1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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Mar 30, 2016 1:58 am
Acaatha runs after Lin, Fuzil and Ralph -- not quite catching up to them, but closing the distance somewhat. As she runs, her blaster fires off a series of shots at the tumbling and standing Ralph who seems to have the presence of mind to dodge one particularly close shot -- but he's unbalanced by his twisting and turning.
Round officially ends - Initiative is NPCs then players.
The mark keeps running -- but he's puffing and puffing, running flat out for a significant amount of time is not in the job description for hyperdrive engineers. Nonetheless, he manages to pull the distance between him, Ralph, Lin and Fuzil to 'long' and to Larry to medium. Larry stands and his hand goes to a blaster pistol at his side. Seeing the speeder chuck around the corner with the elegance of a bantha that's gotten into the blue milk, he turns and continues to run after the engineer -- opening the distance somewhat to Lin and Fuzil -- but not quite edging into long range.

Ralph, on the other hand, has his eye on two marks and a speeder and he's not happy about what he sees. The blaster pistol comes out and he takes a shot at Lin. A hail of blaster fire -- set to stun -- ensues and Lin's vicinity is peppered with shots. Lin takes a hit but keeps standing. Lin's pistol, however has taken several shots and sails through the air before crashing into Fuzil and his soup. Unfortunately, the soup doesn't surving the encounter with a hot, high-speed pistol-as-a-rock and it too crashes to the ground causing Fuzil to exclaim madly at his lost soup and his gently burnt hand.
Lin takes 9 - 3 soak = 6 strain from the stun shot. Fuzil picks up a setback die on his next action -- having lost his soup and burnt his hand.

Resolving player actions in posted order. Note that the first player (Mala) will get a boost from Acaatha's last round (huh, that was a great roll, sorry). Acaatha, don't forget to post your action for this round.
Mala's speeder piloting is... well, it's not why she's on the crew. Unfortunately, her turn around the corner is a bit wide. And by a bit, I mean pedestrians -- who have heretofore enjoyed the scamps and their gunplay start dodging to the side with shrieks of alarm. Akhrirar ducks as part of a lamp post collapses at the rear of the speeder after a gentle "kiss" that just ate up the damage deposit. Some sparks fly out of the console. But they're probably harmless and don't mean anything. Like that time Lin opened up the astrocomp to "Give it a good talking to." That said, while Mala doesn't quite to the mark, she does manage to close the distance to him and Larry from long range to medium with her, uh, "driving".
I can't find a decent landspeeder statblock. So you're in a larger landspeeder that has capacity for the pilot and 6 passengers. I'm going to call it silhouette 2, speed 2, handling 0, defense 0, armor 0, HT threshold 6, ss threshold 6. If someone else finds a better set of statblocks for speeders let me know.

The speed takes 2 system strain (down to 4) due to the collision.
Akhrirar is duly convinced that he's going to die any moment now -- and his ability to aim while the speeder careens through the street causing passerby to dive out of the way and sparks to fly out of the console is somewhat impaired.
Akhrirar - adding a setback die for your roll. I'll ignore the blank boost you rolled since Mala took the roll from Acaatha -- it's a wash either way, I suppose.
With some careful aim and a cautious pull of the trigger the Green Mamba lands a hit on the mark who stumbles into portable waste processing units, scattering them like mouse droids running from a wookiee. As the bolt streams past Lin into the mark, he pulls his other gun out and fires at the guard standing in front of him. Somewhat miraculously, despite the short range and the barrage of fire -- he misses. Every single shot. One of the shots goes wide and slams into the mark's head -- but at a range where the power of the bolt has diminished to the effect of being hit in the head by a pillow (wielded by a particularly hefty Klatooinian). With the double hit from Akhrirar's blaster rifle and his head ringing from Lin's.. uh... expert shot he stumbles and falls prone amongst the waste processing units.
Waiting on Acaatha and Fuzil for turn completion.

Current status: Mark: hit by one 10-point stun; Larry: hit by one 9-point stun. Ralph: has a setback die.

Fuzil is short range to Ralph, medium to Larry and long to the prone mark.
Acaatha is short medium range to Ralph, Long to Larry and the mark.


