1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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May 6, 2016 4:43 am
If you keep flying like this I'm going to vomit munch fungus all over this computer terminal!
May 6, 2016 4:49 am
@Lin: Remember, you can't Gain the Advantage? Wanna try something else? :)
May 6, 2016 4:56 am
D'oh! Sorry its late. I think I'll take the Fire Discipline action and try to get 'Ol Greenjeans a boost. I'ma fail it though, just watch...
"Akhrirar, listen man, if you don't hit one of those buggers, I'm going to toss every piece of Green clothing out the karking airlock! Get 'em" Lin is pretty sure that if this bounty hunting thing doesn't work out he could make a great living as a motivational speaker. But, he hurts his throat in screaming into the comms and takes some strain...
Last edited May 6, 2016 5:08 am


Discipline (Will=2, no ranks)

3 Success, 3 Threat

Total: 3 Success, 3 Threat

May 6, 2016 5:03 am
I read Fire Discipline differently. With 3 success you get boost die to next crewmember to fire a weapon. The extra 2 success extends that to a second crewmember (not sure if it carriers across rounds for Akh or not -- happy to have it do that unless this gets out of hand).

Fire Discipline: The crewmember forgoes fighting to analyze the opponents' tactics and direct his fellows to greater accuracy with their weapons fire. If successful, the next crewmember firing a weapon aboard the ship can add BOOST to his check. Each additional SUCCESS SUCCESS grants this to an additional crewmember. In addition, the crewmember may spend ADV ADV ADV to allow every hit from shipboard weapons to inflict 1 system strain on their target as well as regular damage until the beginning of his next turn as the carefully timed shots pummel shields and overload systems.

Net: since Akh is on guns, I think he gets a BOOST for his next two firing actions.
May 6, 2016 5:07 am
Sounds right to me. Sorry, I've got this home made action/maneuver reference sheet I work from. Its abbreviated and worded a bit badly. My #1 complaint about the FFG SW books is their terrible layout. Referencing rules and stat blocks is a pain in the butt!
May 6, 2016 5:09 am
Despite the banter, Lin stays focused on the task at hand and continues to pilot the FTY like a random leaf on the wind. Throughout, he manages to keep the TIEs on the rear quadrant. However they are able to use their superior speed to come in for more than a single strafing run. Akhrirar, for his part does what he can to blow one of 'em out of the sky, but isn't able to land a clean shot, as the nimble TIEs artfully dodge out of the way.

Fuzil and Mala feverishly poke at the control systems in front of them -- one managing to jam the communications from the TIE fighters to prevent them from calling for backup and the other looking perplexed at the screen, attempting to find systems he can turn off to reroute some additional power to the shields. However the FTY's power regulators are giving Fuzil a little bit of a hard time.

The TIEs swoop in again and although Lin has done a good job keeping the shots off of the FTY -- several hit again causing the ship to shudder. However the pass puts them in an unhelpful position -- they will likely suffer on their next attack run as a result.
Note that you guys can use destiny points to upgrade my difficulty by one step (so RR); but someone should mention it in their turn... Another 8 points of damage.

OOPS, I haven't been using your Armor stat. Armor 4 means it acts like soak. So from both attacks you've taken a TOTAL of 8 damage. So FTY is 17/25 hull damage now. Whew.

TIEs take a Setback die next round due to the threat.

End of Round 2. 2 rounds until you have a hyperspace plot. 4 rounds until you are at a safe distance to jump. Next action gets a boost from Fuzil.


TIEs shooting at FTY!

3 Success, 1 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Success, 1 Threat

May 6, 2016 5:19 am
do I have to jam comms every round? I guess it would make sense if I did...
May 6, 2016 5:23 am
darthoingoboingo says:
do I have to jam comms every round? I guess it would make sense if I did...
That's a good question. I think I'd say the answer is no, unless they break through, or unless you want to make it harder. Given it's a minion group you affect the entire group and your four successes means they'd have to roll against PPP computers to break through.

To my mind, making someone continually roll to keep jamming comms doesn't feel useful/fun. But I'm happy to have other perspectives here. Tuk? What's been your experience?
May 6, 2016 5:31 am
that works for me. makes sense that you'd only roll again if you want to make it more difficult (try to get more successes than last time) since I got 4 successes, I'm going to move on to something else
ok lin, it's obvious that you need some help. Switch the controls to tandem!

Mala hops out of her seat behind lin and moves to the copilot chair. After knocking the empty cups and nerf nugget wrappers out of the seat, she grabs the copilot controls and helps lin shove the control yokes farther with their combined strength.... unfortunately Mala pulled in the opposite direction Lin did.
I will flip a light side point to upgrade the difficulty of the TIEs shooting at us. one more good hit and we're dead, I'd like to avoid that. after all, I prayed for safety!

ok, I want all the advantage to go to fuzil, hopefully he can use the boost to increase our shields or whatever.
Last edited May 6, 2016 5:57 am


co pilot (average difficulty)

3 Success, 4 Failure

Total: 1 Failure


2 Advantage

Total: 2 Advantage

May 6, 2016 8:48 am
Now with some room and time to breath Akhirar aims and lines up another shot.
"Cargo bay... aft upper ventilation grate..." Akhirar states over comma dining out ones Lin's hidden stashes.
How does the linked weapons work?
Last edited May 6, 2016 12:42 pm


