1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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Apr 28, 2016 8:18 pm
Others can roll if they want - but are not required to at this stage.
falryx sent a note to Remnant,Friar_Tuk
Apr 28, 2016 8:26 pm
Just want to reiterate that the ship is currently warming up and will be ready to takeoff as soon as we are aboard.
"I'm going ahead to make sure FTY is all set!" Lin is going to Punch It! and take the speeder bike to max speed. He wants to make sure he's aboard before any Imperials get near their hangar, just in case.
Apr 29, 2016 2:27 pm
"I told you installing the remote start would be worth it" Fuzil says smiling over the com. Then he is looking at the speeder that is barely holding together and then how it is rapidly approaching the ship. "Uh M-M-Mala.." he stutters as his grips tighten on the seats.
Last edited April 29, 2016 4:57 pm
Apr 29, 2016 3:25 pm
When Lin reaches the FTY, lowers the ramp to the cargo hold rather than the passenger corridors, and pulls the speeder bike in with him. I'ma buy Fuzil some more of that Nerf Stew he likes so much and convince him to soup this baby up for me, he he.

He then sprints to the cockpit and makes sure the preflight checks are complete.

"Get the lead out kids! All aboard what's comin' aboard!"
Apr 29, 2016 11:53 pm
The cargo bay closes after Lin as he jumps up into the FTY and heads to the cockpit. Thanks to his piloting, and the slightly better speed profile of the speederbike he as about 90 seconds on the rest of the crew. He's about halfway through the preflight checks when Mala manages to get the rent-a-wreck in close proximity to the FTY.

The ramp comes down just as the distinctive roar of TIE fighters screams across the sky. Looking up -- they pass quickly overhead. It's unclear if you've been traced to the FTY or not.
Apr 30, 2016 12:26 am
Mala aims for the ramp, takes a deep breath, and tries to get everyone into the cargo bay of the ship


charging up the cargo ramp

1 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Threat

Total: 1 Success

Apr 30, 2016 10:47 am
Fuzil sees the ramp approaching and Mala not slowing down. He see the detrimed face she is making and he knows all he can do now is to brace for impact. He hugs the front seat and shuts his eyes as he waits to see if he will live.
Apr 30, 2016 1:57 pm
Clarification, are you trying to get the speeder onto the cargo lift, or just pulling up next to the passenger ramp and dogpiling in?
Apr 30, 2016 3:09 pm
I am trying to get the speeder and crew into the ship as fast as possible. is the ramp too small for the speeder? if it is I'll go for the cargo elevator and crew members can run up the passenger ramp if they want.
Apr 30, 2016 6:17 pm
Mala.... Mala! MALA MALAMALAMALAMALA! We're all gonna die! Akhirar finally announces a death grip on the speeder and the mark expecting to need to jump out of a possible explosion.
Apr 30, 2016 8:48 pm
Mala is able to -- though just barely -- stop the speeder right before the passenger ramp.
If you're familiar with Star Wars -- it'd be about the size of the one on the Millenium Falcon
Acaatha, Akhrirar and Fuzil all manage to pop out and drag/carry the mark up the ramp as the cargo elevator comes down, with a stolen speederbike parked haphazardly upon it. Mala -- who feels a real connection to the speeder now -- appears loathe to get rid of it or abandon it, so she strives to move it onto the cargo elevator with Lin's stolen bike.
Mala -- for the sake of argument, please give me a two-purple piloting roll with a setback due to the hurry and pressure.
May 1, 2016 1:12 am
you just don't want us to keep the speeder.. or the cargo ramp



3 Advantage, 3 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 3 Failure, 2 Advantage

May 2, 2016 3:38 am
With the rest of the crew pounding up the passenger ramp -- and Lin carefully (sic) closing it behind them as they hop on, Mala nervously pilots the rent-a-wreck towards the cargo ramp. Though she tries valiantly, and feels somewhat encouraged by her efforts, she nonetheless manages to park by feeling rather than expertise. That is, she feels the speeder bump into Lin's stolen bike. Both speeders look a little bit worse for the wear -- yet more work for Fuzil to do when he has the time, the credits and the parts to get them back in working order....

With a clang and the whirr of interlocking components, the cargo elevator raises shut and latches into place, the FTY is now ready to head for orbit.
May 2, 2016 4:50 am
Mala comes running out of the cargo hold towards the crew carrying the mark.

Quickly! get him into the sick bay before Lin's piloting slams him into the bulkheads!