Ralph shoots at Lin. Short range.

3 Success, 1 Triumph, 1 Threat

Total: 3 Success, 1 Threat, 1 Triumph

Boost for Mala

Critical damage from a minor collision... - (1d100)

(62) = 62

A careening car and sparks distract the Green Mamba

1 Failure

Total: 1 Failure

Mar 30, 2016 9:36 am
As he is running towards the Mark he gains ground on. Him. The sloshing soup in the container is getting close to coming out.

"I better slow down a bit or i will lose the so..." his thoughts are interupted by a blaster bolt that shoots through the bowl and it explodes in his hands. "OWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" Fuzil exclaims as the soup splashes on his hands. Is pain and throughly saddens by the lose of what could have been one of the best soup dishes he has ever had his grieving was also interupt by the sound of a landspeeder making crunching noises.

He turns his head to see the Mala attempting to drive the getaway vechile. With a sigh and blisters beginning to form on his arm he turns and starts making his way to the vechile seeing that his best option in his current condition woukd to be driving the speeder instead of running.
I am deeply sadden i was not able to use the soup as a weapon. ;-)
Last edited March 30, 2016 5:07 pm
Mar 30, 2016 11:44 am
I step up beside Lin and set my blaster to stun, "Stop fooling around and get the mark. This isn't dance class." I say as I unload a barrage of blaster bolts at the bodyguard from short range.


Agility 2 (no skill)

2 Success, 1 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 1 Threat

Mar 30, 2016 12:07 pm
Put me in Coach! Where ever I fit in the initiative.
Getting a little too close to being knocked out the vehicle and becoming Green Mamba the Headless Bounty Hunter Akhrirar adjusts his shades before the fall off. Looking at the sparks out of the corner of his eye from the Speeder console had him concerned. Especially since all the damage just ate through their damage deposit. He wondering if they knew how his crew operated of if they hand special mind powers. He shook it off and cleared his mind and took his shot. Exhaling he thought the job was one step closer to completion.

"Target neutralized. Uh no he's up in running" Akhrirar states looking down the barrel of his rifle. Sucking his teeth as the mark moved out of his line of sight he took a moment to reassess. Inhaling the barrel dips slightly before it’s repositioned on the closer escort to the mark. Getting him away from the mark due to blaster fire or down and out of combat was the best option the other had to deal with Lin plus Acaatha. Akhrirar aimed again and squeezed the trigger again.

Having taken his shot he swears under his breath as a spark from the speeder arcs and connects with his hand for a second zapping him. "Ah! What the Hell Mala!" he states jerking his hand back.
Edit: Boost die to the next poster (I figure turning to the last guy and giving a whistle so he realized what's happened would be too much for one advantage) Didn't know if the penalty die applied to me as well but added, taking the one threat as strain.
Last edited April 1, 2016 6:01 pm


Second shot Heavy Ranged (Rank 1 Agi 4) + Aiming.

5 Success, 3 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 5 Success, 1 Advantage

I guess I add in the same penalties?

2 Threat

Total: 2 Threat

Mar 30, 2016 3:13 pm
I will pass on the boost to the next poster, and the boost I rolled can also go to someone else!
Mala attempts to gain control of the speeder, she's not used to fast piloting and she's not familiar with this make of speeder yet, okay?

Mala attempts to speed over to where the mark is laying unconscious so akh can scoop him up and they can make a getaway. Hopefully Mala won't hit a building.

It's ok, it's ok. just a small dent and a little.. electrical damage, nothing to worry about.... Mala mutters to herself.
Last edited March 30, 2016 3:15 pm


I'm definitley an excellent driver....

1 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage

Mar 30, 2016 3:29 pm
Lin begins walking toward where the speeder has stopped, looking disgusted, "Move over Mala! I'm taking the wheel!" As he takes a couple steps past the close bodyguard he casually, almost as an afterthought, shoots him again. Directly in the face this time. Then breaks into a run to catch up with the speeder.

Heavy edits. Forgot I lost a blaster.

