1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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Apr 12, 2016 3:12 am
falryx says:
Lin takes 5 strain from the stun blaster hit. Lin? Does this take you down?
No! Lin has one strain left after applying soak of 3!
As Lin mounts the speeder, he grins at the youth gaping at him from the ground nearby, "Imperial Security kid, I'm commandeering you spee--HRK!" when he's hit by a stun bolt. He slumps over the controls, and the world goes gray and spinney for moment, then snaps back into focus.

Lin laughs maniacally and revs the speeders engine, then "peels out".
Lin is going to use his maneuver to Punch It and take the speeder bike to full throttle, chasing after the mark.


Piloting (planetary): Ag=3, 1 rank

2 Success, 1 Failure

Total: 1 Success

Apr 12, 2016 12:59 pm
Watching the scene unfold everything seems to be surreal to the Bounty Hunter. Watching Lin get short at close range and still manage to steal a speeder made Akhirar wonder about Lin's past a bit. He was focused it seemed, or at least he was going a little crazy... how much did he have to drink... that wasn't coming out of the company account if he gets a fine. Feeling the jerking and sputtering under him he looked down at the back of the speeder... a piece of the body opted to fall off when he looked down at the back.

"Well everything's going to Shab at Hyperspeed..." he comments quietly to himself and exhales.

"Green Mamba Spin Class Playlist Song #2" he states to himself after double tapping his ear piece. Walking to the back of the speeder he aims and takes a shot before hopping off the possible death trap as he continued to spark. He Points at Ralph rocking his head sideways and giving him the crazy eye to the music before tapping his comms he gave some on the fly orders.

"Mala put it in Park, Check over Acaatha when she gets to the Speeder since she's looking rough. Acaatha just get to the speeder and cover Totz so he can work if you can. Totz fix this spark shooting speeder so we can turn it in, Lin's being himself so I think he's going to run over the Mark... I'm in pursuit after I stretch. We'll let you know which way we're going." he states still bobbing his head to the music and does a pose before stretching his mid section by rolling his hips around.

A spark arcs wide and hits Akhrirar in the behind while he stretches, "Gaaa~~! Are you doing this purposely Woman!" he exclaimed in a shrill higher pitch than he usually talks in.
I'll take that threat as strain again.
Last edited April 12, 2016 1:01 pm


Heavy Ranged

4 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Failure, 3 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 1 Threat

Apr 13, 2016 1:12 am
Mamba -- you're at extreme range to Ralph given Mala's driving skills (given it was a pretty minor crash I assumed she covered distance, but in a kind of screwed up way). Does your gun reach that far?

Lin -- down the alley or around?
Apr 13, 2016 1:24 am
Nope just long, so a general shot at something in Long letting him know my range I guess if he gets closer?
Apr 13, 2016 1:49 am
Around the corner; looking to cut him off.
Apr 13, 2016 3:09 am
I look back and take a shot at Ralph before pressing on with my steady jog towards the speeder.


Ranged (Light)

4 Success, 1 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 4 Success, 1 Threat

Apr 13, 2016 5:20 am
Mala pulls over and sets the engine to idle. With a shaky voice threatening to force Mala to lose her composure, she backs away from the piloting controls.

I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm having a really stressful day and nothing is going according to plan and.. and .. Mala pulls up her goggles so she can wipe at her eyes as she takes a deep breath. Sorry She says sheepishly.

Mala readies her medkit and waits for Acaatha to make it to the speeder.
Apr 13, 2016 10:55 am
Fuzil watching a speeder go back and forth, crashing and burning, all thinking I have my work cut out for me today. He shrugs and makes his way over to the idle speeder where Mala and Acaatha are, reading his tools at the say time.
with my derpy walk I think i should eother be there or atleast short range of the speeder.
Apr 14, 2016 4:11 am
Lin hrk's like the best of them, but manages to stay upright on his speeder -- with a bit of flair he skirts around the discarded civilian and Ralph and takes off around the corner to intercept the mark. He scorches past Mala and Akhrirar and their sputtering speeder with a casual air of someone who is a little punch drunk with stun-blaster shots, and yet supremely confident. Certainly no harm can come of this mixture...

Akhrirar takes a shot at Ralph with his rifle -- but is denied any visible impact due to the range. Ralph barely registers the shot which peeters out and fades before getting to him -- but it did look like it would have been quite the hit had the range been not so bad.

Acaatha -- at long range to the speeder closes the distance -- but still has a ways to go (2 maneuvers) before she's there. Before she continues her jog, however, she manages to land a shot on Ralph that causes him to teeter.. then totter, then finally fall flat -- arms splayed just enough to prevent serious damage to his body before he does his impression of a rock in the middle of the street. Turning to jog to the speeder, Acaatha manages to distract herself a bit with Larry nearby -- concerned about a sudden attack that doesn't arise.
Acaatha takes 1 strain for the threat generated.
Mala is able to pull over the speeder at the behest of her crewmate and prepares for the arrival of an exhausted Togruta. Fuzil continues what must feel like a marathon session of closing the distance to a speeder constantly zooming out of range. He's able to close from long to medium range (next round Fuzil can be close enough to manage).
End of round 5. Round 6 begins.

All NPCs are incapacitated or out of sight. So -- you don't know what happens.

* Ralph: unconscious
* Larry: unconscious
* Target: out of sight

* Acaatha took 1 strain.

