Session 1

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May 9, 2020 3:04 pm
@Vilenax: I'll get you caught up to the others real quick and explain a few things before you roll. Firstly, you should write down that you have been awarded both +1 Exertive INS and +1 of whichever type of INS you desire (Exertive, Decisive, or Emotive).
Inspiration (INS):
- Used as a positive modifier, INS adds a +1 to the result of a roll for every point of it spent.
- INS is earned as either Exertive INS, Decisive INS, or Emotive INS, each of which can only be used for actions that are using either of the two Traits they individually govern.
- Each INS type holds up to 6 INS each and can be stored as long as the player likes until they are ready to use it on something.
- Any INS earned pass the cap of 6 however is lost, so holding onto large supplies of INS risks wasting some that could have otherwise been awarded to you.
Once you have decided this, it's time to roll.
How to perform a Trait Check:
(Step 1) Determine which of your 6 Traits is most applicable to the action being attempted.
(Step 2) The GM decides whether or not ADV (Advantage) or DIS (Disadvantage) applies to the action the player wishes to attempt, or whether neither of them will apply.
- ADV allows the player to roll the d20 twice, picking the higher of the two rolls.
- DIS forces the players to roll the d20 twice, picking the lower of the two rolls.
(Step 3) Any positive or negative modifiers are applied to the action.
- All of which being: INS (Inspiration), Burdens, Reservations, Assists, and Confidence (each detailed in separate posts)
(Step 4) The player rolls one or more d20s, applying their modifiers to one or both. The outcome of this roll gives one of several different results the GM will interpret and narrate.
(Step 1: Sounds like you are taking a pretty big risk here trying to "get up high". I would say you're using the Boldness Trait, which you have a Degree of Occasionally in.) (Step 2: I determine that neither ADV or DIS applies to the action.) (Step 3: You have INS you could use if you desire, but will also be rolling with your Reservation due to the risk involved.)
- If the Trait you are using for a roll has a Reservation whose description requires you to use it, this Reservation will impose a negative modifier of -2 to the roll.
- If you successfully perform the action while using this Reservation however, you will award every other player with +1 INS to the type that you just used and that your Reservation was associated with: Exertive, Decisive, or Emotive.
- You will also earn +1 High-Growth, which can be used to eventually alter the Degree of the Trait you just used that your Reservation was derived from.
May 9, 2020 9:01 pm
I imagine this is the same alley Fallible/John is in, right? May we interact?
Edit: fixing the phone mention.
Victoria follows the police officer with her gaze until he is hidden from view by the crowd, and then heads further down the alley, warily watching for anything unusual. With the weird object covering the sun the streets are unnaturally dark, and she has to squint into the shadows to avoid stumbling on a few uneven stones here and there. While she is walking, she reaches for her pocket to pull out a smartphone, planning to look at the downloaded in advance map of Paris - but is met with a sad dark screen. Right, the "energy surge" before...
Last edited May 11, 2020 9:01 pm
May 10, 2020 2:50 pm
@Succulent: You may! Btw, I intended for the "blackout" to be more like a "radio jammer" though. No electronics should be able to be used going forward! I'll let you have like a town map though if you wanna.
May 10, 2020 6:33 pm
I see that a more collected person than me has entered the alley, and seems to be wishing for a map. I pull out my Tour guide book of Paris and see if she would like to use it. "I have this, it has some good maps in it. I just have no idea what to do. This is insane! What in the world are we supposed to do?"
May 11, 2020 2:09 pm
@Falible, I would like to impose the use of a Trait on you, that Trait being your Empathy for this "map sharing action". I know this seems like a bit of a stretch, but this seems like a good learning moment for the playtest (I'll post about my thoughts on this in the OOC thread).
I'm going to use your "Empathy Impulse" (You often act when "someone needs help", even if doing so seems especially risky) to force your use of this Trait.
I'll allow the use of ADV on this roll, but you will also be forced to apply a -2 to the roll from the 2 Fear you have accumulated. Succulent did award every player with +1 INS of their choice however, so if you want, you can make that Emotive INS and reduce the penalty of your Fear from -2 to -1.
May 11, 2020 9:02 pm
@Hootey, oops, sorry, my mistake about the phone! I'll edit my earlier post to fix it.
Also, INS of every choice was from your Spice, not my roll! :P
@Fallible, is there any visual description of your character I may read? For flavor! (It's fine if not, though!)
Victoria, too focused on being concerned about her phone's certainly-not-working state to look around, jumps at the sound of a voice addressing her. She looks up to see a stranger, seemingly aware of her troubles with navigation, offering her a tour guide book - something that she really should've brought herself, in hindsight. Victoria blinks owlishly at him, ever-nervous about unfamiliar faces approaching her, but manages a smile of gratitude. "Thank you," she replies, an obvious accent tinting her pronunciation. "It would be helpful. Do you know anything about what's happening, by any chance? With this," she vaguely gestures at the sky, and the thing hovering above Paris, "object."
I don't know what'll happen if Fallible fails the roll, so I'll just omit the actual fate of the guidebook for now. XD
May 12, 2020 11:08 pm
sorry if i messed that up i thought i understood it but if im wrong please correct me lol
I spot a Hotel nearby with a fire escape on the side and decide to try and make my way over there to get on top of the building
Last edited May 12, 2020 11:09 pm