Lin scrambles to his feet and dashes to recover his lost blaster pistol (Maneuver). He stoops to pick it up (2nd Maneuver, 2 Strain), then turns and takes aim at Ralph, shouting, "Akaatha, get to the mark!"
If its ok, I will maintain my roll from this original post. If you'd like a reroll falryx, just let me know.
Last edited April 1, 2016 4:04 am


Ranged (Light) Ag=3, 2 Ranks

5 Success

Total: 5 Success

Forgot the blue for Accurate 1 on pistol

2 Advantage

Total: 2 Advantage

Apr 1, 2016 3:04 am
Ok -- this update will go: Fuzil, Acaatha, NPCs. We'll be on player turns then. I'll pause in case posts need to be edited.
Fuzil cuts behind Lin, Ralph and between them and Acaatha on his way to the speeder, though the speeder is, well, speeding (if somewhat dangerously) so he winds up chasing after it as it skitters by with Akhrirar exclaiming loudly about either his impending doom or his mad skills depending on the moment.

Acaatha's blaster nearly drowns out her scolding of the partially disarmed pilot and she land a shot on Ralph who doesn't like the idea of another adversary showing up, but manages to shrug off the hit all the same.
End of Round 2. Round 3 begins.
Your hyperdrive engineer target stumbles upright from amongst the scattered recycling units and looks around wildly before seeing the course Larry is instructing him to take. He ducks back down an alley like some rolly, polly, little bat-faced Toydarian. He is able to get far enough down the alley that he's no longer directly visible from the street. Larry, for his part moves to take cover amongst the recyclers and takes a shot at Lin. The blaster fire comes thick and heavy from Larry, but Lin manages to dance his way out of the range of fire -- but not so elegantly that he doesn't manage to trip and fall to the ground, prone.
OOC the other advantage will be to pass a boost to Ralph
Ralph sees Lin take a tumble and turns his stunning blaster fire towards the Togruta that wants to tango. Acaatha takes a hit from the barrage of fire and shivers -- but manages to remain standing.
Lin is forced prone by the advantage rolled by Larry. Acaatha takes 6 (post soak) strain from the stun shot. Larry takes 2 strain for an extra manuver and Ralph chooses to recover 2 stun with his advantage roll.


Mark: running down an alley, obscured from sight.
Larry: in cover (1 SB die) at the head of the alley. Long range to Lin, Acaatha, Fuzil, Akhrirar (3 purple)
Ralph: in the open near Lin. Short range to Lin, Fuzil, Akhrirar and Acaatha.

Player turns -- all 5 players now can post moves.


Larry shoots at Lin. Range Medium.

5 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Failure, 4 Advantage

Ralph shoots Acaatha. Pew Pew.

3 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Failure

Total: 2 Success, 2 Advantage

Apr 1, 2016 2:56 pm
updating now that Lin isn't coming to the speeder just yet. still spending a force point so akh can find the improvised net as as I speed off after the mark
Mala sees the mark sprint away. she grits her teeth guns the engine and shouts back at green mamba

Hold on! I'm going to "open this baby up" as it were!
recovering strain now that I got the hang of driving!
Last edited April 1, 2016 5:57 pm


trying not to kill self while driving

2 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Failure

Total: 1 Success, 1 Advantage

Apr 1, 2016 5:41 pm
Thanks for the updates. Sorry for the initiative order thing. I tend to like the ability to pre-post to allow for the fluidity of things, but enough is going on it's not working well so I'll get more strict. :).

Ok. Need action from Fuzil and Acaatha.

Apr 1, 2016 9:25 pm
Fuzil makes his way to the speeder, seeing in his vision he raises his hand to flag it down ... Only to watch it zip right past him. Noticing the sparks as it went by he sighs and lowers his hand down and starts to move where the speeder is heading.

"I might be able to fix that so we can get our deposit back..." he thinks as he tries to catch up.
Last edited April 1, 2016 9:26 pm
Apr 5, 2016 12:09 pm
As the bodyguard falls to the barrage of stun shots, Acaatha runs past him, and takes aim at the next body guard.
Moving as far forward as I can, the aiming at the nearest enemy still in the fight.

