1.0 - Acquisition: The Hyperdrive Specialist

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May 18, 2016 11:29 am
Hearing those words I get a sinking feeling. I get as close as I can, and try to remain quietly concealed as I do so. Listening, I try to catch as much information about this 'job', and specifically any description of the 'twi'lek' that is offered.
Included average perception and average stealth. The boost on the stealth check is from Force of Mind, ignore it if the opposition is immune to force powers.

Also, unless I'm suffering under the weight of strain, I will never mind if you spin advantage into the plot on my behalf.
Last edited May 18, 2016 11:31 am


Perception (Cunning 4, Rank 2)

4 Success, 3 Advantage, 3 Threat

Total: 4 Success

Stealth (Agility 3, Rank 2, Force of Mind Boost)

4 Success, 2 Advantage, 2 Threat

Total: 4 Success

May 18, 2016 1:20 pm
Akhrirar lets the rest of the crew know what he was told for the drop off and messages Acaatha for when she's free to let her know as well. He lets her know he'll probably swing by the area later tonight to check it out for good sniping spots plus good defensive areas in case there actually is an ambush.
May 18, 2016 2:26 pm
Lin says, "I'll run point on the rendezvous. Mala will bring the mark, Akhrirar and Acaatha should be hidden backup. What's the bounty set at for this mark?"
May 18, 2016 2:54 pm
With a nod Akhrirar states "Bounty is set at *spoiler* for the mark to be brought in alive. I don't mind providing oversight but realize running point means you're also possibly the first one to get shot at if it goes sideways, if there's a third party that pops up, or if it's a double cross. So be on your toes or you might get shot." Akhrirar reminds Lin.
Spoiler is the abstract price GM sets.
May 18, 2016 2:54 pm
whatever the bounty is, it's more credits than we have currently. Since we're making the drop tomorrow, I'll get on the holonet and see if I can find another bounty we can get after we're done here. I'm sure we'd all appreciate some more positive cash flow

Mala goes to the galley to sit and search the bounty hunter database.
May 18, 2016 5:38 pm
"Hey man, you know me. More likely to shoot than get shot baby! I just wanted to know the number so I could negotiate better you know?"
May 18, 2016 5:44 pm
"Like with the Dockmaster..." Akhrirar says his finger flying in a circle before pointing the general direction they meet the man.
May 18, 2016 5:46 pm
"Yeah man, what's up with butting in like that? I had that guy wrapped around my finger! And where have you been stashing those credits? Do you realize how much repair the FTY needs, man? Really uncool bro."
May 18, 2016 5:51 pm
The credits came from the rest of the crew turning their pockets inside out so we park this pile of scrap. now we have to negotiate a good bounty so we can afford to refuel and eat for the next few months.
May 18, 2016 8:27 pm
"You should have brought some fruits to the negotiation..." Fuzil chimes in... Hears nothing but silence on his ear piece, he shrugs and gets back to tearing up the 2 speeders to get the necessary parts.
May 18, 2016 8:30 pm
I don't think fruit would have helped.. now, if we ever got a hold of some good Ryloth liquor, now THAT's a negotiation tool. And in a pinch it works well as both an antiseptic and anesthetic if you have to do surgery in a bar.
am I getting any hits for bounties? is there a roll I have to make?
May 20, 2016 1:45 am
Acaatha is able to easily, and sneakily, get into range of the conversation that unfolds.

falryx sent a note to Candi
Mala paws casually through the bounty-board. Unfortunately Green Mamba doesn’t have significant standing in the "industry" per se -- so many of the jobs are masked from deeper inquiry through the automated systems. Many of the others are Imperial bounties -- and Mala is loathe to suggest an Imperial job until there’s been some time to figure out the impact of the escape from Eriadu… she has a sense the Empire is going to be underwhelmed at the idea of blowing up a couple TIEs on the way out…
May 20, 2016 1:46 am
Depending on Acaatha's next step, we'll know what's next...
May 20, 2016 3:23 am
I skulk away from the negotiation and get on the comms, "Situation is hot. Not sure this exchange is going to be smooth." is all I say over the comms, not confident in sharing what I know over a weakly secured connection.

