1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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May 12, 2016 7:37 pm
Fuzil is mild natured hence why the gun is only really effective at engaged ranged. I am also sure he noticed Lin in the gang to understand his personality. So the gun will never be shot. However doesn't mean he wont prank Lin, like home grown chili Rubbed on the steering wheel.
May 12, 2016 7:41 pm
Plus the chair since he flies not by the seat of his pants?
May 12, 2016 8:14 pm
Remnant says:
Plus the chair since he flies not by the seat of his pants?
hook up heated seats.... He will be sweating for monreason while everyone is fine. Get mala in on it and tell him he is sick with a fever.
May 12, 2016 8:16 pm
and the only treatment is very large suppositories
May 13, 2016 3:19 am
You all frighten me.
May 13, 2016 3:56 am
Hyperspace is usually something of a boring time. The route from the Eriadu system to the Kwenn Space Station (orbiting the planet of Kwenn in the, you guessed it, Kwenn system) takes about 14 days on a good route. Unfortunately Fuzil's work programming the navicomp had a couple errors. Nothing super critical, mind, but it seems like the route is a bit more scenic than usual. As a result, you'll arrive in the Kwenn system in about 20 days rather than 14.

The good news is that it gets Fuzil ample opportunity to affect basic repairs on the speeders that you have absconded with. Needless to say, any Noghri showing up with the name Alibabar won’t be able to rent from Rent-a-Wreck again. It’s unclear on the network before you jumped into hyperspace if Lin’s larceny was picked up sufficiently to attach any further Imperial crankiness to him.

After much consultation around parts and whatnot, Fuzil estimates the repairs to the FTY will run around 4,000 credits and probably a solid ten days to repair -- which will add another couple hundred credits to the bill for access to maintenance systems. That’s assuming he can find a replacement Nubian Polarized Coupler at a decent price. It’s not the most modern tech and some unscrupulous types are no doubt likely to see an opportunity for a profit. In addition, restocking the supplies for the crew, docking fees, and refueling are likely to add another 2000 credits, easy, to the bill -- and that’s assuming that someone doesn’t buy something exotic (and no doubt completely wretched) to serve for dinner some time. Figure the 500 credit deposit is lost on the speeder and it seems like the minimum this trip is going to cost is about 6500 credits.

Mala spends some quality time with the unconscious mark and manages to ensure that his Lin-induced bumps were not permanent and unlikely to cause any kind of neurological or emotional damage long term. I mean, unless he has a particular fear of inhaling dirt or getting hit by speeders. But it’s hard to test for that. She and Acaatha move him to the brig shortly after you guys enter lightspeed and Mala ensures he doesn’t starve. He asks for all sorts of things -- from outright freedom (with some relatively lame bribes) to something to read that isn’t terrible (eliminating most of the library from Lin and Akhrirar). Give his circumstances he’s relatively sedate in his interactions with the crew. He does regularly push for "why are you doing this?" and "who hired you?" But, as you don’t have a question to the latter and the former is "it’s a job" those conversations don’t really turn into much of value for either side.

Over the course of the journey, Lin complains bitterly that the ship continues to report numerous malfunctions out on the hull and Fuzil has not gone out -- in hyperspace -- to fix them. Additionally, he’s dismissive of the "highly inefficient" hyperspace route that got programmed into the navicomp. He blames Mala for this, despite the fact Fuzil was the one who did so well before Mala showed up at the controls. The rest of the crew speculates that Lin isn’t a fan of co-pilots and he’s being somewhat irrational.
All character restore all strain and wounds to prior maximums (minus that created by the obligation)
Time passes uneventfully, otherwise. You all find the right balance between hanging out with one another, harassing one another and getting some time alone. The med bay is super well organized, this time in reverse alphabetical order. Fuzil’s garden is meticulously tidy and pruned.

Twenty days later, the FTY alerts you all that you have arrived at your destination and with Lin at the controls, it slides back into normal space not far from Kwenn Space Station.

Situated in geosynchronous orbit above the planet Kwenn, the station serves as a gateway between the Empire-controlled Mid Rim and Hutt Space. It’s a massive station with close to have a million beings on it at any time. Its bronze colored body is peppered with dry dock legs, and gleaming sensor spires reminds you of a despayran crab spider. It is, as you know, the most heavily trafficked spot on the Ootmian Pabol hyperspace route -- and has been for thousands of years.

Kwenn has been your base of operations for several months -- one that hasn’t been entirely comfortable. While you are able to move about with relative anonymity, it is nonetheless not in good repair, consistently smells like a dewback’s backside during a Tatooine summer, and hosts all manner of unwelcome individuals -- from fellow operators at the fringe of the law to Imperial Star Destroyers packed with nosy Imperial do-gooders. However, Kwenn is recognized as neutral space -- for whatever that is worth -- making it an opportune place to conduct business and find new leads.

Mala, Fuzil and Lin each find Kwenn a little uncomfortable. It’s a little too creaky and a little to filled with people who are nosy and irreputable to make them feel comfortable, given their backstories. But it still seems safer than operating on some Outer Rim junkyard in thrall to the Hutts.

