1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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Mar 8, 2016 2:30 pm
"Whassat? Yer sayin' the GRAND MOFF hired greasy lizards like you? When he had the entire Imperial navy at his call? Wait." Lin pauses and drunkenly stands tall, looking the lead Trandoshan in the eye, "Are you sayin' yer better than the these fine officers? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?! GET 'EM!" Lin grabs the edge of the Trandoshan's table, and flips it over, spilling drinks all over the group of lizards.
Rolling Coersion to start a fight between the Imperials and the Trandoshans. I'd like to flip a light side point and upgrade a green to a yellow.


Coersion (Will=2, no ranks, destiny point upgrade)

1 Success, 3 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 1 Advantage

Mar 8, 2016 3:06 pm
I watch closely from my position, giving Lin one more shot at starting the commotion before a change of plan is in order..
I'll hold the plan, then decide after Lin's latest attempt at brawl-starting resolves if a new plan is in order.
Mar 8, 2016 3:31 pm
"Take it to go.." Fuzil hears.

"This will not taste the same later, but if i must then i must" Fuzil thinks to himself. Then he gets and idea.

Place credits on the bar "One more delicious soup... To go please." he says to with a smile to bartender.
Mar 19, 2016 3:03 pm
The Green Mamba himself is able to sneak into the bar without any trouble and the ease with which he does so makes him feel just that much happier with himself (recovering 1 strain). The bar is, more or less, as he expected it to be. A bunch of humans, a handful of aliens -- many of whom are his crew -- and Lin somewhere in the middle of a storm trying to get a good old-fashioned bar brawl to take place. It occurs to him that any brawl is liable to go horribly lopsided given the human vs. alien count -- but as the thought wanders into his brain, Lin flips a table.

Unlike last time, the Trandoshans have clearly had enough of this pink-skin's poodoo. Moving quickly, the one nearest to Lin stands up and takes a swing and.... pow! ... Lin has a bunch of green fist swelling into view before it connects with his head.
Lin takes 7 strain - minus his soak of 3 for a total of 4 strain.
The others stand up to back up the one taking on Lin and the mood of the bar turns from your typical after-work grind into a simmering cauldron of violations and demerits. There's a bunch of furtive movement near your mark -- but given how much is going on, it's difficult to say for sure what is afoot.
Green Mamba and Acaatha -- given you are looking from the edges of the problem, please roll a medium difficulty perception roll with 2 setback for the level of confusion in the bar. Acaatha should ALSO add a boost because she's been concentrating and delaying her action.


Trandoshan noting the atmosphere...

Trandoshan takes a swing at Lin.

3 Success, 3 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 3 Success, 1 Advantage

Mar 19, 2016 6:41 pm
"Well Lin good job on the distraction." Green Mamba mutters over comms. Trying to keep low.

Too bad no one save me on the way in... Damn I was good... it was so smooth... I'll tell them about it later. he thinks to himself.


Perception (Rank 1 Cunning 2) with 2 SB

2 Success, 1 Failure, 3 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 3 Threat

Mar 19, 2016 7:26 pm
There it is! Lin thinks through the ringing in his ears. He makes the most of the punch, throwing himself backward with much more force than the blow delivered. He attempts to turn his wild backward fall into a controlled roll. He is looking to roll back, directly past the table of Imperial officers and into short range of the Trandoshans. Regardless if his roll succeeds, Lin will use his maneuver to stand up, and use quick draw to draw one of his blasters, thumbing the stun setting.
Welocme back falryx! Hope everyone/everything is ok on the home front now!
Last edited March 19, 2016 7:27 pm


Coordination (Agility-3, no ranks)

2 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Failure, 2 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 1 Threat

Mar 19, 2016 7:55 pm
As the fight breaks out I quickly scan the room and take stock of the situation before pressing forward with my plan ...


Perception (Cunning 4, Rank 2 + Boost)

5 Success, 2 Advantage, 3 Failure, 2 Threat

Total: 2 Success

Mar 20, 2016 2:26 am
Mala makes sure the speeder is ready to shoot off at a moment's notice. When she hears loud screaming and the sound of broken tables coming from the bar she sighs and shakes her head, muttering to herself.

