1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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May 16, 2016 8:46 pm
As Akhrirar shows up and Acaatha makes her escape, covered by the arrival of a rarely-seen Noghri, the dockmaster takes in the crew. He smiles at Lin and Mala, who feel like they've just barely managed to escape some very, very unfortunate consequences. "Of course we can make accommodation for our best customers. We are happy to extend credit at a very reasonable 20% per week interest rate." He pauses as that sinks in, "But I would be happy to cut that rate by 25%, something for which I'm sure our glorious Hutt leaders will personally strike me for. But for friends, a mere 15% per week rate seems a worthwhile risk to my wellbeing."

To Akhrirar he answers, "We have only established the need for the docking fee of 250 credits up front. Perhaps if your cash flow is constrained, we could refuel and restock your fine vessel -- and repair it perhaps -- on credit?" He scratches at a ear stalk idly. "I could perhaps provide a discount to those services if you agreed to fund them through credit today. At a future time, our available inventory may be pressured by demand, and the costs could go up..."
Acaatha -- more from me on the station tonight, need my source material.
May 16, 2016 9:05 pm
Akhrirar's eyes widen as if excited his grin gets even toothier, "So Lin did do something. Akhrirar says quietly through clenched teeth.

"Well we'll be paying the 250 credits upfront than as requested. We're still assessing damage, but we have a general idea on refueling and restock supplies of what we really need. We have someone on board who are mechanically inclined so outsourcing his him out of a job would be a bit hurtful. I can understand on the available inventory though as the Dockmaster though you look like a man of style and presence so I'll try and not take up too much of your time. I mean if we figure out we need a hard to find part and your out of stock I don't think we'd take it personally I figure that just means you're being an exceptional at your job and it's just business. But I do like having a friend on the spaceport that can hook me up with a discount... if the Dockmaster is watching out for me well... I probably shouldn't pass up the deal if you still have the parts of course. Let me just check with our engineer." Akhrirar states politely excusing himself and turning around and getting on his headset.

"Totz what are we looking at for repair parts and their cost and what is the hardest component to find for FYT?"
May 17, 2016 3:14 am
The dockmaster looks ready to ask for the 250 credits when Akhrirar turns around to comm Fuzil. Seeing he is dismissed for the moment, the dockmaster turns to one of the thugs with him and mutters quietly to him. After a moment or two the thug nods slowly and deliberately. He turns and saunters away, leaving the dockmaster with the solitary Klatooinian thug on hand.
May 17, 2016 3:17 am
Acaatha moves into the guts of Kwenn station -- and it is a total mess. The corridors are caked in grease and dried up coolant. Here and there are cluttered piles of discard crap of one sort or another -- they seem like broken starship parts and random piles of garbage. A few of them give off a unique, and distasteful odor. The air is warm and stale, and Acaatha imagines she can hear the air scrubbers whining in physical pain as they attempt to manage the air quality in a clearly sub-standard state of repair.
May 17, 2016 12:29 pm
I gather we've been here before, is this state of the station what is to be expected? Or has it declined since our last visit?
May 17, 2016 12:45 pm
Define 'declined' XD Zing!
May 17, 2016 12:48 pm
Well, clearly our arrival marks a 'decline' in the quality of clientele - but, even accounting for the extra Mamba's been trying to work off - the FTY isn't *that* heavy so as to change the 'altitude' of the planet.
May 17, 2016 1:08 pm
Humming to himself, Fuzil is walking around the engine room picking and prune when his ear buzzes.
Remnant says:

"Totz what are we looking at for repair parts and their cost and what is the hardest component to find for FYT?"
Fuzil then makes his way to his desk and accesses his computer.

"ok, ummmmm what we ... Need... Is.... Um... Where is it again... Oh there it is! Just a Nubian Polarized Coupler. The rest of the hull i can repair but this is damaged to much. "
May 17, 2016 1:30 pm
For the pooling if you had over 22 credits deduct that much Akhrirar will cover Totz and Lin until we get paid (so I'm down 22+22+17 or 61 right?)
Akhrirar turns back around and pays the deposit, "You wouldn't be able to requisition a Nubian Polarized Coupler would you Sir? We'd like to upgrade the one we currently have." he inquires after paying the fee.
May 17, 2016 4:07 pm
seeing how the price negotiations are going well, Mala goes back into the ship and deposits her last three credits in her walking satchel. Then she makes sure her blaster is on her as she goes to the brig to check on the 'acquisition'.

