Mar 6, 2016 5:46 pm
Klak, Thacogygax, Morgran, and Sara arrive back in Hochoch at around noon the next day, Klak trundling the hand cart across the bridge. The bear does not follow across the Realstream. The group takes him through the East Gate into the walled section of the town and ask around as the location of the healer, Diana. She's usually found in the temple, by the North Gate.
There is a small crowd of curious locals following the hand cart by the time they reach the Temple, which is a large building with a sloped roof very close to the North Gate. There is a small group of commoners already here, going through the Temple's doors in single file, each being greeted in turn by a smiling cleric.
There is a small crowd of curious locals following the hand cart by the time they reach the Temple, which is a large building with a sloped roof very close to the North Gate. There is a small group of commoners already here, going through the Temple's doors in single file, each being greeted in turn by a smiling cleric.