Lin is guided in to docking bay 327 by spaceport control, and a representative Kwenn holdings promises a prompt visit to address the issues of refueling, resupply and, of course, docking charges.
May 13, 2016 3:56 am
wow. sorry for the wall of text. lots to cover.
May 13, 2016 4:43 am
Mala stretches a bit in her chair in the cockpit as they land

oooh, It'll be so good to get out of this ship and have some elbow room. Mala pulls out her datapad. Ok, so at last count, we needed 300 liters of water, restock the disinfectant and bandages for the medbay, the fresher needs... freshing... we're going to need to replace the air filters on the oxygen scrubbers... Lin needs to replace the pants he keeps "losing"... oh! and I want to get some decent organic munch fungus so we can have that for dinner one night... Oh dear.. Mamba, this is going to be a painful resupply bill. Is our payout from the bounty going to cover all this? That's not even counting the price of fuel and hyperdrive coolant.

Mala looks at her datapad, fussing over the numbers.
Last edited May 13, 2016 4:44 am
May 13, 2016 1:19 pm
Fuzil makes his way out of the engine room. He is holding and looking a data pad in one hand and in the other what seems to be a fruit that he is currently eating. He walks up towards the cockpit without saying anything, just continues to eat. When he makes his way to Lin he will set the data pad on the lap and then just turn around and make his way back to the engine room. He won't even flinch when he hears Lin's verbal tirade about the costs and "WTF IS A Nubian Polarized Coupler??? DO WE EVEN NEED A Nubian Polarized Coupler???"

This piece of Macross fruit is delicious Fuzil thinks and hums to himself as he makes his way down the hall.
May 13, 2016 1:36 pm
"We'll have to see Mala, there is the option of the speeders being up for sale. If people really want to keep them their cost comes out their cut, if we don't have enough to meet ends everyone shares in the debt I guess. Necessities first niceties second. We'll sort things out after the deal goes down I guess... you feeling better? You still look kind of edgy still." Akhrirar admits looking up from his own calculations and searching up other possible work to loosen their noose of debt. He does look a bit concerned since Mala seemed on edge when they were planet side.
May 13, 2016 2:06 pm
"Akhrirar, how soon can we collect? You know how spaceport control is about their fees here..."
Speaking of which, how does that all work?
May 13, 2016 2:15 pm
"We're waiting on the contact to send a location of the drop off meet. We have less problems usually with Spartport Control fees and more with the fines though. We haven't even resupplied yet so which we need our payment for so we're waiting on them to send us a message on when it's go time. We've only really done half the heavy lifting." Akhrirar explained.
May 13, 2016 3:17 pm
Thank you, Akhrirar, I'm feeling a lot better since we're off the planet. I didn't mean to be so on edge. I guess the stress of the job got to me. Won't happen again.

Hey, do you need me to help you negotiate a higher price? I did pretty well when I convinced that Weequay on Sullust that we needed an extra four thousand to replace the escape pod. I think I still have the outfit, too.
May 13, 2016 3:36 pm
"Maybe you can get some extra for our NPC replacement..." Fuzil pokes his head out from the engine room to chime in.
Last edited May 13, 2016 6:45 pm
May 13, 2016 3:45 pm
I will do what I can, but Akh calls the shots at the meets Mala says, inwardly cringing at the thought of how much cleavage she's going to have to show to get the money for that.
May 13, 2016 4:33 pm
"Oddly enough I don't think you should Mala. We're a company and have a reputation. Could we squeeze out a few more credits? Probably, but I'd rather we get looked at by our work and results than anything flashy with nothing behind it." Akhrirar admits which to some might seem the opposite of what he's always trying to do although stressing they be more then a name, some green paint, and some flashy theatrics does speak to the crew possibly. Plus no one liked the team jacket idea.

Akhrirar has another line of thinking too, if she was too busy trying to negotiate she might not see everything going around them. If she was spooked about something there had to be a reason there also had to be something out there that could cause it. Extra credits didn't do a lot of good when you get caught in an ambush.
May 13, 2016 4:48 pm
Mala nods and goes back to her datapad, inwardly grateful but still concerned about funding.

Do we at least have enough to cover the docking fees right now or do we have to distract the portmaster?
May 13, 2016 6:48 pm
Poking his head out again, "I do have some nice fruits and vegetables rippen, maybe we can use them as compensation."

As he finishes his sentence he smiles at the two of them, but just greeted back with a "are you serious look?"

Fuzil goes back into his engine room "Well if i was dock master i would take this as payment. " he says to him self as he bites a new fruit.
Last edited May 13, 2016 9:09 pm
May 13, 2016 6:51 pm
Mala makes a mental note to check the engine room for dangerous levels of toxic fumes that could be harmful to brain cells.
May 14, 2016 3:41 pm
Situated in docking bay 327, the FTY is places into standby mode by Lin as he begins the necessary steps to ensure the ship is powering down correctly and not likely to blow more gaskets. Lin is able to see through the cockpit as the pedestrian entrance to the bay opens, admitting the local dockmaster's representative and a couple of escorts (perhaps more accurately described as Klatooinian thugs). The docking official is an immaculately dressed Rodian in a long burgundy coat with shining brass buttons. Trace amounts of lacy frill adorn the neck and cuffs of his coat. He stops a respectful distance from your ramp and adopts an waiting stance.

In case there is any confusion -- Lin receives a message through the spaceport control that the dockmaster representative would be pleased to meet with the captain of the vessel as soon as reasonably possible to engage station services and establish methods of payment...
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