I'm going to need to restock on synth skin after this acquisition. And someone needs to teach Lin how to block a punch with something other than his face.
yay! we're back!
Mar 20, 2016 2:34 pm
Lin is able extract himself from the immediate brawl by adding a little extra oomph to the Trandoshan's punch. In so doing he does manage to ding himself up here and there between the legs of the clientele and the furniture taking one additional strain. He is able stand outside the immediate ring of trouble and draw his blaster... Someone next to Lin, looks like he makes a grab for Lin's blaster, concern on his face. "No blasters man!"

There is a tangible change in the tenor of the room. Acaatha, especially, is assaulted by a collective chilling -- and the edges of her vision darken slightly, and briefly, in response. Acaatha and Ahkrirar see a couple people gathered around the mark leading him out of the brawl to safety. Acaatha specifically notes that one of the escorts was no where near the mark earlier -- so he must be traveling with some kind of bodyguard.

falryx sent a note to Candi
falryx sent a note to Remnant


Perception check, do people see a blaster being drawn?

If so -- what do they do?

Mar 20, 2016 3:26 pm
"They're making for the front door, he has a bodyguard. I'll try stir them up. Make the front entrance inhospitable to coax them towards the back." I say over the comms before executing a variation of the previous plan. I choose the guard at the front of the group and tap into his vision, then I twist it so that the world he sees and the world that is pull apart. A man seated near the front door, to the bodyguards eye, appears to start rising as they approach, locking his gaze upon our mark as he draws a pistol. The intent to kill etched plainly on his face.
Misdirect on one of the guards. Hoping to coax them towards the back, or at least, coax the bodyguards into action. I'll pay the cost (no book on hand, but I know it's something about morality + destiny) to use that black force point.
Last edited March 20, 2016 3:26 pm


Misdirect (FP)

1 Black Force Point

Mar 20, 2016 10:32 pm
"I think they're going out the back I got eyes on the target and two escorting him." he states over comms shaking his head trying to figure out why Acaatha thinks they're going the opposite way, "Totz where you at? If you're outside watch for the query from the front, Lin if they get close to you bump a guard into the brawl, I'm headed to the backdoor" Akhirar states, this went sideways quickly but they've been in worse... caused worse at times.
Going to try and avoid getting involved in the brawl and sneaking up on the two escorts. If they're within Short Range Concealment Racial: Noghri may remove all ■ imposed due to concealment against a target that is within Short Range. If they're too far disregard


You ain't taking my bounty right out meh hand! (Stealth Check Agility 4 Rank 0 Stalker Rank 1:+1 BD

5 Success, 4 Advantage, 1 Failure, 2 Threat

Total: 4 Success, 2 Advantage

Mar 21, 2016 6:09 am
So which is it? back or front? I'm still in the back with the speeder.

Mala makes sure to adjust the angle of the speeder so that she has a long, clear path to step on the accelerator without crashing into a wall or something.
Mar 21, 2016 12:40 pm
Lin jerks his blaster away from the grasping hand, holsters it and yells, "No blasters?! Did you see what that lizard did? They're gonna kill us all!" Lin edges his voice with drunken panic. As the Trandoshan begins to shoulder his way through the crowd, Lin screams like a girl and charges toward the exit where the mark is. He uses a double maneuver to get there fast.
i'm assuming it's the front door. Trying to bring the fight into the mix.
Mar 21, 2016 2:50 pm
The patiently waiting Fuzil finally gets his hot stew in a "to-go" container at the bar. It seems to take longer than normal when a fight happening. While he ws waiting he watched peaceful at the bar the scene that just unfolded

"Thank you sir, do have a good day. " he says to the bartender.

Then in his ear he hears
Totz! Where you at??
He gets up and grabs his container as he walks toward the front door.