Mala knocks on the metal door twice You ok in there, sir? We're going to move you soon, please don't resist or make any trouble for my crew. If you go easy, the whole deal goes goes easy. Do you need any water or nutri-bars before we go?
May 17, 2016 5:59 pm
Acaatha continues to move through the bowels of Kwenn station. The state of disrepair is consistent with each of her prior visits to this orbiting cesspool. Unfortunately, control by the Hutts seems to suggest that spending credits or people making the systems work to spec -- or even be cleaned on a regular basis is simply a waste of those credits or people. From prior experience Acaatha knows there's an entire floor of the station set-aside as neutral territory to enable Imperial and Hutt interests to meet without trouble.

The dockmaster considers Akhrirar's request. "Polarized couplers? Not a problem. Nubian? Old enough for this tub? Well, that might be another story indeed. I could certainly look into it and see if I could acquire such a part on your behalf. My finders fee would be quite modest."

Inside the FTY your prisoner looks silently at Mala before suggesting, "You could just let me go." She's heard this refrain before. "I don't know why you have me -- or who wants me, but surely it would be easy to enable me to slip into Imperial hands again. I'm sure folks like you get inspected all the time."
May 17, 2016 6:04 pm
Sure. I could let you go. But then my crew and I wouldn't get paid. And we wouldn't be able to eat. And we'd starve to death in the cold blackness of space. You don't think we deserve to starve to death, do you? that's a horrible way to go. Not to mention the loss of reputation for letting an acquisition get away, jobs dry up... you're asking a lot of me that I'm just not sure I'm able to give..

Mala tries to sound cold and steely like a hardened bounty hunter, but deep inside she always feels a bit for the marks because she knows what it's like to be taken somewhere against her will. But the crew has to eat.
May 17, 2016 6:05 pm
I continue my prowl of the station, working my way towards a pre-established meeting point, or otherwise search for evidence of the whereabouts of our contacts. If I run into anyone, I quietly and indirectly make an inquiry, and if I don't, I follow my senses and rely on my instincts honed from years of doing this kind of thing - scouting out the situation to make sure we aren't on the receiving end of a betrayal, and if we are, to ensure that we're prepared for it.
I assume that finding out about the location / status of our contacts / deal is a streetwise check, and so I've included such a roll. Included 3 difficulty dice as well


Streetwise (Cun 4, Skill 1: -1 Setback from Street Smarts)

2 Success, 3 Advantage, 4 Failure, 1 Threat

Total: 2 Failure, 2 Advantage

May 17, 2016 6:17 pm
Akhrirar tosses up his hands with a smile before clasping them in front of him with a clap, "Cool. With the Dockmaster's Seal of Approval I'm sure it'll be just fine if you find it. From what you're saying though I might want to look around also right? I mean you're probably a busy man. I'm sure you have a lot of people wanting to be your friend and asking for favors all-the-time. We have some things to take care of so let me know." Akhrirar lets the Dockmaster know giving him his Commlink information to contact him, "I like that coat man, let me know who your tailor is".

Akhrirar gets the crew together for departure, "Totz can you rig the ship so we'll know if someone opens her up for maintenance and what not?" Akhrirar asks getting his green shades and flicking them open.
May 17, 2016 6:19 pm
Fuzil starts to get bored Well i am done with watering and picking. Hmmm lets look at the speeders for a bit.

He makes his way to the speeders and starts poking and proding, moving and searching, peeling and preparing and then his eyes widen.