Apr 14, 2016 12:23 pm
"Nice shot Acaatha." Akhrirar states having stretched out and slung his rifle. Taking a runner's stance he bolts down the alley the way that the mark had gone.
To cover more distance with a burst of speed do I want to use strain to just move more or do you want an athletic or coordination due to the alley way not being a straight away check at probably PP or PPP? Some SB dice due to trash? *Gets the Chase music ready*
Apr 14, 2016 1:46 pm

Lin is going pretty fast on that speeder; faster than a person can run. When I round the corner, do I see the Mark? If so, my intent is to block his path and use Coercion to force a surrender. If you let me know the difficulty (Coercion is opposed by Discipline I believe) I'll be prepared when I take my turn.
Apr 14, 2016 11:17 pm
Fuzil moves towards the stopped speeder, waving his hand trying to disperse the smoke coming out of it. His lips come together to make a TSK TSK TSK however this has become common place in this line of work.

Grabbing his wrench from his tool belt he begins to make quick cosmetic repairs.
solid repairs 2 The character repairs + 1 hull trauma per rank of Solid Repairs whenever he repairs a starship or vehicle.

Fine tuning When reducing the amount of system strain a starship or vehicle suffers, reduce 1 additional strain per rank of Fine Tuning

I put 2 difficulty for now.


Repairing Twi'lek driving outcomes.

7 Success, 2 Failure, 2 Threat

Total: 5 Success, 2 Threat

Apr 15, 2016 1:39 am
Remnant says:
To cover more distance with a burst of speed do I want to use strain to just move more or do you want an athletic or coordination due to the alley way not being a straight away check at probably PP or PPP? Some SB dice due to trash? *Gets the Chase music ready*
You can do two maneuvers (substituting an action for a maneuver without paying strain, IIRC). You only pay strain if you want to take an action AND two maneuvers.
Apr 15, 2016 1:40 am
Friar_Tuk says:

Lin is going pretty fast on that speeder; faster than a person can run. When I round the corner, do I see the Mark? If so, my intent is to block his path and use Coercion to force a surrender. If you let me know the difficulty (Coercion is opposed by Discipline I believe) I'll be prepared when I take my turn.
IMHO you wouldn't see him quite yet -- figure an H -- you've turned the corner on the cross bar -- but not yet down to the parallel street. He may be in front or behind you -- once you get there. You'll need ~another turn to get there.
Apr 15, 2016 2:23 pm
Guess I'm double maneuvering since that sounds like the feasible way to get where I'm going the fastest.
Apr 15, 2016 11:31 pm
Quick status update: need moves from Acaatha, Lin and Mala.
Apr 16, 2016 1:08 am
Mala waits for Acaatha to make it to the speeder so she can check her for wounds. when Acaatha arrives, Mala will give her a once over and administer stimulants to help her recover some strain
I'm assuming this is the right roll, adding 2 difficulty dice


laying my healing hands on my bunkmate!

2 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Failure, 2 Threat

Total: 1 Success

Apr 17, 2016 9:23 pm
Lin continues to speed down to intercept the hyperdrive engineer. When he gets at the main street which runs parallel to the one currently hosting two sleeping bodyguards and most of the rest of the crew, he sees the mark to his right -- not far, he thinks he can overtake him.

Unfortunately, however, he also sees three squads of stormtroopers, looking like they mean business, descending on the guy. Regardless of whatever security he enjoyed while out and about, it looks like the Empire is serious about keeping this guy under lock and key. The troopers are a good few minutes at their double-time pace away from the mark. The question before Lin is whether or not he can nab the mark and get the mynock out of there before the blasters start flying fast and loose. Stormtroopers aren't likely to use the stun setting.

Akhrirar makes it most of the way down the alley the mark had taken -- another bit and he'll be able to turn the corner. Right now, all he sees is a nondescript alley without much excitement ahead.

Fuzil tsks over the speeder, breaking out a toolset as he gets nearby. Working quickly, Fuzil pushes himself to get the speeder back in better shape -- and gets shocked repeatedly for his lack of caution (favoring speed). He's able to recover 2 system strain on the speeder (taking it to 3) but suffers 2 strain himself to accomplish this.
The damage control rule doesn't have rules for additional successes -- so I opted with '3 additional successes = +1 strain' while in a combat/managed scenario. 2 = +1 strain outside combat, but without lots of time to get things ship-shape.
Acaatha works her way over to Mala and the doc hands Acaatha some pills and a flask of water.
Strain recovery is wonky in this game. There's no device/mechanism that explicitly heals strain other than time and rest -- or bonuses to medicine rolls. It's weird. Given Mala's success -- I'll say she can help Acaatha recover 2 strain (her Medicine level) - but within an encounter, this ability reduces its benefit on each use, like a stimpack.
Apr 18, 2016 1:38 pm
Akhrirar keeps running after the mark and puts two fingers to his neck as he does.

Wow... I'm still at my resting heart rate... Considering everything that makes me pretty amazing... I hope we get our deposit back. he thinks to himself pressing forward on the move.
Apr 20, 2016 2:46 pm
Beads of sweat come down Fuzil's head as he continues to try to repair the speeder.

She sure did a good job driving this, i woukd hate to see her in rush hour he things to himself, then quickly gripping his hand as it scraped against metal that was ripped.
another repair for the craft seeing that it was close to exploding from a non spefic race driving
Nothing Fuzil tries is working however Mala seeing that afuzil is working so hard on the repair, she feels responsible and makes her work harder healing our comrad.
passing my advatage in form of boost to Mala.
Last edited April 20, 2016 2:48 pm


Trying to get our deposit back.

2 Success, 6 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 5 Advantage

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