Running for high ground - (1d20-1)

(11) - 1 = 10

May 13, 2020 3:22 pm
- (10 or lower) Failure: You fail the action and are now in an even more dangerous or challenging situation because of it. (You are afflicted with a Burden).
@Vilenax Scooting past dozens who have broken out into panicked sprints, you begin to approach the fire escape as people begin to quickly rush down it in an attempt to get to the street. You could wait until they've gotten down, but the time spent waiting and thinking and watching as scared people continue running past you makes you second guess yourself. You find yourself frozen for a moment, not sure what to do next or how to get yourself out of this situation. (You are afflicted with +1 Stress.)
May 14, 2020 11:54 pm
I will use the INS to make an Empathy roll with ADV -1. Are there other ways of losing burdens? Do they happen to go away over a certain period of time?


Empathy -1 - (1d20)

(14) = 14

ADV Empathy -1 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

May 15, 2020 3:32 pm
For now, I took away the ability to remove Burdens. I kinda wanted to see how it felt to play with a bunch and get a feel for their fairness. Once we get into session 2, I'll either reset them or throw in a way to get rid of them in game.
(11-14) Partial Success: You pass the action, but it didn’t go exactly as you had planned. (You are afflicted with a Burden).
Noticing a young lady from the tour guide down an alley, you rush over in an excited panic, fumbling to draw out your map from within your pack. Your excited approach does not mix well with the predicament at hand. Victoria is caught off guard by you and taken aback until you finally retrieve the guidebook and its maps. Her disposition toward you has changed slightly now, but you fear for losing the trust of the one person you somewhat know in this sea of bustling strangers. (You are afflicted with +1 Stress.)
May 15, 2020 3:41 pm
Before we get any further into Session 1, let me remind you guys of a few ways to earn INS, since we seem to be lacking quite a bit of it (which very well might just be the game's fault).
The following are all the ways INS can be earned:
- Being awarded it by another player who rolls a Critical Success.
- Being awarded it by another player who successfully passes a Temptation Check.
- Being awarded it by another player who successfully performs an action while using a Reservation.