When I get back to the ship, I quickly locate Mala and, with urgency, deliver the news, "Bounty on your head is up, and our new 'friend' Reebo's planning to cash in for a portion to keep us put while the hunters in the station figure out how to get you. Seems to be concerns about upsetting the hutt-politics, a Tirello and a Popara that the hunter's are trying to stay 'neutral' between."
May 20, 2016 3:45 am
Mala is visibly nervous and has to put her had between her knees and take several deep breaths before she can respond.

what are we going to do? you're not going to let them take me, are you? I can't go back to that sleemo, I can't...
May 20, 2016 1:31 pm
"If I was going to take you in, I wouldn't have come to you. We need to tell the others." I step out and seek out Mamba to fill him on the situation.
May 20, 2016 3:34 pm
Some background info which you will all know...
Kwenn Space Station is somewhat in flux these days. The Imperials have and police a couple levels of the station as a way to ostensibly exert "control" over Hutt space in the traditional fiction maintained by both groups. The remainder of the station is under Hutt control and various kajidics (or clans) vie for control of the station in underhanded, Huttese fashion. As folks who have frequented this part of space, you're well aware of the underlying politics that affect the station and your livelihoods.

The primary clan that controls the station is the Desilijic, headed by the notorious Jabba the Hutt. Jabba is not personally involved in Kwenn, of course, as he leads the clan from his opulent palace on Tatooine. Desilijic control 2 out of the five seats on the ruling council of the Hutts and therefore have immense influence on the station. That said, other kajidics are not fans of the Desilijic and do what they can to undermine them and wrest control to this critical entry point into Hutt space. One of those is the Anjiliac clan. Although not an ancient clan (and this has specific meaning in Huttese politics), they are nonetheless feared and brutal (having exterminated another clan entirely -- something basically unheard of). The current leader of the Anjiliac kajidic is well known for divesting his clan of slave trade.

...but not all members of his clan agree. Tirello the Hutt is an influential member of the Anjiliac kajidic and has been attempting to maintain the slave trade. The internal politics of the Anjiliacs has become something of a scandal in the outlaw fringes you inhabit. Sort of like a sports team rivalry -- but with potentially significant consequences on the station or the region. One particular event is noteworthy and known by anyone with rudimentary connections to the cartels.

Shortly before Mala joined the crew something significant happened that exposed some of the secret slave trading being done by Tirello to Popara the Hutt, leader of Anjiliac. Furious at the underhanded scheming, his wrath was significant. Naturally, no Huttese came to harm (though Sleemo and others were basically exiled to dry, cold planets that were warts on the rump of the Anjiliac business empire). The non-Hutt entourage, however, was famously decimated. Hunted down and slain to a man. This dealt a serious blow to Tirello's efforts and in true Hutt fashion, he is rather pissed off about it.

falryx sent a note to Candi
May 20, 2016 3:57 pm
Mala goes to her bunk and retrieves her blaster and other weapons. She's not going to get caught without a fight. After she is done, she walks out into the main area of the ship so her and Acaatha can talk to mamba about this new development

What angers me the most about all this Mala says to Acaaatha is that on top of us having to deal with a rival bounty hunter, the client's probably going to try to skip out on paying us too. Is there any way we can subdue these bounty hunters before the meet tomorrow, throwing the client off his game? if his expected backup has already been dealt with and we let him know he was going to double cross us, we might be able to squeeze more credits out of him.

oh wow, I'm starting to sound and think like a criminal Mala thinks to herself, sparking anger toward the cartel that sold her into slavery in the first place, forcing Mala to have to live and think like this.
May 24, 2016 12:41 pm
"There's a lot of credits in this for them Mala. Tirello, I'm guessing, is the source - probably blames you for the fallout when the slave trade fiasco. We need to plan out steps carefully, and while I only heard a couple of hunters talking and learned that our friend who took our fees is in on it, the whole station could be looking for you." I turn on my comm, "Everyone, get in here. We need to discuss strategy"

As the others arrive, I fill them in on the situation, "The hutts have a bounty on Mala, and she's already been spotted. Wheels are turning around us to keep the FTY in place while the hunters figure out to best way to acquire her. So, any plans?"
May 24, 2016 1:58 pm
Akhirar's palm runs over his chin as he thinks. "Do they know where and when we're going to the drop? Not going may tip them off. It's also unclear if our employer will use the chance to double cross us at the meet if we're ambushed and not pay. I don't think everyone on the station would be in on it... bounties are easier to split the less people are in on job. If we find the bounty hunter and... disable him there won't be a reward split. You can't just turn in a bounty usually by proxy without the bounty hunter that accepted the contract. Doing so either gets you tossed out or you really only get to look at taking a small fraction of the bounty on the target's head without a good reputation. We got a little complaisant I guess with Mala not walking around with a headdress of some sort on to mask her personal features." he states aloud thinking, "Did you get a good look at the bounty hunter or where they were headed?"
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