montreal. For him, they would not hesitate to nuke downtown if they had one."
Jan 8, 2021 10:54 pm
"I don’t know anything about that. I was just asking for directions…" Toby rolls his eyes and, ignoring the woman as best he can, begins to make his way back to his car as he continues listening to Suzhen’s conversation. He doesn’t like the sound of ‘two birds with one stone’ but he’ll wait for Suzhen’s signal before running in to help.
Jan 10, 2021 10:39 am
ahah yes, it's the first time Elijah can quit :D

"There is another one?" Elijah is surprised. Given that most of his Icelandic lore involved dragons dying, he assumed two are a lot of them. "Are the dragons meeting in Montreal? Can we trust them?"

« Il y en a un autre? » Élie est surpris depuis que la plupart de ses connaissanses de les traditions islandaises impliquent la mort de dragons, il supposait que deux en faisaient beaucoup. « Les dragons se réunissent-ils à Montréal? On peut leur faire confiance?»
The other option is to join the Ordo 😂
Jan 10, 2021 4:03 pm
Suzhen was nearly about to roll her eyes at Father Paul's tirade, when his last words set off the alarm bells in her head. Two birds with one stone! They mean to kill her as well as Fei Lung! "The gall of you, to stand in front of me and openly threaten my life?!"
Rolling Figure Someone Out just to confirm Suzhen's suspicions. Using a Hold 1 from my dragon scroll (I rolled a Hold 3 pages ago, never got the chance to use them yet) to add +1 forward.
With the 11, here are my questions:
How could I get Father Paul to reveal if he is planning to kill Suzhen together with Fei Lung?
How could I put Father Paul in my Debt?
Last edited January 10, 2021 4:07 pm


Figure Someone Out - (2d6+4)

(43) + 4 = 11

Jan 10, 2021 5:55 pm
@ Édouard & Elijah: Discutant en chemin, vous vous trouvez finalement devant l'église Coréenne. Que faites-vous?

@ Suzhen: Dans un silence inconfortable, Suzhen réfléchit à ce que Père Paul vient de lui dire...

@ Toby: La dame réussit à attirer l'attention d'un autre membre de la congrégation qui se prépare à aviser la police de la présence suspecte de Toby...

@ Édoaurd & Elijah: The duo is finally in front of the Korean United Church...

@ Suzhen: You're both sitting in awkward moments as you wait for The Second... You take this opportunity to think back at what Father Paul just told you and further break it down. He did said he hopes The Second would bring along the runes which would make killing dragons safe... which implies that whatever he's planning on doing will depend on The Second. Surely, if The Second told him you were more valuable alive, Father Paul would not try to kill you, at least not right away... hmm, perhaps you could press him on using that... Now how to get him indebted to you? Well, he is Ordo Draconis, and you selling any other dragons could possibly do the trick... or pretend to sell them another dragon... of course, you'd have to act fast: as soon as they fall in Fei Lung's trap, they won't trust you anymore... if they're still alive, that is...

What do you do?

@ Toby:
I forgot, since you Investigated a Place of Power using Mortality, you can mark that Faction down if you haven't already done so...
As you make your way back to the car, the woman follows you still filming you, her rat dog now barking and growling at you as it sense you are upsetting its mistress. This attracts the attention of other church goers...

The lady: "Yeah, you can try to run, but I have your face on camera! I'll show it to the cops!"

Passerby: "Hey, Claudette, what's going on here?"

Lady: "Quick Robert, call the cops! I caught one of the vandals! He was looking for a way to break into the church!"

The passerby taking out his phone, but not dialling right away... "He was? You sure about that?"

Lady: "Yes, plus I haven't seen him around here before, so he's clearly a troublemaker... Oh, I'm going to get his licence plate before he runs away!" She does this weird fast-walking thing to get behind your car and film your licence plate with her phone, her rat dog still yapping away...

The passerby then starts dialling...

What do you do?
Jan 11, 2021 5:39 am
"I was just asking for directions!" Toby exclaims, exasperated. He doesn’t get in his car, but instead turns to the passerby (Robert) and says, "Please don’t call the police! I promise I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I just tried to ask this lady for directions and she started accusing me of all kinds of stuff… I swear I don’t have anything to do with any vandalism."


Persuade an NPC - (2d6+3)

(13) + 3 = 7

Jan 11, 2021 6:27 pm
@Elijah "There is a few more on Suzhen side I believe. But most are harmless. Only the old one is as bad as the Ordo. Their war almost destroyed the city a few months ago."