"Akh... I don't think we need that NPC anymore. " he says over the comms.
I am going to use my power Contraptions in hope to make a homeade NPC.
Once per session, take Contraption action; make a Hard Mechanics check to fashion a device to solve a current problem using just the tools and parts on hand.
ooooh i want to use both triumph to make this thing better then what we needed. How long it takes is up to you.
3 threat against me
Last edited May 17, 2016 6:25 pm


Making a homemade NPC

3 Success, 2 Triumph, 3 Threat

Total: 3 Success, 3 Threat, 2 Triumph

May 17, 2016 6:31 pm
"Totz... what's that crackling noise? Are you... Are you on fire again?" Akhrirar asks somewhat concerned.

Akhrirar looks at the rest of the crew next to him and blinks slowly... "We really need to do something about that boy... who doesn't realize they're on fire?" he states a bit worried for Totz's well being.
The real question would be why a Nubian Polarized Coupler is modded into or being smuggled in a speeder bike, I figure that makes more sense than the rent a wreck speeder Mala was driving.
Last edited May 17, 2016 6:32 pm
May 17, 2016 6:54 pm
Akh, if he was on fire again, the supression system would have kicked on. Give me a heads up when we're ready to move the mark. Mala says, her accent back to Coruscanti.
May 17, 2016 11:47 pm
The mark fails, once more, in his efforts to convince Mala to set him free and shrugs his shoulders and mopes off into a corner. It's clear he's consumed with worry about what his life entails once he is handed off.
Acaatha - I think finding known contact information for a job you've completed should be 'average' rather than 'hard' -- so dropping the last die. Unfortunately you still net out at 0 successes and fail at the task.
Acaatha moves around the station with practiced ease. While the FTY doesn't truly have a home port, this is probably about as close as you get. A couple of you aren't too keen on getting closer to the Core Worlds and a couple of you prefer to keep the Hutts at arm's distance -- so this seems like an acceptable tradeoff. Nonetheless, she isn't successful in locating information or the whereabouts of the client at this time. It's possible that the FTY's arrival has not been widely noticed by everyone at the station just yet, so it could just be bad timing.
I'm spending your two advantage for a plot twist in your favor. You can sue me later.
Acaatha does notice the furtive stomping of one of the Klatooinian thugs that accompanied the dockmaster nearby however and is struck by a moment of nosy curiosity. He tails quite easily -- since he's being furtive, but not especially stealthy. He walks up to a suspicious...who am I kidding, everyone in this station looks suspicious. He walks up to someone dressed in concealing robes and Acaatha catches the words, "twi'lek" and "possible bounty".

Akhrirar hands over 250 credits to the dockmaster who makes a note in his tablet and then bids the crew goodbye. "Do let us know if you decide you'll have need of our repair facilities and basic supplies. I'll keep an eye out for a Nubian Power Coupler -- perhaps something will come across my desk. As to my coat," he pauses, "my tailor is quite particular about his clientele. Perhaps I shall inquire when I next see him." He and the remaining Klatooinian thug turn around and head back into bowels of the station.

Those of you who return into the FTY hear the unmistakable din of Fuzil at work on something in the cargo bay. Assumptions tend towards the repair or customization of the stolen speeders. It won't be unless one of you wanders in to see what's up that you'll see that the speeders are being torn apart in service to a replacement Power Coupling. This undoubtedly will take some time, and Fuzil is bound to have more than a few nicks and scratches as he digs into the guts of the speeders to pull something... unique together.
Fuzil - contraption's duration is 'for the encounter only'. One triumph can make it a permanent device. The other will provide a ongoing -10 to Starship Critical rolls until you receive a Component Hit or Power Fluctuation critical. Sound reasonable?

Fuzil takes one strain (Triumph count as Success & Advantage, so only 1 threat nets out for you)
May 17, 2016 11:51 pm
Akhrirar receives a note through the station communications network from your client. It establishes a meeting time the next station-day several levels up (away from the Imperial deck). The specific location is a maintenance juncture, hidden behind the walls of the station. This isn't your first drop off in similarly out-of-the-way places, so you know to expect lots of pipes, nooks, crannies and plenty of opportunity for an ambush if things don't go smoothly.
May 18, 2016 12:47 am
that sounds good to me. Never know when that -10 will come in handy.
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