Mala will stay with the mark, dragging him into the med bay if she has to, and strapping him down and doing a quick medical examination.
I'm fairly useless in spaceship combat, I'm going to be tending to the mark, making sure he survives the trip. making a medical roll at 2 difficulty unless falryx thinks it should be tougher. All I'm going for is diagnosis, if he;s unconscious, I'd like him to stay that way. if he wakes up, I'll deal with it then depending on the circumstances.


medical check (with boost from medkit)

1 Success, 7 Advantage, 1 Failure, 2 Threat

Total: 5 Advantage

May 2, 2016 12:48 pm
With the Mark being dragged for storing Akhrirar looks to Totz and Acaatha, "Mala let us know if you need help with the mark. Totz astrogation get us a path out of here, Lin well do what you always talk about doing yesterday, Totz once you're done with the path see if you can get on the scanners and pick up what we're looking at on the way out. Acaatha you're floating on whatever you think you need to do, copilot with Lin, on guns, or help Mala. I'm headed to the main gun."
May 2, 2016 2:48 pm
Happy to be alive Fuzil hops out of the speeder and then looks at both.

"Well maybe if i combine them..." he thinks out loud only to be broken out of his idea realm from a request from Akh.

"ok ok i am on it " he makes his way to the controls and plots a course to get the heck out of here... Quickly.


Astro to a somewhere othere than here.

3 Success, 4 Threat

Total: 3 Success, 4 Threat

May 2, 2016 3:43 pm
darthoingoboingo says:
Quickly! get him into the sick bay before Lin's piloting slams him into the bulkheads!
Speaking of which, Lin is going to Punch It! and take thw FTY to max speed, causing system strain equal to the number of speed ranks we move through (3 if I remember the ship stats correctly)
Throwing in a Piloting check with 2 purple.


Piloting (planetary)

2 Success, 1 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 1 Threat

May 3, 2016 5:47 am
All: things to add, but it's 10:46pm and I've been up since 4:30 and flying and in meetings all day -- so likely won't get to this 'til tomorrow AM.
May 3, 2016 12:35 pm
No worries mate. Can't have the GM drooling and falling asleep unless he's almost killed us all off. XD
May 3, 2016 2:40 pm
Mala makes certain your unconscious hyperdrive engineer remains that way and carefully straps him into the examination table in the sick bay. As a result of her examination, she determines that he's simply suffered a great deal of strain and was probably close to exhaustion when Lin knocked him to the ground with his speeder bike. The latter was likely the icing on the cake -- since it also gave the mark a reasonably sized contusion on the head. But as bumps on the head go, it doesn't look remotely threatening upon examination.
Since you're just looking to diagnose and you're actually a doctor and there's nothing strangely wrong with him - difficulty would only be 1 purple as a result, you have 1 success and 6 advantage.
Fuzil plops into a seat behind Lin and turns to the navicomp and begins punching buttons in a furious effort to plot a hyperdrive jump. Looking over the computer he hums to himself as his fingers fly over the controls coaxing the navicomputer into life. Given some of his time and attention, he's able to identify a few (safe!) short cuts in computing the route. The navicomputer helpfully beeps at him indicating that it will be done calculating his proposed path in about four minutes.
I'm going to use the base time for a calculate to warp speed at 6 minutes/round to a known destination until I get better source info. Successes will reduce that time by a minute/round. Threat/advantage will impact travel time or locality. Failure will depend on what I feel will make a better story.
Akhrirar hops down into the dorsal turret, deciding not to climb up and work against gravity after his long work out. He straps into the gunnery chair and begins to flip on the various controls to get the targeting computers online and the cannons warmed up. With a flick of a switch over on his right he links the ventral cannon to his computer in order to control both in any upcoming firefight.
I'll assume you are firing linked unless another player takes over the ventral cannon.
Acaatha finds a safe place for now -- mindful that she may be needed to perform emergency maintenance or otherwise help Fuzil keep the FTY in-flight while you all attempt to escape Eriadu.

Lin... well, he's in his element. Seeing, hearing or hoping that everyone is strapped in, he lifts the FTY off the ground, points it gently upwards over the rim of the docking bay and aggressively pushes the throttle forward. The FTY responds and immediately blasts out of the docking bay like a gundark on the hunt. Although Eriadu is a populous planet with plenty of ship transit, the behavior of the YT-2400 blasting out like that is deeply suspicious to the authorities and the commlink near Lin blinks repeatedly as they are hailed by starport or traffic control... or both.
It will take 6 minutes/round to get to safe hyperspace distance from Eriadu.
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