@In front of the church.

"Bon, any suggestions before I barge in the front door?

Edouard's tone implies that he is quickly running out of subtlety for the day.
Jan 12, 2021 1:14 pm
"So we may be caught up between two bad choices?" He considers for a moment what this means, remembering the vision that made him fly to Montreal. "Maybe this is the reason why I was brought to this city." Once in front of the church, he looks with a worried expression at Édouard's quickly ... degrading... subtlety. "Maybe we can just pay our respects, wait in prayer for a moment. With a bit of luck, we may find clues about the members of this congregation and if they are connected to this Ordo people". He takes a deep breath to clear his mind. "Let's just try to not barge anywhere for the moment" he smiles as he opens the door.

« Alors on est pris entre deux mauvais choix? » Il réfléchit un instant à ce que cela signifie, se souvenant de la vision qui l'a fait voler à Montréal. « C'est peut-être la raison pour laquelle j'ai été amené dans cette ville. » Une fois devant l'église, il regarde avec une expression inquiète la subtilité rapidement... dégradant... d'Édouard. « Peut-être qu'on peut juste rendre hommage, attendre un moment dans la prière. Avec un peu de chance, nous pourrons trouver des indices sur les membres de cette congrégation et s'ils sont connectés à ce peuple Ordo ». Il prend une profonde inspiration pour éclaircir son esprit. « Essayons juste de ne faire quelqu'irruption pour le moment » sourit-il en ouvrant la porte.
I guess this calls for an investigatigation?
Last edited January 12, 2021 1:16 pm


+1 everything but night, which is -1 - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Jan 12, 2021 6:52 pm
@ Édouard & Elijah: Vous entrez dans l'église, et êtes surpris de ne pas trop paraitre "hors place" car malgré que c'est un e église Coréenne, il semble y avoir des gens de plusieurs races ici... Des gens d'origine Asiatique (for probablement Coréenne), aidés par quelques blancs et noirs, semblent donner des denrées alimentaires à des gens des premières nations, et quelque blancs (en effet, un blanc qui possède du sang Amérindien peut être considéré première nation si il peut le prouver, et ainsi, il n'est pas rare de voir des Amérindiens à la peaux blanche, aux cheveux blonds, où aux yeux bleus au Québec... plus qu'ailleurs an Amérique.). L'endroit ne semble avoir rien de louche après un regard rapide...

Éventuellement, une personne d'origine Asiatique vous approche... "Bonjour et bienvenue. Vous êtes ici pour le dépannage alimentaire?"

Que faites-vous?

@ Toby: L'homme ne semble pas encore tout à fait convaincus, mais donne au moins une chance à toby de s'expliquer avant d'appeler la police...
L'église serait de la Faction Mortality, donc Elijah peut cocher cette Faction si ce n'est déjà fait...

@ Édouard & Elijah: There seems to be nothing out of the ordinary in this church, except people running a food bank for first nation people...

@ Toby: The Karen is screaming at that point. "HE'S LYING!" But the man holds up a hand to calm her down and turns to you, stopping himself from finishing composing 911. "Okay, what's the deal kid? If you can give me a good reason as to why you were snooping around here, I won't call the cops..."

What do you do?
Jan 13, 2021 10:56 am
Elijah looks around for a moment. Everything look as one'd expect for a church. However, it was the charitable action that caught his attention. First nations people come here for the food bank, likely these are people going through some rough times, which means... they could be desperate enough to fall for tricks and empty promises... and it would only take one of Mohawk descendant to use the bow... Was this the "recruitment" place?

His thoughts interrupted by the Asian person, he considers the question. Having just arrived and with little to show, he could try to pass himself as a destitute seeking help, though Édouard probably wouldn’t... "Hello, thanks. I... it's very kind of you, thanks. "

Elijah regarde autour de lui pendant un moment. Tout ressemble à ce que l'on attend d'une église. Cependant, c'est l'action caritative qui a retenu son attention. Les Amérindien viennent ici pour la dépannage alimentaire, ce sont probablement des gens qui traversent des moments difficiles, ce qui signifie ... qu'ils pourraient être assez désespérés pour tomber dans des tours et des promesses vides ... et il ne faudrait qu'un descendant Mohawk pour utiliser l'arc ... Était-ce le lieu du « recrutement » ?

