1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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Apr 20, 2016 3:18 pm
my plan is to administer aid to acaatha and fuzil (I remember the hot soup incident). how many times can you roll medicine for one person?
Apr 20, 2016 3:30 pm
How guilty does Mala feel about the little speeder's state? }XD Also strain is hard to "heal".
Last edited April 20, 2016 3:30 pm
Apr 20, 2016 3:32 pm
Remnant says:
How guilty does Mala feel about the little speeder's state? }XD Also strain is hard to "heal".
very guilty. she let her anxiety over being hunted jeopardize the whole mission. I'm sure once we're all back in the ship she'll have a suitable period of self pity
Apr 20, 2016 3:47 pm
Feeling better after Mala's treatment, I climb into the speeder.
Apr 21, 2016 12:02 am
We'll treat these ad-hoc medicine applications for strain like a stimpack for wounds. you can apply several, but because your medical skill is just 2, you get limited benefit. E.g. the first time you succeed you'd get 2 + say 1 additional heal per 3 success. The second time you'd get 1 + 1 (per 3 success). After that you get 0 until your skill goes up or the encounter is over.

Since Lin said he'd post tonight I'll wait for his update before moving you into the next round.
Apr 21, 2016 2:33 pm
Lin spies the Stormtroopers headed for the mark. Oh goodie, more guests for the party.

He zips around the corner and pulls up in front of the Mark. "Quick get on! I'll take you somewhere safe! We're here to rescue you!" Lin lies.
I made the difficulty 2 purple. Adjust as needed.
Using the Advantages to heal strain.
Last edited April 21, 2016 2:34 pm


Deception (Cun=3, 1 rank)

2 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Failure

Total: 2 Advantage

Apr 22, 2016 11:07 pm
Fuzil, Mala and Acaatha clamber aboard the not-quite-as-sparking-as-it-was-before speeder and Mala kicks it into gear once more. It sputters to life, a little unhappily, but seems to be in operating condition. Looking down the alley-way where the mark and Akhrirar bombed down they can see the Green Mamba hoofing it at a good rate towards the end and the next street over.

Lin feels pretty good about his deception -- good enough that he feels like can easily pull this off. Unfortunately the hyperdrive engineer doesn't agree. He gives Lin a skeptical glance and spots the stormtroopers not too far away. Resolution crawls across his face as he continues to make his best possible speed towards the oncoming Imperials.
Lin recovers 2 strain from his efforts.


One more purple for Lin's roll.

1 Failure

Total: 1 Failure

Apr 22, 2016 11:53 pm
Hold on back there! Here goes nothing!

Mala kicks the speeder into gear and attempts to catch up with all the action
I had, what? three boost dice? can I use my advantage to make the mark stumble a bit?
Last edited April 22, 2016 11:55 pm



5 Success, 3 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 5 Success, 1 Advantage

Apr 23, 2016 1:45 pm
Sure - you can give him a setback on his next action (since he's the only active 'enemy' in the round) - but that isn't likely to impact his maneuvering (running). For more of a plot-twist stumble you'd need more advantage to spend than 1
Apr 23, 2016 6:59 pm
What distances am I looking at to the target running wise?
Apr 23, 2016 7:15 pm
Remnant says:
What distances am I looking at to the target running wise?
Figure he's been running flat out -- so once you come 'round the corner, he's going to be at long range. If Lin's able to impede his progress you can catch up -- otherwise it might be rough.
Apr 23, 2016 7:38 pm
"Lin... he he hooo, Gotta keep my breathing steady. Where's the target you got him?" Akrirar huffs into his comes trying to double time it to catch up on his query.
Apr 24, 2016 6:41 pm
"We got Stormtroopers incoming, looks like the mark wants to give them a hug." Lin says into his comms, then looks back at the mark, guns the speeder and yells, "You asked for it!"
Not sure where we are with initiative order. Lin is going to try and knock the mark over using the speeder. He isn't going full throttle or trying to seriously injure, just take him off his feet. I'll include a Piloting roll, if its not my turn, use it on my next available PC slot.


Piloting (planetary) (Ag=3, 1 rank)

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 2 Advantage

Apr 25, 2016 2:13 am
We'll go with what you have.
Mala kicks the rental speeder into gear with Fuzil and Acaatha aboard. Feeling a little more certain now that she has a mechanic on board and she managed to help out her crewmate, she's able to pilot through the streets after Lin without any trouble. If one were to be less than charitable, one might also point out that the pedestrians and other traffic had thinned out somewhat, either due to her driving or the blasters -- but... we'll save that for another day.

Akhrirar comes around the corner to see Lin a bit in the distance on his stolen speeder just as Lin runs down the mark. The Green Mamba can't help but wince when he sees the expert take-down by the pilot. He can also see a good dozen or more Stormtroopers heading right for Lin and the Hyperdrive Engineer...

Lin, for his part "accidentally" scoots the speeder a bit and flattens the mark on the ground -- not so bad to cause any permanent damage, mind, but enough to buy some time. That said, the poor nerd was really a bit over-worked and feeling ready to collapse and the gentle nudge into the dirt provided courteously by Lin is enough to knock him to the ground where he doesn't move to get up. Atop the bike, Lin isn't certain if he's just tanked the bounty or not. Looking at the Stormtroopers, he has scant minutes before they're upon him.
Apr 25, 2016 2:47 am
Now we're talking! See? I can drive this thing! I'm driving just fine!

Mala whoops and hollers with a smile on her face now that she isn't endangering lives. Now to get to Lin and extract the Mark while dodging blaster fire from stormtroopers! Piece of cake! hopefully things will go far better than they did on Phindar.
Apr 25, 2016 1:18 pm
As Fuzil reaches for another wrench the he jerks forward as the speeder takes off. Looking back he sees Mala driving again... And well!

Seeing that she is not going to wreck the speeder on this trip he remembers a way to fuel by pass the regulator and will boost the speed. He ducks his head back into motor and starts working on the "booster".
please let me know the difficulty of this. Im hoping to make the speeder catch up quicker. I would think inwould get a setback seeing we are on the move and this is a setback I can't remove because it is environmental.
Last edited April 25, 2016 1:19 pm
Apr 25, 2016 1:30 pm
Akhrirar jerks while running seeing the 'dinking' of the mark. He's glad they have a doctor... actually it's the main reason they have a doctor he thinks at times considering how normal Lin's action just now was. He presses on trying to get into the area trying to pat himself down.

This one better not be Pink... I asked for Green Specifically and had to pay. If not I'm letting him know I want my money back. he thinks to himself trying to find it.

"Mala we got Stormtroopers incoming and Lin just let the Mark kiss the front of his speeder. We're probably going to be going out hot." he advises as he keeps huffing it to the mark.
Apr 25, 2016 1:54 pm
Mala gets on the comms, sounding concerned.

how sloppy of a kiss are we talking about here?
Apr 25, 2016 2:00 pm
Lin climbs down off his bike and check the mark to make sure he's still breathing, blaster in hand and set to stun. "I think he's unconcious. I can't carry him on this speeder bike, get over here fast!
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