Use advantage to recover strain.
Last edited April 5, 2016 12:09 pm


Agility 2 (no skill)

2 Success, 1 Advantage, 3 Failure

Total: 1 Failure, 1 Advantage

Apr 10, 2016 11:47 pm
Resolving player actions in this current order: Akhrirar, Mala, Lin, Fuzil, Acaatha.
The Green Mamba knows how to use a blaster rifle. And once more, the collective team is impressed and, truth be told, somewhat surprised, that he's able to line up a shot from a moving speeder at a target pretty far away who is crouching in cover and just plug him with the rifle. The stun-bolt from Akhrirar's rifle smacks right into Larry's left shoulder spinning him away from his cover to land in a small pile of noisy waste recyclers -- down for the count. Smiling at his work, he is shocked by some sparking control panels, distracting him somewhat from what's going on about him.

As Mala steers the speeder by, Lin quickly sweeps up his blaster and takes a shot at Ralph.
Akhrirar takes one strain.
Mala manages to steer the speeder without causing undue harm to any passerby, herself or the Green Mamba -- or even Fuzil, who's headed over to hop in and help out. She pulls up just short of the alleyway without even bumping into one of the many rolling cannisters or setting the speeder down on top of Larry.

Lin skitters to the side, sweeps up his gun and plugs Ralph with a stun-bolt. It staggers the bodyguard, but doesn't drop him. He grimaces as he takes the hit and does not look at all happy with how things are unfolding.

Fuzil, meanwhile, runs past Ralph's back towards the speeder which cruises on by, Akhrirar swearing off-handedly at the lost damage deposit, the sparky console and his slightly singed hand. Acaatha works on getting closer to the mark -- closing the distance to the alley (and the rent-a-speeder now at the entrance piloted by her crew-mates) and turns to fire back at Ralph, but unfortunately misses.
Round 3 ends. Round 4 begins.
The hyperdrive engineer seems to be trying to get into hyperspace through the effort of running -- he's shooting down the alleyway at full tilt. Doing so gets him several dozen meters down before he hangs a right down a parallel street to the one you're on.

Larry snores. Quietly.

Ralph decides that dropping one or two of you might be to his advantage, so he turns his blaster pistol on Lin and fires off several stun bolts in his direction. Lin is hit by one of the bolts.
Lin takes 5 strain damage. The mark recovers 2 strain with his advantage.


Target: out of sight on a parallel street.
Larry: out for the count.
Ralph: short range to Lin and Fuzil.

@Acaatha: If you take 2 strain you can be @ medium range to the speeder and the head of the alley (for taking 2 maneuvers to close the distance).

Player turns now begin -- all 5 players can post in any order -- I'll resolve them in the order they are posted.


Ralph shoots Lin.

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 2 Advantage

Apr 11, 2016 12:05 am
"Target lost in alleys proceed to extract." Akhrirar states over comma before aiming and shooting at the target he did have a bead on. Ralph. Once he shot was taken he'd tap the side of the speed and whistle for everyone to load up and pile in.
Edit unsure if he had cover but advantage spend: one setback for Ralph and boost die to next poster.
Last edited April 11, 2016 12:07 am


Aiming and shooting Heavy

3 Success, 4 Advantage, 3 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 3 Advantage

Apr 11, 2016 12:11 am
Mamba! grab that tarp in the back! we're going to bag us a mark!

Mala speeds off after the mark, using the Punch It! action to immediately go maximum throttle. (this causes 1 point of strain to the vehicle for each level of speed between what we're currently going and max speed).

please don't crash, please don't crash, please don't crash! mala whispers, hoping green mamba doesn't hear her.


please don't crash, please don't crash!

2 Success, 2 Failure


Apr 11, 2016 11:47 am
Getting closer to the speeder, Fuzil looks at the damges that he will need to repair. Noting in in his head the various parts that will need to be replace when all of a sudden the speeder, for lack of a word, speeds right off leaving Fuzil standing in a dusk cloud.