- Being awarded it by another player that determines a detail of Negative Spice.
- Being awarded it by the GM after they determine a detail of Negative Spice.
If you'd like more INS, I suggest trying one of the options in bold out ;)
May 20, 2020 10:19 pm
Speaking of Impulses and Reservations, I think my interaction with John might result in an Impulse activating for my Influence? It is a non-risky opportunity to gain trust! Am I good to roll for that? :D (Not gonna resist this one.)
(Won't get inspiration, but hey, I might roll a crit. :P)
Last edited May 20, 2020 10:21 pm
May 21, 2020 3:27 pm
That seems fair @Succulent. On the other hand, if you wanted to spin it in a way that "did seem risky" to intentionally activate your Reservation you could if you liked. It makes the roll harder of course, which could lead to a burden if failed, but you would also be able to inspire others and earn Growth if you succeeded. :)
Or you could try to resist your Influence Impulse. Success would keep you from becoming friendlier toward John, but you can also gain Growth/grant everyone INS if you succeeded. (It's also easier to to do than rolling with a Reservation activated.)
May 24, 2020 8:44 pm
I'm actually not sure if I want to earn Growth too often! It will make stats change way too often, and I'm happy with my current rows of 2s! Also, playing it safe with burdens.
Can I get a clarification on how successing an Influence Temptation check would make me friendlier towards John? I'm supressing an urge to try to win his trust, and it turns back on me by making me trust him? I'm just curious about the nuances of effects for Emotive traits. And wouldn't being friendly be more of an Empathy thing, not Influence? XD
I'm going to wait a bit before posting in case John has any answer for Victoria's question about "object in the sky"!
Last edited May 24, 2020 8:45 pm
May 24, 2020 10:25 pm
Here is a description of the Influence Trait and the Impulse you have from it:
Influence (degree: 2/3)
Your ability to earn trust from others through your presence and social skills alone.

- Impulse: you occasionally act when an opportunity arises to gain someone's trust, but only if doing so does not seem especially risky.
So my thinking here is that your Impulse compels you to gain other's trust as long as its not super risky, which I believe is the case. So, yes, you would not become friendlier toward him if you succeeded. You would want to do something like that if you wanted to lower your Influence and eventually remove the Impulse you have because of your current Degree in it. If you wanted to trust John, not earn his trust, you would use Empathy, so maybe that's the right Trait actually. He's approaching you after-all.
Jun 1, 2020 6:15 pm
"I have no idea what it might be... My first thought was aliens, but that's crazy yeah?" I unscrew the top to my flask, take a good swallow, a deep breath, and then mindlessly put it back without thinking about sharing. "I cant imagine it's here for good reasons though. Was that explosion some kind of EMP? Is that why all the lights went out? I don't know about you, but I'm thinking it's a good time to head back to my hotel room and put the covers over my head."
Jun 4, 2020 5:39 pm
"I share this sentiment," the woman squints at the map in the tour guide for a few moments, before sighing. She takes off her backpack and pulls out a small case from one of the pockets, opening it to reveal a pair of glasses with bright magenta temples. She puts them on, and then looks at the map again. "Thank you for the map, by the way! I'm not good at remembering directions unless I have a map. And my phone is not working because of this... this."

She checks the map for about a minute, remembering the route, before looking up at the man. "Do you by any chance plan to head in this directions?" She turns the guidebook trowards him and points a hotel on a map, indicating the area around. "I would... appreciate some company?" There is a hint of embarrassment in her voice, and the phrase sounds more like a question than a statement as a result.
Influence check to rope a complete stranger into running from aliens together. XD
Also, were we staying at the same hotel?
Last edited June 4, 2020 5:42 pm


Influence - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Jun 5, 2020 3:51 pm
@Succulent, just making sure, but you are choosing to act on your Influence's Impulse right?
Jun 10, 2020 9:31 pm
Is it - acting on an Impulse - different from me simply using a trait? Since I'm not doing Temptation check, it's technically the same gameplay-wise, right?
Jun 11, 2020 1:47 pm
Lol yes, that's a good way of describing it. Just wanted to make sure I knew what you were wanting to do.
Positive Spice: Whether it be by some odd coincidence or a stroke of good luck, John confirms the hotel as the one he's staying at as well.
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