Ses pensées interrompues par la personne d'origine Asiatique, il réfléchit à la question. Ayant juste arrivé et avec peu de choses à montrer, il pourrait essayer de se faire passer pour un démunis cherchant de l'aide, mais Édouard ne le ferait probablement pas ... « Bonjour, merci. Ça ... c'est très gentil à vous, merci. »
Before continuing, just a quick meta check: @Vagrant how'd you like me to volunteer you ? :D
Last edited January 13, 2021 10:56 am
Jan 13, 2021 1:40 pm
"This must surely rankle." Suzhen stared at Paul with her now piercing gaze. "Sitting here opposite your most hated enemy, unable to do anything about it now. If you want to kill me here's your chance." She wanted to goad him to see if he would cross the line, seeing as he must've have been told to do nothing for now, and to wait for further orders. Perhaps she could manipulate him to her advantage. "Don't you want to prove yourself to the Order? Killing me could work. Or having me lead you to another dragon, that would be a feather in your cap wouldn't it? Accept a debt to me, and I'll give you information about one." If Father Paul considered dragons akin to the evil one, Suzhen had no compunctions playing up that role.
Last edited January 13, 2021 1:42 pm
Jan 13, 2021 5:56 pm
@Elijah go ahead however you feel like. Edouard is simply watching Elijah with a slight smile at the corner of his lips to see what he's gonna come up with.

Edouard will have whispered to Elijah that just mentioning anything about dragons is usually enough to get the attention of an actual Ordo member.

If you don't have an idea, Edouard will just mentions something about dragons himself and take it from there :)
Jan 13, 2021 10:35 pm
"I wasn’t snooping. I was supposed to meet a friend here and when I didn’t see them, I went looking for them. That’s all."
Jan 14, 2021 12:20 am
@ Édouard & Elijah: L'homme qui vous à accueillis demande. "Bien, vous avez vos papiers du gouvernement? Vous seriez surpris du nombre de gens qui tentent de se faire passer pour des autochtones juste pour un peut de nourriture..."

Que fais-tu?

@ Suzhen: Père Paul aurait bien le goût de tuer Suzhen, mais il se retient, ne se laissant pas provoquer pas Suzhen, comprenant trop bien ce qui arrive quand un dragon meurt... Puis à la mention de Suzhen de livrer un autre dragon à l'Ordo Draconis, Père Paul décide d'y aller d'une provocation à son tour...

@ Toby: Richard n'est pas encore complètement convaincus et semble essayer de piéger Toby dans ses "menteries"...

@ Édouard & Elijah: The man asks Elijah if he has his government papers with him for the food bank...

@ Suzhen: Father Paul glares at you. Seems your provocation hit home, but he does not act on it. He is smarter than the average Ordo Draconis then, and well aware that if he kills you, it will also kill him and everyone in and around the church... probably including Toby... Then when you suggest to sell him the location and identity of another dragon he looks you with curiosity. "I don't understand. What else would you have to gain by selling to me one of your own. For the great dragon, it is understandable, he used you, and your draconic pride demands revenge. But why betray another one of your kind? Is the dragon community in Montréal more fragile than we had imagined? Surely you will not sell us your mate..." Hmm, seems he's capable of provocations as well... Well, fair enough, you sort of asked for it...

What do you do?

@ Toby: "Karen" rolls her eyes. "Yeah... sure... another one of your vandal buddies?". Richard once again asks her to let him continue. "Don't people normally agree to meet in front of buildings? You know, where you can easily spot it from the street or sidewalk? Not sure why your friend would be hanging out back there waiting for you... Alright, what's your friend's name anyways?" He doesn't seem quite convinced yet, he seems to try to punch a hole in your story...

What do you do?
Jan 14, 2021 1:24 am
"Her name is Sue. She had a meeting with someone at the church and I was supposed to be picking her up afterwards."
Jan 14, 2021 1:12 pm
I didn't even thought about dropping the "D"-word yet. I was thinking more checking out the natives for anything that happened recently :D
Elijah quickly changes his tactics as the man mentions official papers. "Oh no, no, sorry. I'm not indigenous. Not even Canadian. I'm new here." He points back at Édouard. " my friend and I were passing by and were wondering if you need a hand or something we can help with. Sorry for the misunderstanding"

Elijah change rapidement de tactique alors que l'homme mentionne les papiers du gouvernement. « Oh non, non, désolé. Je ne suis pas autochtone. Pas même canadien. J'ai juste arrivé ici. » Il pointe du doigt Édouard. « Mon ami et moi passions par là et nous nous demandions si vous aviez besoin d'un coup de main ou de quelque chose pour lequel nous pouvons vous aider. Désolé pour le malentendu »
Last edited January 14, 2021 1:12 pm

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