Gunnery check

2 Success, 5 Advantage, 1 Failure, 2 Threat

Total: 1 Success, 3 Advantage

May 6, 2016 1:57 pm
I wouldn't have someone roll more than once to jam comms. To me, once they are jammed, the pilots have to make computers checks to break it. They would be my call.
May 6, 2016 3:27 pm
As the ship rocks under the impact of weapons fire I abandon the engine room and race for the cockpit - clearly Lin and Fuzil should not have been left alone. Upon arrival I see Mala in the co-pilot chair and I groan, "Mala, move!", and as she is presently in the middle of 'helping' Lin fly the ship, I start hitting buttons and flipping switches over her head to disable to Mala's controls and prevent her 'assistance' from disrupting Lin's flying.
Mala, I've got 3 Agility - so if we're doing this untrained, Acaatha should probably take the seat ... Flaryx, how would/should I be making use of the Assist maneouver? I'm trying to use it to Assist Lin here and give him +2 Boost from Pack Hunter
May 6, 2016 3:33 pm
Mala jumps out of the copilot seat, high on adrenaline and near hysterics

Lin! LIN!! They're coming back for another pass! Fuzil! how much longer till we can jump?

Mala has a death grip on the back of her passenger chair
May 6, 2016 4:18 pm
Answering questions:
Remnant says:
How does the linked weapons work?
IIRC if you have 2 ADV you can spend them to have the other weapon also hit. This would be a good idea for you given a TIE has 6 health + 2 armor and your cannons hit for 6 base damage (so 1 success is 7 damage, or leaves them alive).
Candi says:
Flaryx, how would/should I be making use of the Assist maneouver?
For the "assist" maneuver/action in the general sense, it has to be something where an additional person can functionally bring expertise or muscle (or whatever) to bear. As a result, I think that bonus is easy to apply to say making repairs or something -(and thus pack hunter would apply) - I think it's less applicable in piloting.

There is a 'co-pilot' action that you can do which is defined in the rule system we can use. Your higher agility will make it more likely to succeed than Mala. Figure what you're doing as co-pilot is thinking about what your pilot is doing, and monkeying with ship systems to make them ready for the pilot (e.g. diverting power to the maneuvering components as he pulls into a spiral dive, rebalancing engine flow, looking out for problems and warning about them, etc.).

This round Mala has already used that action, so you'll be able to contribute in Round 4.

May 6, 2016 4:41 pm
"Right..." seeing that the cockpit is starting to get crowed he gets up and starts moving to the engine room/door area.
May 6, 2016 5:20 pm
I'll add a suit-up to your action if you'd like to continue with your crazy plan. :)
May 6, 2016 5:23 pm
falryx says:
I'll add a suit-up to your action if you'd like to continue with your crazy plan. :)
no that was if we were on planet still. I will just use this to get the necessary tools to fix (once again) the FTY.
Last edited May 6, 2016 5:23 pm
May 6, 2016 5:45 pm
For Green Mamba® I'll have him use two Advantage to activate the linked guns and a boost dice to the next friendly Dice roller... Not Falryx although he is a swell guy.
May 6, 2016 8:34 pm
"There ya go! That's the spirit Greenjeans! Shoot the other one too! Man I'm inspiring."
Taking Evasive Maneuvers and Fire Discipline again.


Fire Discipline (Presence=2, no ranks)

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 3 Threat

Total: 2 Success

May 6, 2016 8:50 pm
Mala hops into the co-pilot seat and starts flicking buttons to "help" Lin. Unfortunately while she's easily established herself as the guru in the medbay, her understanding of the finer points of managing energy or other items for flying a ship in combat is... somewhat limited. While she doesn't inhibit Lin or his piloting, she also isn't particularly helpful. Some buttons flash a helpful red, others green. None of them seem to help. That said Mala does feel like she's helping and this calms her nerves somewhat.. but not much.
Mala - you have 2 adv to spend. I'm assuming since I didn't see a statement that you recover strain.
Akhrirar fires off several strings of shots at the pursuing TIEs. As one of them lands a few more hits on the FTY, it peels off a little slower than it should. Whether it's this or Lin's careful exhortations to "do better or lose your leggings" or Akhrirar's innate talent will no doubt be a subject of many conversations around the dinner table. Regardless, both cannons land hits. TIE fighters aren't really meant to be hit by things like laser cannons, and a result it bursts into a ball of flame. Score one for the good guys! Akhrirar's success is somewhat motivating to a team that's been on the receiving end of some cannons.
Yes, I know we're in space, and yes I know explosions wouldn't happen, but we're in Star Wars, so I'm sticking with it.
Acaatha comes up from engineering and gently scoots Mala out of the co-pilot seat to lend a hand if need be while Fuzil wanders aft to pick up his toolkit and start repairing the FTY. Again.

The lone TIE continues his assault on the FTY, figuring his maneuverability is way better than the FTY's. Large flashes of green light swing by the cockpit as it flies by trying to land some hits. However, it would appear that Lin's flying or Akhrirar's shooting has kept it distracted enough that it misses the FTY throughout its efforts! Perhaps this too will be debated at the dinner table...
FTY hull at 17/25 still. No new damage.

End of round 3. Hyperspace plot ready in 1 round. Safe distance to jump to hyperspace in 3 rounds.

There is a boost die for the next roll.
Akhrirar gets a boost die on his next attack due to Lin.


TIE shoots at FTY (with a setback from last round and 2 shield dice)

3 Success, 1 Advantage, 3 Failure, 1 Threat

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