"I am on my way Akh. I was waiting for this wonderful stew they have here. You really need to try it sometime. The spices in the meat are exquisite." he answers back as he moves and ducks people as they watch the fight.
sorry iwas busy last couple days. And yaaaaay game on!
Last edited March 21, 2016 2:53 pm
Mar 23, 2016 6:06 pm
Acaatha -- can I get a Deception check? Difficulty is: Red Red Purple plus a Setback for the heightened awareness your target has but plus a boost die for the general confusion of the area/scene.
Mar 23, 2016 6:15 pm
Also, do you expect deception will be often required in conjunction with Misdirect? I ask so I can make good decisions with XP that I get as we go along : )


Deception (Rank 0, Cunning 4)

4 Success, 3 Advantage, 3 Threat

Total: 4 Success

Mar 23, 2016 6:29 pm
That is such an epic roll. I was convinced you'd fail. Awesome!

Two notes: (1) I misread the Control part of the power upgrade -- so the roll wasn't necessary, but since you succeeded, the point is moot, but I'll use the significant level of success to affect the outcome anyway. (2) It looks like Deception is required if you want to create things that aren't there -- e.g. illusions. It's one thing to change their perception of what is real, it's apparently another to create something out of whole cloth. I could see that being an intriguing skill to have, but it depends on whether you'd use that.

More update later.

Due to Lin's schedule (posted on absences) -- I'm going to roll for his coordination roll as he makes for the front door. Given the general nature of the brawl, i'm calling this a 'hard' task. he gets a setback for starting the fight, so it's not like he's not got eyes on him who may be interested in impeding his progress...


Roll for next post.

Coordination roll: Lin.

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage

Mar 24, 2016 12:18 am
Mala carefully aims the speeder and eagerly watches the back door -- through which no one exits. Over by the front door, there’s a bit of a commotion as one of the men accompanying your mark peels off slightly and begins to drub someone by the door. There is a lot going on there, but it looks like even though the man by the door was taken by surprise he’s putting up a surprisingly competent defense while seated, using his Blue Milk glass as some kind of shield. It’s a milky blue blur as it connects with wrists and elbows of the man trying to take him down. However, the milk does go flying in the end, as its wielder’s chair is upended by the bodyguard -- laying him flat on the ground.

Your mark is unceremoniously pushed outside the front door as his other minder swings in behind and gets them to the street -- where what brief glimpse you catch is that they start to run. Lin somehow manages to surf the crowd, catching someone’s nearly spilled drink and handing it back to them on his way to the front door. He reaches the front shortly after the mark and his bodyguard have started booking down the boulevard.

Akhrirar gets around the brawl, quite sneakily, somehow managing to blend in and be unobtrusive despite the fact he is both a Noghri and wearing bright green. It is a testament to the confusion of the unfolding brawl and his own ability to be unobtrusive.

Fuzil saunters towards the door -- arriving shortly after Lin as he calmly picks his way around the edges of the chaos blooming around the Trandoshans.

Speaking of chaos -- the fight is in full swing, and people have mostly edged away -- the five Trandoshans are easily fending off nearly a dozen off-duty Imperials and they are being quite careful to keep everything non-lethal. Here on this Imperial garrison planet, they know better than to go killing people they don’t have to. It appears the brawlers are somewhat enjoying themselves -- and there’s a certain sense that they’d better have their fun and be done soon before a platoon of Stormtroopers shows up and shuts down the party...
Lin recovers 2 strain from his selfless maneuver to save someone’s poor drink.

Ahkrirar recovers 2 strain from his particularly expert avoidance of the brawl.

Note -- if you don’t post how you’ll spend advantage, I’ll try and wrap it up. Usually it’ll be a simple strain improvement. If you’re at max strain it will therefore behoove you to spend it differently. ;)
Mar 24, 2016 2:58 pm
"Mark is running he's out the front of the bar with two guards, Mala I'm coming your way, if I can drop a body guard on the run extraction should be easier. Time for a snatch and grab... Like that time when Lin was running from his ex and we scooped him up but not as funny." Akhrirar states adding the last bit since the tension was on a bit. They'd be stalking their mark for too long to loose him now.
Let me know if I need a coordination roll to book it from where I am into diving into the back of the speeder to get into position for a shot when she's out on the main drag. Hope you don't mind, making it cannon Akhrirar stun setting shot one of Lin's ex's that was chasing him... XD
Last edited March 24, 2016 2:58 pm
Mar 24, 2016 3:26 pm
Standing by, engines primed and ready. Taking off once Mamba is in the speeder. If anyone else wants a ride, you need to hustle
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