He lets out a sigh and then continue to makes his way again to the group.
Last edited April 11, 2016 5:09 pm
Apr 11, 2016 4:13 pm
May I expend a light side point to narratively add in a vehicle for Lin to "borrow"? Like a speeder bike comes around the corner right into the fight and slams on his breaks and falls of? Taking action now, if I can add in this speeder bike, I'd like to flip a point and use my maneuver to mount the bike.
Lin takes aim with his blasters, still set on stun, and fires at Ralph with both blasters, looking to take him out of the fight.
Expending those two advantages to fire off both blasters. 5+2 is 7 from Blaster 1, 6+2 is 8 from Blaster 2 for a total of 15 stun damage. Tell me that palooka is down!
Last edited April 11, 2016 6:55 pm


Ranged (light): Ag=3, 2 ranks, 1 blue for accuracy 1

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 2 Advantage

Apr 11, 2016 5:36 pm
I continue to run for the alley, but don't push myself too hard. I can feel my limbs struggling against the shock of the stun blast that hit me moments before. More useful conscious and trailing than unconscious on the ground, I keep a steady pace.
I won't be spending strain, as I'm worryingly close to 0 (I only have 5, a good blaster shot and I'm down; worse if I burn 2 just to make up some ground.. Others are closer already anyway. I leave the chase to them!). I will continue moving along, at the fastest pace possible without spending strain
Apr 11, 2016 6:49 pm
Friar_Tuk says:
May I expend those two advantages to fire my second weapon? If so, does that require another ranged light roll? I can't remember.
You may use two advantage to "hit" with the second weapon. No additional roll is required.
Apr 11, 2016 6:53 pm
falryx says:
You may use two advantage to "hit" with the second weapon. No additional roll is required.
Perfect! Editing original post.
Apr 11, 2016 10:47 pm
Akhrirar spins in position, lines up Ralph and peppers the region with several shots from his blaster rifle. Fortunately for Ralph, the range is enough to impede the Green Mamba’s aim sufficiently that some careful situational awareness and dodging ensures that he stays out of the line of fire -- unfortunately for Ralph this leaves him somewhat disadvantaged on his next action.

Mala guns the speeder -- it whines unhappily as she punches it, surging forward. Unfortunately for Mala -- it’s got a little more torque -- or misaligned gravimotors or something -- and it pulls sharply to the left as she guns it. Mala’s able to yank the speeder right and slaps the controls repeatedly to make the speeder behave. The speeder doesn’t appreciate the abuse -- either through the wheel or on the dashboard. It develops a loud whistling sound near the gravimotor and spits several more cascades of sparks at Akhrirar.
The speeder takes 2 more system strain from the Punch It maneuver and 1 strain from the impact. That’s a total of 5 system strain taken by the speeder. It has 1 SS left.
Fuzil manages to use his two maneuvers to close the distance from where he was to the speeder to medium range before Mala guns the thing again and speeds off, jinking left and right -- seemingly out of control.

Some yokel on a speeder bike pulls around the bar where the fight is still in full swing and practically runs into Lin and Ralph. Skidding to a halt he learns the lesson of why he should have his seating restraints fastened as the bike dumps him off the side as it kicks to a full stop.

Lin uses the distraction to land a couple shots on Ralph, who staggers -- but remains upright. Disgusted with the state of play -- and Mala’s driving in particular -- Lin commandeers the speeder bike nearby, hopping on with a "it’s in the name of justice" tossed to the confused yokel who is about to see his speeder bike disappear around the corner.
The enemy’s soak applies to both hits -- so you wind up doing 7 strain to him, rather than 15 since his soak counts for both hits. He’s hurting (like Acaatha) but not down for the count.
Acaatha keeps running towards the alley -- she closes the distance to the alley to ‘short’ range in doing so, right around the time Mala speeds off with the landspeeder and Akhrirar in varying degrees of grumpiness.

Ralph, for his part, is a little overwhelmed at everything going on -- but decides to continue to plug Lin with his blaster pistol and lands a hit just as Lin hops upon the speeder bike and gets "name of justice…" out of his mouth.
Lin takes 5 strain from the stun blaster hit. Lin? Does this take you down?


* Ralph is standing, but woozy. He's medium range to both Fuzil and Acaatha.
* Fuzil is medium range to the alley
* Acaatha is short range to the alley.
* Mala and Akhrirar (and the speeder) have pulled away such that they're now at extreme range to Lin and Ralph and Long range to Acaatha and Fuzil.


Minor collision roll. - (1d100+10)

(16) + 10 = 26

Ralph shoots Lin.

4 Success, 1 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Success

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